msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: - Themes - Ari\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-03-17T00:56:04+00:00\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-26 03:54:34+0000\n"
"Language: ja_JP\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n"
#. translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma
#: content.php:49
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "タグ:"
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
#: wp-content/themes/pub/ari/full-width-page.php
msgid "Full Width page"
msgstr "全幅ページ"
#. Description of the plugin/theme
#: wp-content/themes/pub/ari/style.css
msgid "A beautifully designed minimalistic blog theme. It comes with two color schemes and allows you to customize links and text colors. Also it supports a custom header, a custom background, a custom menu and two optional widget areas in sidebars. Together, all of these features help you to control how to present your blog to your readers."
msgstr "美しくデザインされたミニマルなブログのテーマ。2つの色調が含まれていて、リンクやテキストの色をカスタマイズできます。また、カスタムヘッダー・カスタム背景・カスタムメニュー・サイドバー内の2つのオプションウィジェットエリアに対応しています。これらの機能を活用し、読者へのブログの見せ方をコントロールできます。"
#: sidebar.php:13
msgid "Skip to content"
msgstr "コンテンツへ移動"
#: sidebar.php:12
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "メニュー"
#: search.php:37
msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords."
msgstr "ご指定の検索条件に一致する投稿がありませんでした。他のキーワードでもう一度検索してみてください。"
#: search.php:17
msgid "Search Results for: %s"
msgstr "検索結果: %s"
#: index.php:41
msgid "No posts to display"
msgstr "表示する投稿がありません"
#: index.php:45
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Get started here."
msgstr "最初の投稿をする準備ができましたか ? ここからスタートしてください。"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:298
msgid "%s Theme Options"
msgstr "%s テーマ設定"
#: inc/tweaks.php:130
msgid "Page %s"
msgstr "ページ %s"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:251
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:268
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:285
msgid "Default color: %s"
msgstr "初期設定の色: %s"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:248
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:265
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:282
msgid "Select a Color"
msgstr "色を選択"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:113
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "ダークカラー"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:105
msgid "Light"
msgstr "ライトカラー"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:87
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:88
msgid "Theme Options"
msgstr "テーマオプション"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:58
msgid "First Link Color"
msgstr "リンク色 1"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:59
msgid "Second Link Color"
msgstr "リンク色 2"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:60
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "テキスト色"
#: inc/theme-options/theme-options.php:57
msgid "Color Scheme"
msgstr "配色 "
#: inc/template-tags.php:113
msgid " by %7$s"
msgstr " 投稿者: %7$s"
#: inc/template-tags.php:119
msgid "View all posts by %s"
msgstr "%s のすべての投稿を表示"
#. translators: 1: date, 2: time
#: inc/template-tags.php:88
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s %2$s"
#: inc/template-tags.php:84
msgid "%s says:"
msgstr "%s の発言:"
#: inc/template-tags.php:80
msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
msgstr "あなたのコメントは承認待ちです。"
#: inc/template-tags.php:65
msgid "Pingback:"
msgstr "ピンバック:"
#: inc/template-tags.php:40
msgid "Newer posts →"
msgstr "新しい投稿 →"
#: inc/template-tags.php:36
msgid "← Older posts"
msgstr "← 過去の投稿"
#: inc/template-tags.php:30
msgctxt "Previous post link"
msgid "←"
msgstr "←"
#: inc/template-tags.php:31
msgctxt "Next post link"
msgid "→"
msgstr "→"
#: inc/template-tags.php:26
msgid "Post navigation"
msgstr "投稿ナビゲーション"
#: image.php:111
msgid "Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed."
msgstr "コメント・トラックバックは受け付けていません。"
#: image.php:109
msgid "Trackbacks are closed, but you can ."
msgstr "現在トラックバックは受け付けていませんが、できます。"
#: image.php:107
msgid "Comments are closed, but you can leave a trackback: Trackback URL."
msgstr "現在コメントは受け付けていませんが、トラックバックを送信できます: トラックバック URL"
#: image.php:105
msgid " or leave a trackback: Trackback URL."
msgstr "するか、トラックバックを送信できます: トラックバック URL"
#: image.php:48
msgid "Next →"
msgstr "次へ →"
#: image.php:47
msgid "← Previous"
msgstr "← 前へ"
#: functions.php:81
msgid "Secondary Sidebar"
msgstr "サイドバー 2"
#: image.php:24
msgid "Published at %4$s × %5$s in %7$s"
msgstr "投稿日時: @ %4$s × %5$s | %7$s"
#: functions.php:73
msgid "Primary Sidebar"
msgstr "メインサイドバー"
#: functions.php:55
msgid "Primary Menu"
msgstr "メインメニュー"
#: footer.php:19
msgid "Theme: %1$s by %2$s."
msgstr "Theme: %1$s by %2$s."
#: footer.php:17
msgid "Proudly powered by %s"
msgstr "Proudly powered by %s"
#: footer.php:17
msgid "A Semantic Personal Publishing Platform"
msgstr "セマンティックなブログ/CMS プラットフォーム"
#: content.php:66
msgid "About %s"
msgstr "%s について"
#: content.php:70
msgid "View all posts by %s →"
msgstr "%s の投稿をすべて表示 →"
#: content.php:55
msgid "% Comments"
msgstr "%件のコメント"
#: content.php:55
msgid "1 Comment"
msgstr "1件のコメント"
#: content.php:55
msgid "Leave a comment"
msgstr "コメントする"
#: content.php:43
msgid "Categories: %1$s"
msgstr "カテゴリー: %1$s"
#. translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma
#: content.php:39
#: content.php:49
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "
#: content.php:27
#: inc/tweaks.php:38
msgid "Continue reading →"
msgstr "続きを読む →"
#: content.php:10
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "注目"
#: content-page.php:18
#: content.php:58
#: image.php:113
#: inc/template-tags.php:65
#: inc/template-tags.php:90
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "編集"
#: content-page.php:17
#: content.php:28
#: image.php:99
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "ページ:"
#: comments.php:63
msgid "Comments are closed."
msgstr "コメントは受け付けていません。"
#: comments.php:53
msgid "Newer Comments →"
msgstr "新しいコメント →"
#: comments.php:52
msgid "← Older Comments"
msgstr "← 古いコメント"
#: comments.php:51
msgid "Comment navigation"
msgstr "コメントナビゲーション"
#: comments.php:32
msgid "One thought on “%2$s”"
msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”"
msgstr[0] "「%2$s」への%1$s件のフィードバック"
#: comments.php:16
msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments."
msgstr "この投稿はパスワードで保護されています。コメントを表示するにはパスワードを入力してください。"
#: archive.php:95
msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help."
msgstr "お探しのコンテンツを見つけられませんでした。検索をお試しください。"
#: archive.php:91
#: search.php:33
msgid "Nothing Found"
msgstr "見つかりません"
#: archive.php:49
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "アーカイブ"
#: archive.php:32
msgid "Author Archives for %s"
msgstr "「%s」の投稿者アーカイブ"
#: archive.php:40
msgid "Daily Archives for %s"
msgstr "日別アーカイブ: %s"
#: archive.php:43
msgid "Monthly Archives for %s"
msgstr "月別アーカイブ: %s"
#: archive.php:46
msgid "Yearly Archives for %s"
msgstr "年別アーカイブ: %s"
#: archive.php:22
msgid "Category Archives for %s"
msgstr "カテゴリーアーカイブ: %s"
#: archive.php:25
msgid "Tag Archives for %s"
msgstr "タグアーカイブ: %s"
#: 404.php:27
msgid "Most Used Categories"
msgstr "よく使われているカテゴリー"
#. translators: %1$s: smilie
#: 404.php:35
msgid "Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$s"
msgstr "月別アーカイブを見てみてください。%1$s"
#: 404.php:16
msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found."
msgstr "お探しのページが見つかりません。"
#: 404.php:20
msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?"
msgstr "ここには何も見つかりませんでした。以下のリンクまたは検索をお試しください。"