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/** * EXTRA CSS -------------------- */ function altofocus_extra_css() { $colors_array = get_theme_mod( 'colors_manager' ); $bg = $colors_array['colors']['bg'] ?? ''; // White $link = $colors_array['colors']['txt'] ?? ''; // Orange $extra = $colors_array['colors']['extra'] ?? ''; // Light Gray /** * WHITE -------------------- */ ?> @media screen and (max-width: 37.5em) { /* background-color */ .hfeed #main .hentry.grid-item-featured .entry-header-wrap, .hfeed #main .hentry.grid-item-featured .entry-header-wrap .posted-on, .hfeed #main .hentry.grid-item-featured .edit-link a { color: ; } } @media screen and (min-width: 37.5em) { /* border-top-color */ .top-navigation .children > li.toggled-on, .top-navigation .sub-menu > li.toggled-on, .top-navigation div > ul > li > .children, .top-navigation div > ul > li > .sub-menu { border-top-color: ; } /* border-bottom-color */ .top-navigation .children .children, .top-navigation .children .sub-menu, .top-navigation .sub-menu .children, .top-navigation .sub-menu .sub-menu { border-bottom-color: ; } } @media screen and (max-width: 37.5em) { /* background-color */ .hfeed .hentry.grid-item-featured { background-color: ; } #masthead .top-navigation div > ul li a { color: ; } } @media screen and (min-width: 37.5em) { /* background-color */ .top-navigation .children, .top-navigation .sub-menu, .top-navigation div > ul li.toggled-on { background-color: ; } }