'main', ) ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'babylog_infinite_scroll_init' ); /** * infinite_scroll_has_footer_widgets() checks whether or not footer widgets are present. If they are present, then a button to * 'Load more posts' will be displayed and IS will not be triggered unless a user manually clicks on that button. * * babylog does not support footer widgets, so we always return false, UNLESS we're viewing the responsive version and the sidebar is dropped. */ function babylog_has_footer_widgets( $has_widgets ) { if ( Jetpack_User_Agent_Info::is_ipad() || ( function_exists( 'jetpack_is_mobile' ) && jetpack_is_mobile() ) ) return true; return $has_widgets; } add_filter( 'infinite_scroll_has_footer_widgets', 'babylog_has_footer_widgets' );