== Notes == Featured images are only displayed on posts marked with the Audio post format. == Changelog == = 1.4 - Dec 06 2013 = * Set viewport to the actual site size. This theme is not responsive and there was a strange zoom-in bug on android devices. * Updated Theme URIs to have trailing slash. * Now only require inc/jetpack.php if the file exists. * Made use of 3.6 functions backwards compatible. * Removed the_post_format_* functions. * MP6 edits: adjust fixed sidebar top position; add media query for smaller screen sidebar position; = 1.3 - May 22 2013 = * Use a filter to modify the output of wp_title(). * Enqueue scripts and styles via callback. * Ensure captioned images do not overflow the content container. * Updates for 3.6 post formats compatibility. = 1.2 - Nov 19 2012 = * Added note about featured image limitations. * Improved structure of declaring theme support. * Minor bugfixes. = 1.1 - Nov 5 2012 = * Clean out unused functions. * Move functions for grabbing bits of content into a new file, for separation and organization. * Many updates for the "audio" post format, remove outdated code from js/audio-player.js, use core version of swfobject and list as a dependency of js/audio-player.js, remove unneeded jQuery dependency. * Make sure attribute escaping occurs after printing. * PNG and JPG image compression. * Add Jetpack compatibility file. * Remove loading of $locale.php.