ul', 'background-color' ), array( '#menu', 'border-color', '+.5' ) ), __( 'Menu' ) ); /** * Foreground #2 */ add_color_rule( 'fg2', '#F3F4EE', array( ) ); /** * Links */ add_color_rule( 'link', '#5f5f5f', array( array( 'a, #commentlist .comment .reply a:hover,#commentlist .comment .reply a:active, .more-link', 'color', '#f6f7f5' ) ) ); /** * Site Title */ add_color_rule( 'txt', '#D3D3D3', array( array( '#header div a, #header h1, #header h2, #blog-description', 'color', '#3a3a3a' ) ), __( 'Site Title' ) ); /** * Text color rules are calculated for proper contrast ratios with the passed cat argument */ add_color_rule( 'extra', '#868686', array( array( '#menu a', 'color', 'fg1' ), array( '#menu ul li.current_page_item > a, #menu ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a, #menu ul li.current-menu-item > a, #menu ul li.current-menu-parent > a, #menu li:hover > a, #menu ul ul *:hover > a', 'color', 'fg1', 16 ) ) );