== Changelog == = 1.5 - November 27, 2014 = * Add support for the Eventbrite API plugin. * Numerous bug fixes. * Improved i18n text strings. = 1.4.1 - May 29 2013 = * Resolved merge conflict. = 1.4 - May 29 2013 = * Made adjustments to post format media sizing for 3.6 compatibility. * Updated license. * Minor style adjustments in preparation for 3.6 compatability. * Addws flexible custom header support and flexible-header tag. * Allows the get_posts() results in loop.php to be cached. * Uses get_posts() in loop.php instead of get_children() to get image attachments. * Enqueues scripts and styles via callback. * Use a filter to modify the output of wp_title(). * Edited editor-style.css to use body selector instead of *, which prevented inline styles from being properly displayed in the visual editor. * Ensures title is only displayed if it exists on single view. * Tweaked to red color scheme post format color link. * Changed color of post format link so it works with all color schemes. * Ensured Aside and Gallery post formats, which got special treatment in Coraline, display the proper post format heading. * Ensured the "Standard" post format does not get Aside, Image, Video, Quote, or Link formatting if get_post_format() happens to be set to Standard. * Added a new section to the loop for formatted posts to support more post formats. * Move entry meta in single view if viewing a formatted post. * Added link to post format types, including pre-existing Aside and Gallery post formats. * Updated comments in Jetpack compat files to point to live documentation on jetpack.me. = 1.3 - Nov 5 2012 = * Updated screenshot for HiDPI support. * Fix @package and @subpackage information. * Use correct action hook to load theme options CSS. * Add color scheme value to body_class output. * Styles: 'container' needs to contain floats; better menu selectors; fix incorrect background image reference in dark.css; fix overly general .attachment img selectors. * Fix gettext functions that passed variables. * Add styling for HTML5 email inputs. * Make sure attribute escaping occurs after printing. * PNG and JPG image compression. * Remove loading of $locale.php. * Add Jetpack compatibility file. * Use a named image size to display queried image in image.php template. * Improve gallery styles so they work better multiple column sizes. = 1.2 - Jan 6 2012 = * Move styles to wp_enqueue_scripts hook. * Fix PHP deprecated notices. * Add is_multi_author() support. * Add new color schemes: pink, blue, purple, red, and brown color scheme. * Add full-width layout as a layout option in the theme options page. * Enable max-width CSS rule on container to allow the layout elements to align properly in full-width layout. * Add generic action-hooks to header and sidebar. = 1.1 - Oct 5 2011 = * Fix translatable attribute values that were not using esc_attr_e(). * Fix category highlighting in the menu. * Set svn:eol-style on TXT files. * Fix get_the_author() escaping. * Set wider content_width for full-width template and image template. * Hide RTL byline instead of off-screen positioning to prevent horizontal scrollbars. * Tag updates for style.css. * Make sure wp_print_styles does not run for wp-admin. * Avoid running update_option on init from front-end. * Add sanitize_title to category lookup to avoid clash with special characters. * Show category chooser in Theme Options to sites that set a category in the past, but remove for newer blogs. * Enable post formats for asides and galleries. * Misc layout and markup fixes; trim trailing whitespace.