===Duotone=== ==Description== A brilliant photoblogging theme with a dynamic background color based on the colors in your photos. Includes three widget areas, custom menu support, and EXIF display for photos. Duotone is a much-improved successor to Monotone. = Please note: = * Blog pages will only show one post at a time. * The amount of visible widgets is limited to three. ==Changelog== = 2.2.4 Jul 7 2013 = * Fixes a bug where background colors were set incorrectly. = 2.2.3 Jul 4 2013 = * Removed backwards compatibility for custom backgrounds. * Moved call to `wp_head()` right before the closing tag. * Fixed some PHP strict notices. * Fixed a undefined variable notice. * Some style improvements. = 2.2.2 May 16 2013 = * Better error handling for image operations. * Removed htaccess.txt file. = 2.2.1 May 16 2013 = * Brings back theme tag that was erroneously removed. = 2.2 May 16 2013 = * Added forward compat for custom backgrounds. * Updated license information. * New screenshot at 600x450 for HiDPI support. * Now uses a filter to modify the output of wp_title(). = 2.1 = * Add languages directory. * Add pot. = 2.0 = * Fix notices that display on activation. * Add post_class() to appropriate elements. * Replace image_orientation() with body_class(). Hook custom code into 'body_class' after reworking logic. * Use appropriate functions instead of get_bloginfo(). * Add a textdomain to getText functions. * Angled quotes replaced with arrows. * Add required css classes. * Remove partial() and replace all calls with get_template_part(). * Remove WP.org callback for the 'duotone_image_html' filter. * Remove the thumb.php resize script. * Menus should not overflow into site title and tagline. * Conditionally set $content_width in functions.php * Add "duotone_" prefix to all custom functions. * Disabled $_GETreset? feature. * Changed name of CSS_Color class to Duotone_CSS_Color. * Removed unused duotone_save_postdata() function. * Removed Theme Options page. Using core back functionality instead. Fixes #1027. * Removed custom query from duotone_page_menu(). * Fixed notices with exif data. * Added page-level docBlocks to all php files. * Move the sidebar from the footer.php to sidebar.php. * Conditionally display comments_popup_link() in post.php. * Move all javascript into a single, stand-alone file. * Fixed array merge issue with Duotone::get_image_info(). * Reworked style.css to reflect default color values. * Custom styles will no longer be printed to wp_head when no image data is saved. * Do not link-to-self in singular templates. * Fixed the left-margin bug in h2s in the post_content. * Remove public comment notice when posts are password-protected. * Display 27 posts-per-page for archive and search results. * Only set $themecolors on WP.com. * Remove line 828 of inc/duotone.php. * Fixed a few bugs with Duotone::get_the_image_id(). * Fixed a few bugs with Duotone::get_the_image_url_for_display(). * Escape all output of dump_image_data()