'eeeae8', 'text' => '000000', 'link' => '497ca7', 'border' => '878584', 'url' => '7599B7', ); $content_width = 495; register_sidebars(1); function dusk_widgets_init() { unregister_widget('WP_Widget_Search'); register_sidebar_widget('Search', 'dusk_search', null, 'search'); } add_action('widgets_init', 'dusk_widgets_init'); function dusk_search() { ?>
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    'div-comment', 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth']))) ?>
    tag based on what is being viewed. * * @since Dusk 1.1 */ function dusk_wp_title( $title, $sep ) { global $page, $paged; if ( is_feed() ) return $title; // Add the blog name $title .= get_bloginfo( 'name' ); // Add the blog description for the home/front page. $site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' ); if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) ) $title .= " $sep $site_description"; // Add a page number if necessary: if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) $title .= " $sep " . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'dusk' ), max( $paged, $page ) ); return $title; } add_filter( 'wp_title', 'dusk_wp_title', 10, 2 ); /** * WP.com: Show a nice admin message noting that the current theme has been * trumped by a newer one. */ function dusk_add_notice() { $current_theme = wp_get_theme()->Name; if ( ! get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), "$current_theme-theme-update", true ) ) { add_settings_error( 'theme-update', 'theme-update', sprintf( __( 'Howdy! Your current theme, %1$s, has seen an update in the form of a brand new theme, %2$s. For more information, check out our blog post introducing %2$s to the world. %5$s' ), $current_theme, // Old theme 'Dusk To Dawn', // New theme admin_url( 'themes.php?s=dusk-to-dawn' ), // Link to new theme esc_url( 'http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2011/10/13/new-themes-modern-news-and-dusk-to-dawn/' ), // Link to announcement post sprintf( '×', __( 'Dismiss' ) ) // Dismiss ), 'updated' ); remove_action( 'admin_notices', 'show_tip' ); if ( ! has_filter( 'admin_notices', 'settings_errors' ) ) add_action( 'admin_notices', 'settings_errors' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'dismiss-theme-update', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/dismiss-theme-update.js', array( 'jquery' ), 20130225 ); wp_localize_script( 'dismiss-theme-update', 'dismissThemeUpdate', array( 'theme' => $current_theme, 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( "$current_theme-theme-update" ), ) ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'dusk_add_notice' ); /** * Updates user setting when theme update notice was dismissed. */ function dusk_dismiss_theme_update() { $current_theme = wp_get_theme()->Name; check_ajax_referer( "$current_theme-theme-update", 'nonce' ); if ( $_REQUEST['theme'] == $current_theme ) { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), "$current_theme-theme-update", true ); wp_die( 1 ); } } add_action( 'wp_ajax_dismiss_theme_update', 'dusk_dismiss_theme_update' );