<?php /** * SVG icons related functions. * * @package Default Small Business Theme */ /** * Gets the SVG code for a given icon. */ function business_theme_get_icon_svg( $icon, $size=24 ) { return Default_Small_Business_Theme_SVG_Icons::get_svg( 'ui', $icon, $size ); } /** * Gets the SVG code for a given social icon. */ function business_theme_get_social_icon_svg( $icon, $size=24 ) { return Default_Small_Business_Theme_SVG_Icons::get_svg( 'social', $icon, $size ); } /** * Detects the social network from a URL and returns the SVG code for its icon. */ function business_theme_get_social_link_svg( $uri, $size=24 ) { return Default_Small_Business_Theme_SVG_Icons::get_social_link_svg( $uri, $size ); } /** * Display SVG icons in social links menu. * * @param string $item_output The menu item output. * @param WP_Post $item Menu item object. * @param int $depth Depth of the menu. * @param array $args wp_nav_menu() arguments. * @return string $item_output The menu item output with social icon. */ function business_theme_nav_menu_social_icons( $item_output, $item, $depth, $args ) { // Change SVG icon inside social links menu if there is supported URL. if ( 'social' === $args->theme_location ) { $svg = business_theme_get_social_link_svg( $item->url, 26 ); if ( empty( $svg ) ) { $svg = business_theme_get_icon_svg( 'link' ); } $item_output = str_replace( $args->link_after, '</span>' . $svg, $item_output ); } return $item_output; } add_filter( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', 'business_theme_nav_menu_social_icons', 10, 4 );