/*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* !## Archives */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ .hfeed { .content-area { border-top: 1px solid $color__border-transparent; } .site-main { overflow: visible; padding: 0; position: relative; } // Page header .page-header { border-bottom: 1px solid $color__border-transparent; padding: ( $baseline ) 0; position: relative; .page-title { @include widget-title(); @include font-size(1); color: $color__text-main; margin: 0; padding: 0 ( $gutter / 2 ); } .taxonomy-description { @include body-copy-small(); color: $color__link-hover; padding: 0 ( $gutter / 2 ); } } .sticky-wrapper { position: relative; width: 100%; } // Posts .hentry { padding: #{ $gutter * .5 }; @include non-border( 1px solid $color__border-transparent, bottom ); &:before { width: calc(100% + #{ $gutter }); left: #{ -$gutter * .5 }; } .entry-header-wrap { span { display: block; width: 100%; } .entry-title { padding: 0 #{$gutter * .2}; @include nav-title(1); } .posted-on { @include list-item(); @include body-copy-small(); padding: 0 #{$gutter * .2}; } } .entry-header { .edit-link { padding: 0 5px; } } .post-thumbnail { img { margin: 1px auto; max-width: calc(100% - 2px); display: block; position: relative; } } } // Infinite Scroll .has-isotope #infinite-handle, .has-isotope .infinite-loader { margin-right: auto; overflow: visible; } // Navigation .posts-navigation, #infinite-handle, .infinite-loader { top: 100%; } // Navigation .posts-navigation { top: calc( 100% + #{$baseline} ); margin: 0 #{(-$baseline * .75)}; .nav-links { padding: 0 #{$baseline * .75}; } } } @include breakpoint( mobileonly ) { .hfeed { // Posts .hentry { .entry-header-wrap .entry-title { @include font-size( 1.25 ); } .post-thumbnail { margin-bottom: #{ $gutter * .5 }; } &.grid-item-featured { background: $color__link; .entry-header-wrap { color: $color__background-body; .posted-on { color: $color__background-body; } } } } // Infinite Scroll .has-isotope .infinite-loader { padding-top: #{ $baseline * 2.75 }; } #infinite-handle span { margin-top: inherit; } // Navigation .posts-navigation { top: calc( 100% ); } } } @include breakpoint( phablet ) { .hfeed { .content-area { padding-top: $gutter; } .site-main { width: calc( 100% - #{ $gutter * 1.5 } ); .grid-item-featured:not(.has-post-thumbnail) .entry-header .entry-title { @include nav-title(); } .hentry { float: left; margin: 0; } } // Page header .page-header { border-bottom: none; display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0 #{ $gutter * 1.5 }; position: relative; top: 0; width: 100%; .page-title { @include widget-title(); @include font-size( 1.125 ); margin-bottom: 0; } } .sticky-wrapper { position: absolute; width: 20%; } // Posts .hentry { float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: relative; .entry-header { border: 1px solid $color__border-transparent; margin: ( $gutter * .75 ); padding: ( $gutter * .75 ) ( $gutter * .5 ); text-align: center; // Scale to normal on mouse out @include transition( all, 0.25s, cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275) ); } .entry-header-wrap { align-items: center; align-content: center; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-direction: column; height: 100%; justify-content: center; color: $color__link; &:focus, &:hover, &:active { opacity: 1; } .posted-on { color: $color__link; opacity: .66; } } .entry-title { margin: 0 0 ($gutter * .125); max-width: 90%; min-height: 2em; word-break: break-word; } .posted-on { margin: ($gutter * .125) 0 0; padding: 0; } &.has-post-thumbnail { .entry-header { border: 1px solid $color__border-transparent; margin: 0; opacity: 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; left: ( $gutter * .75 ); top: ( $gutter * .75 ); height: calc(100% - #{($gutter * 1.5)}); width: calc(100% - #{($gutter * 1.5)}); text-align: center; // Scale to normal on mouse out @include transition( all, 0.25s, cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275) ); } .post-thumbnail { // Scale to normal on mouse out @include transition( all, 0.25s, cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275) ); a { display: block; line-height: 0; padding: ($gutter * .75); } &:after { @include transition( opacity, 0.25s, ease-out ); content: ""; opacity: 0; position: absolute; left: ($gutter * .75); top: ($gutter * .75); height: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 1.5)} ); width: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 1.5)} ); background: $color__background-body; } } .edit-link { left: 50%; position: absolute; bottom: ($baseline * .5); transform: translate(-50%, 0); a { color: $color__link; } } &.grid-item-small { .entry-header { margin: ( $gutter * .75 ); padding: ( $gutter * .75 ) ( $gutter * .5 ); position: relative; left: 0; top: inherit; height: inherit; } .post-thumbnail { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; img { @include center-align( absolute ); max-width: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 1.5 )} - 2px ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 1.5 )} - 2px ); } } &.grid-item-landscape { .post-thumbnail img { max-width: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 1.5 )} - 2px ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 1.5 )} - 2px ); } } &.grid-item-portrait { .post-thumbnail img { max-width: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 1.5 )} - 2px ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 1.5 )} - 2px ); width: auto; } } .edit-link { left: inherit; position: relative; bottom: inherit; transform: inherit; } } } // Featured post &.grid-item-featured { .entry-title { @include font-size( 1.5 ); } .post-thumbnail:after { background: $color__link; } .entry-header-wrap { color: $color__background-body; .posted-on { color: $color__background-body; } } &.grid-item-small .entry-title { @include font-size( 1 ); } } // Posts without featured images &:not(.has-post-thumbnail), &.grid-item-featured:not(.has-post-thumbnail) { .entry-header { background: $color__background-body; border-color: $color__border-transparent; opacity: 1; } .entry-header-wrap { color: $color__link; .posted-on { color: $color__link; } } &:hover { .entry-header { box-shadow: 1px 3px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); } } &:after { content: ""; display: none; } } // Scale up on hover &:hover { .entry-header { box-shadow: 1px 3px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); opacity: 1; @include transform( scale, 1.125 ); } .post-thumbnail { @include transform( scale, 1.125 ); &:after { opacity: .92; } } &.has-post-thumbnail .edit-link a { color: $color__link; } } // Scale down on click &:active { .entry-header { box-shadow: 0 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } } &:before { display: none; } } } } @include breakpoint( tablet ) { .hfeed { // Posts .hentry { .entry-header { border: 1px solid $color__border-transparent; margin: ( $gutter ); padding: ( $gutter ) ( $gutter * .5 ); } &.has-post-thumbnail { .entry-header { left: ( $gutter ); top: ( $gutter ); height: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 2)} ); width: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 2)} ); } .post-thumbnail { a { padding: ( $gutter ); } &:after { left: ( $gutter ); top: ( $gutter ); height: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 2)} ); width: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 2)} ); } } &.grid-item-small { .entry-header { margin: ( $gutter ); padding: ( $gutter ) ( $gutter * .5 ); position: relative; left: 0; top: 0; height: inherit; } .post-thumbnail img { max-width: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 2)} ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 2 )}); } &.grid-item-landscape { .post-thumbnail img { max-width: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 2 )} - 2px ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 2 )} - 2px ); } } &.grid-item-portrait { .post-thumbnail img { max-width: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 2 )} - 2px ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 2 )} - 2px ); width: auto; } } } } } } } @include breakpoint( laptop ) { .hfeed { .content-area { position: relative; .page-header { border-bottom: none; max-width: calc( 20% - #{ $gutter * 2.5 } ); padding: ( $baseline * 2.5 ) 0 0; position: absolute; left: #{ $gutter * 2.5 }; .page-title { @include font-size( 1.125 ); margin-bottom: ( $baseline * .5 ); } &.sticky { left: inherit; padding-top: calc( #{$baseline * 2.5} ); position: fixed; right: calc( 80% ); } } } .hentry { .entry-header { margin: ( $gutter * 1.5 ); padding: ( $gutter * 1.5 ) ( $gutter * .5 ); } &.has-post-thumbnail { .entry-header { left: ( $gutter * 1.5 ); top: ( $gutter * 1.5 ); height: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 3)} ); width: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 3)} ); } .post-thumbnail { a { padding: ( $gutter * 1.5 ); } &:after { left: ($gutter * 1.5); top: ($gutter * 1.5); height: calc(100% - #{($gutter * 3)}); width: calc(100% - #{($gutter * 3)}); } } &.grid-item-small { .entry-header { margin: ( $gutter * 1.5 ); padding: ( $gutter * 1.5 ) ( $gutter * .5 ); } .post-thumbnail img { max-width: calc( 100% - #{($gutter * 3)} ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 3 )}); } &.grid-item-landscape { .post-thumbnail img { max-width: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 3 )} - 2px ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 3 )} - 2px ); } } &.grid-item-portrait { .post-thumbnail img { max-width: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 3 )} - 2px ); max-height: calc( 100% - #{( $gutter * 3 )} - 2px ); width: auto; } } } } } .posts-navigation { margin: 0 #{ $gutter * 1.5 }; } &.blog:not(.home), &:not(.home):not(.blog) { .site-main { margin-left: 25%; margin-right: auto; padding: 0; width: calc( 75% - #{ $gutter } ); #infinite-handle, .infinite-loader { right: calc( 12.5% + #{ $gutter * 1.5 } ); width: 100%; } } // Adjust sticky page header for admin bar &.admin-bar .page-header.sticky { padding-top: calc( #{ $baseline * 2.5 } + #{ $admin-bar-height } ); } } } }