= DUSTER = * by Automattic, http://automattic.com/ == ABOUT DUSTER == Duster is an Automattic-produced theme designed and developed by the Theme Team which, apart from the custom possibilities you’re acquainted with in most of our themes -- features like custom backgrounds, headers, and menus -- is also equipped with a custom Showcase Page Template that can propel your site up to a new level. With the help of the Showcase Template you can make your front page display an introductory text message, a featured post with an image -- big or small, your call -- at the top, a recent post column showing the full latest post and a list of other recent posts below, and a sidebar with a custom widget that displays your Aside or Link posts. You can read more about Duster and how to setup the Showcase Template here: https://wordpress.com/themes/duster/ == Changelog == = 1.2 - May 30 2013 = * Updated package declaration. * Made custom header and background pluggable. * Separated wp.com-related code. * Made footer text translatable and updated .pot file. * Removed redundant title tag on post titles. * Making adjustments to post format media sizing and minor style tweaks for 3.6 compatibility. * Update license. * Enqueues scripts and styles via callback. * Make theme update notice dismissable. See #1097. * Uses a filter to modify the output of wp_title(). * Updated comments in Jetpack compat files to point to live documentation on jetpack.me. = 1.1 - Nov 05 2012 = * Replace esc_attr( printf() ) with sprintf to prevent potential XSS and potential broken code. * Add styling for HTML5 email inputs. * Make sure attribute escaping occurs after printing. * PNG and JPG image compression. * Remove loading of $locale.php. * Remove esc_html() from get_the_author() since it's not being used in an attribute. * Updated screenshot for HiDPI support. * Add Jetpack compatibility file. = 1.0.7 - Oct 05 2011 = * Add support for status and quote post formats. * Layout fixes. * Fix get_the_author() escaping. * Set svn:eol-style on JS and TXT files. * the_post should always be called in the loop. * Trim extra whitespace. * Change TEMPLATEPATH to get_template_directory(). * Add POT file. = 1.0.6 - Apr 18 2011= * Move functions out of comments.php. * Move HTML out of gettext strings. * Clean up double spaces, 8-bit chars in plain text, and indentation. * Update to latest html5shiv. * Move JS files into js dir. * Move widgets into inc dir.