Theme : Hueman ( release) Version : 1.3.6 Author : Alexander "Alx" Agnarson - January 29 2014 - 1.3.6 =========================================================== - Fixed comment counts to be hidden when disabled - Removed inline css from comments template January 29 2014 - 1.3.5 =========================================================== - Updated to OptionTree 2.2.2 January 23 2014 - 1.3.4 =========================================================== - Updated to OptionTree 2.2.1 December 27 2013 - 1.3.3 =========================================================== - Removed incorrect fix for bbpress page titles/images December 27 2013 - 1.3.2 =========================================================== - Added missing "says:" language string for tabs widget - Added direct links and search IDs to CC0 images used in screenshot.png to readme.txt December 24 2013 - 1.3.1 =========================================================== - Added new content-featured.php December 22 2013 - 1.3.0 =========================================================== - Updated screenshot.png to larger size for WP 3.8 - all images are now CC0 (GPL-compatible) - Added nofollow to footer credit links - Fixed footer widget boxes to only show in admin if enabled - Optimized font css December 19 2013 - 1.2.9 =========================================================== - Updated to the new fluid-layout and fixed-layout WordPress css tags December 18 2013 - 1.2.8 =========================================================== - Moved load_theme_textdomain from alx_setup to alx_load function - Added nofollow to social links - Fixed blockquote icon position - Fixed standard gallery captions being slightly visible even if not hovered over - Fixed text caption boxes top padding - Added icon for Twitter embeds - WordPress 3.8 fixes: -- Fixed topbar spacing with admin bar enabled from 28px to 32px -- Improved admin styling for all custom widgets -- Fixed OptionTree admin panel styling issues December 9 2013 - 1.2.7 =========================================================== - Added better compatibility for plugins modifying site title - Fixed minor css bugs December 9 2013 - 1.2.6 =========================================================== - Updated screenshot.png, added links to all images used to readme.txt December 8 2013 - 1.2.5 =========================================================== - Removed unused css - Fixed typo on 404 pages - Changed footer credit text - Updated language files December 7 2013 - 1.2.4 =========================================================== - Simplified some admin panel descriptions December 7 2013 - 1.2.3 =========================================================== - Optimized and rewrote layout class and sidebar code - Updated language files December 7 2013 - 1.2.2 =========================================================== - Removed social icon title from being added as class in markup - Added forced lowercase letters on custom sidebar IDs December 7 2013 - 1.2.1 =========================================================== - Markup polish December 6 2013 - 1.2.0 =========================================================== - Made all additional function files pluggable for child themes - Moved layout class to body_class - Moved main and main-inner divs from templates to header and footer - Added auto disable for custom wp_title if SEO by Yoast plugin is installed - Added basic WooCommerce support - Added option to disable category and/or date for AlxTabs and AlxPosts widgets - Updated language files December 4 2013 - 1.1.9 =========================================================== - Fixed bug with hidden sidebar-2 when specific page or post layout is set to 2 sidebars, when global is 1 or 0 December 4 2013 - 1.1.8 =========================================================== - Added sample child theme download to help dropdown - ( release) Removed custom.css file, as required - ( release) Removed non-standard header image option, as required - ( release) Removed non-standard background image option, as required December 3 2013 - 1.1.6 & 1.1.7 =========================================================== - Moved add_action and add_filter outside of function_exists - Added function_exists to functions registering custom widgets December 2 2013 - 1.1.5 =========================================================== - Added empty title/id/icon checks for social links and widget areas - Added star indication for admin comments November 30 2013 - 1.1.4 =========================================================== - Improved child theme support - Updated help dropdown - Added option for boxed layout for better background image support - Added font selection option (also latin-ext, cyrillic) - Rebuilt dynamic styling options: -- Fixed for theme updates -- Fixed for network and subdirectory installations -- Fixed so that no file permission/chmod is required -- Fixed css for each styling option to only be added if set -- Added option to disable styling options css -- Removed dynamic.css November 22 2013 - 1.1.3 =========================================================== - Improved IE8 support - Added option for header image - Fixed nav dropdowns expanding behind second nav row when too many menu links are used - Removed custom css field in styling options, replaced with custom.css file option - Fixed thumbnail comment count position with Disqus plugin enabled - Fixed related posts heading appearing even if there are no related posts - Changed page background area to full body background in styling options - Changed theme license to GPLv3 November 18 2013 - 1.1.2 =========================================================== - Fixed broken comments pagination when there are pingbacks as well - Polished and made post author comment icons slightly smaller November 18 2013 - 1.1.1 =========================================================== - Fixed tabs widget tab-button css for better mobile browser compatibility - Fixed lists spacing November 15 2013 - 1.1.0 =========================================================== - Added styling option to change sidebar padding / width November 15 2013 - 1.0.9 =========================================================== - Added option to hide one or both sidebars for low-res mobile - Moved to a single css grid percent-width system - Centered footer bottom content on mobile - Fixed sidebar padding on mobile November 12 2013 - 1.0.8 =========================================================== - Fixed and polished styling for widgets - Fixed primary color styling missing for slider controls November 11 2013 - 1.0.7 =========================================================== - Added sidebar layout option for category archives - Added fade-in and auto focus of header search field November 9 2013 - 1.0.6 =========================================================== - Fixed double sidebar left layout, for expanded sidebar secondary - Fixed hidden dropdowns behind toggle-expanded sidebars November 9 2013 - 1.0.5 =========================================================== - ( release) Added unminified versions of Flexslider and jPlayer - Added additional license information - Moved no-js/js class javascript to functions.php November 8 2013 - 1.0.4 =========================================================== - ( release) Removed Sharrre integration - ( release) Removed shortcodes - ( release) Removed tracking code field - Restructured functions.php according to wordpress best practices - Loading IE-specific js via functions.php instead of template - Moved & added new browser body classes to functions.php - Fixed responsive embeds with Jetpack - Fixed featured slider flickering issue on iPad November 7 2013 - 1.0.3 =========================================================== - Updated to Flexslider 2.2.0 - Updated to Sharrre 1.3.5 - Updated to Font Awesome 4.0.3 - Removed reply button for pingbacks & trackbacks - Fixed double site title in RSS feed November 2 2013 - 1.0.2 =========================================================== - Fixed margin issue with topbar menu disabled - Fixed responsive columns November 1 2013 - 1.0.1 =========================================================== - Theme screenshot updated - Detailed theme description added - New default color combination October 31 2013 - 1.0.0 =========================================================== - Theme released