== Changelog == = 1.3 - May 17 2013 = * Minor style tweaks in preparation for 3.6 compatibility. * Enqueued scripts and styles via callback. * Uses a filter to modify the output of wp_title(). * Now only set width: auto property for images in IE8 using a conditional tag in header.php. * Updated comments in Jetpack compat files to point to live documentation on jetpack.me. * Fixed a bug where post dates were not displayed when there was more than one post per day. = 1.2 - Nov 5 2012 = * Fix @package and @subpackage information. * Remove loading of $locale.php. * Logical statements should not be passed to gettext functions. Use _n() to handle conditional plurals instead. * PNG image compression. * Add Jetpack compatibility file. * Updated screenshot for HiDPI support. = 1.1.3 = * Add Custom Header Image support, including featured header images on posts and pages. * Remove self-linking titles in single.php. = 1.1.2 - Oct 4 2011 = * the_post should always be called in the loop. * Make sure the current category highlights in the menu. * Set svn:eol-style on all files. * Move functions from comments.php to functions.php to avoid redeclaration errors.