msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: - Themes - Beach\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-03-21T00:57:12+00:00\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-06 12:14:07+0000\n" "Language: \n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n" #: content-aside.php:35 #: content-gallery.php:72 #: content-status.php:37 #: content.php:43 msgid ", " msgstr "," #: image.php:40 msgid "Return to %s" msgstr "Ἐπιστρέψτε στὸ %s" #: image.php:30 msgid "Link to full-size image" msgstr "Συνδεθῆτε μὲ τὴν εἰκόνα στὸ πλῆρες μέγεθός της" #: content-aside.php:20 #: content-gallery.php:14 #: content-single.php:14 #: content-status.php:22 #: content.php:14 #: image.php:20 msgid "Posted on" msgstr "Ἀναρτήθηκε στὶς " #: content-aside.php:24 #: content-gallery.php:18 #: content-single.php:18 #: content-status.php:26 #: content.php:18 msgid "by" msgstr "ἀπὸ" #. Template Name of the plugin/theme #: wp-content/themes/pub/beach/full-width-page.php msgid "Full-width, no sidebar" msgstr "Πλῆρες φάρδος χωρὶς πλαϊνὴ στήλη" #: sidebar.php:22 msgid "Meta" msgstr "Μεταλειτουργίες" #: search.php:36 msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords." msgstr "Λυπούμεθα, ἀλλὰ τίποτα δὲν ταίριαζε μ' αὐτὸ ποὺ ψάχνετε. Παρακαλοῦμε ξαναδοκιμάστε μὲ διαφορετικὲς λέξεις." #: search.php:32 msgid "Nothing Found" msgstr "Οὑδὲν εὑρέθη!" #: search.php:14 msgid "Search Results for: %s" msgstr "Ἀναζήτηση ἀποτελεσμάτων γιά: %s" #: image.php:107 msgid "Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed." msgstr "Σχόλια καὶ εἰδοποιήσεις συνδέσεων εἶναι ἐπὶ τοῦ παρόντος κλειστά." #: image.php:105 msgid "Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment." msgstr "Οἱ εἰδοποιήσεις συνδέσεως ἔχουν κλείσει, ἀλλὰ μπορεῖτε νὰ ἀναρτήσετε σχόλιο." #: image.php:103 msgid "Comments are closed, but you can leave a trackback: Trackback URL." msgstr "Τὰ σχόλια ἔχουν κλείσει ἀλλὰ μπορεῖτε νὰ ἀφήσετε μιὰ εἰδοποίηση σύνδεσης: URL γιὰ εἰδοποίηση σύνδεσης." #: image.php:101 msgid "Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL." msgstr "Σχολιάστε ἢ ἀφῆστε εἰδοποίηση σύνδεσης: URL γιὰ εἰδοποίηση σύνδεσης. " #: image.php:49 msgid "Next →" msgstr "Ἑπόμενο →" #: image.php:48 msgid "← Previous" msgstr "← Προηγούμενα" #: header.php:31 #: header.php:42 msgid "Skip to content" msgstr "Πηγαίνετε στὸ περιεχόμενο τοῦ ἱστολογίου" #: header.php:30 #: header.php:41 msgid "Menu" msgstr "Μενού" #: functions.php:199 msgid "Page %s" msgstr "Σελίδα %s" #: functions.php:172 msgid "Pingback:" msgstr "Αὐτόματη εἰδοποίηση σύνδεσης:" #. translators: 1: date, 2: time #: functions.php:149 msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s " #: functions.php:141 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Τὸ σχόλιό σας περιμένει ἔλεγχο γιὰ ἐνδεχόμενες ἀκρότητες." #: functions.php:138 msgid "%s says:" msgstr "Ὁ/ἡ %s γράφει:" #: functions.php:97 msgid "Newer posts " msgstr "Νεώτερα ἄρθρα " #: functions.php:96 msgid " Older posts" msgstr " Παλαιότερα ἄρθρα" #: functions.php:95 msgid "Post navigation" msgstr "Περιήγηση ἄρθρων" #: functions.php:40 msgid "Secondary Menu" msgstr "Δευτερεῦον μενού" #: functions.php:76 msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "Πλαϊνὴ στήλη" #: functions.php:39 msgid "Primary Menu" msgstr "Πρωτεῦον μενού" #: footer.php:14 msgid "Theme: %1$s by %2$s." msgstr "Θέμα: %1$s ἀπὸ τὸν/τὴν %2$s." #: footer.php:12 msgid "A Semantic Personal Publishing Platform" msgstr "Μιὰ πλατφόρμα σημασιολογικῶν προσωπικῶν ἐκδόσεων" #: footer.php:12 msgid "Proudly powered by %s" msgstr "Λειτουργεῖ μὲ τὴν βοήθεια τοῦ %s" #: content-single.php:38 msgid "This entry was posted in %1$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "Καταχωρίσθηκε στὴν κατηγορία %1$s. Φυλάξτε τὸν μόνιμο σύνδεσμο στὰ ἀγαπημένα σας." #: content-single.php:36 msgid "This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "Καταχωρίσθηκε στὴν κατηγορία %1$s καὶ σημειώθηκε ὡς %2$s. Φυλάξτε τὸν μόνιμο σύνδεσμο στὰ ἀγαπημένα σας." #: content-aside.php:37 #: content-gallery.php:74 #: content-page.php:15 #: content-single.php:49 #: content-status.php:39 #: content.php:45 #: functions.php:151 #: functions.php:172 #: image.php:43 #: image.php:109 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Ἐπεξεργασία" #: content-aside.php:36 #: content-gallery.php:73 #: content-status.php:38 #: content.php:44 msgid "% Comments" msgstr "% Σχόλια" #: content-aside.php:36 #: content-gallery.php:73 #: content-status.php:38 #: content.php:44 msgid "1 Comment" msgstr "1 Σχόλιο" #: content-aside.php:36 #: content-gallery.php:73 #: content-status.php:38 #: content.php:44 msgid "Leave a comment" msgstr "Σχολιάστε" #. translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma #: content-aside.php:35 #: content-gallery.php:72 #: content-status.php:37 #: content.php:43 msgid "Tagged" msgstr "Σημειώθηκε ὡς" #: content-aside.php:31 #: content-gallery.php:68 #: content-status.php:33 #: content.php:39 #: image.php:38 msgid "Posted in" msgstr "Ἀναρτήθηκε στὸ" #: content-aside.php:26 #: content-gallery.php:20 #: content-single.php:20 #: content-status.php:28 #: content.php:20 msgid "View all posts by %s" msgstr "Δεῖτε ὅλες τὶς καταχωρίσεις τοῦ/τῆς %s" #: content-aside.php:14 #: content-page.php:14 #: content-single.php:29 #: content-status.php:16 #: content.php:34 #: image.php:95 msgid "Pages:" msgstr "Σελίδες:" #: content-aside.php:13 #: content-status.php:15 #: content.php:29 #: content.php:33 #: functions.php:106 msgid "Continue reading " msgstr "Συνέχεια " #: comments.php:46 msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "Ἡ ὑποβολὴ σχολίων ἔχει κλείσει." #: comments.php:24 #: comments.php:36 msgid "Newer Comments →" msgstr "Νεότερα σχόλια →" #: comments.php:23 #: comments.php:35 msgid "← Older Comments" msgstr "← Παλαιότερα σχόλια" #: comments.php:15 msgid "One response to “%2$s”" msgid_plural "%1$s responses to “%2$s”" msgstr[0] "Μία ἀπάντηση στὸ “%2$s”" msgstr[1] "%1$s ἀπαντήσεις στὸ “%2$s”" #: comments.php:22 #: comments.php:34 msgid "Comment navigation" msgstr "Πλοήγηση στὰ σχόλια" #: archive.php:57 #: sidebar.php:15 msgid "Archives" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα" #: archive.php:54 msgid "Links" msgstr "Σύνδεσμοι" #: archive.php:48 msgid "Videos" msgstr "Βίντεο" #: archive.php:45 msgid "Images" msgstr "Εἰκόνες" #: archive.php:39 msgid "Yearly Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἐτήσια Ἀρχεῖα: %s" #: archive.php:36 msgid "Monthly Archives: %s" msgstr "Μηνιαία Ἀρχεῖα: %s " #: archive.php:33 msgid "Daily Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἡμερήσια ἀρχεῖα: %s" #: archive.php:25 #: author.php:12 msgid "Author Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα συγγραφέως: %s " #: archive.php:18 #: tag.php:15 msgid "Tag Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα ἐτικέττας: %s" #: archive.php:15 #: category.php:13 msgid "Category Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα κατηγορίας: %s" #: 404.php:31 msgid "Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$s" msgstr "Προσπαθῆστε νὰ ψάξετε στὰ μηνιαῖα ἀρχεῖα. %1$s" #: 404.php:17 msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching, or one of the links below, can help." msgstr "Μᾶλλον δὲν μποροῦμε νὰ βροῦμε αὐτὸ ποὺ θέλετε. Ἴσως βοηθοῦσε μία ἀναζήτηση ἢ ἕνας ἀπὸ τοὺς παρακάτω συνδέσμους." #: 404.php:24 msgid "Most Used Categories" msgstr "Οἱ πιὸ χρησιμοποιημένες κατηγορίες" #: 404.php:13 msgid "This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?" msgstr "Αὐτὸ εἶναι λίγο περίεργο, ἢ μήπως ὄχι;"