msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: - Themes - Libre-2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-03-01T01:24:22+00:00\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-23 07:46:35+0000\n"
"Language: is\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n % 100 != 1 && n % 100 != 21 && n % 100 != 31 && n % 100 != 41 && n % 100 != 51 && n % 100 != 61 && n % 100 != 71 && n % 100 != 81 && n % 100 != 91);\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n"
#: inc/wpcom-colors.php:20
msgid "Primary Color"
msgstr "Aðallitur"
#: inc/wpcom-colors.php:26
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Fyrirsagnir"
#. translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma
#: inc/template-tags.php:76
msgid "Tagged"
msgstr "Merkt"
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
#: wp-content/themes/pub/libre-2/templates/full-width-page.php
msgid "Full Width, No Sidebar"
msgstr "Full breidd, engar hliðarstikur"
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
#: wp-content/themes/pub/libre-2/templates/right-column-page.php
msgid "Right Content, No Sidebar"
msgstr "Hægra efni, engin hliðarstika"
#. translators: %s: Name of current post
#: template-parts/content.php:31
msgid "Continue reading %s →"
msgstr "Halda áfram að lesa %s →"
#. Description of the plugin/theme
#: wp-content/themes/pub/libre-2/style.css
msgid "A stylish, classic look for your personal blog or long-form writing site. The main navigation bar stays fixed to the top while your visitors read, keeping your most important content at hand, while three footer widget areas give your secondary content a comfortable home."
msgstr "Stílhreint, klassískt útlit fyrir persónulega bloggið þitt eða vef fyrir lengri skrif. Aðalleiðarkerfið situr fast efst á síðunni á meðan gestir þínir lesa, mikilvægasta efnið er því ávallt við höndina, á meðan þrjú síðuhlutasvæði í fæti veita öðru efni frá þér þægilegt heimili."
#: template-parts/content-page.php:26
#: template-parts/content-single.php:28
#: template-parts/content.php:38
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "Síður:"
#: template-parts/content-none.php:29
msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help."
msgstr "Við finnum ekki það sem þú leita að. Kannski gæti leitin hjálpað."
#: template-parts/content-none.php:20
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Get started here."
msgstr "Tilbúinn að gefa út þína fyrstu færslu? Byrjaðu hérna."
#: template-parts/content-none.php:24
msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords."
msgstr "Leitin skilaði engum niðurstöðun. Vinsamlegast reyndu aftur með öðrum leitarorðum."
#: template-parts/content-none.php:14
msgid "Nothing Found"
msgstr "Ekkert fannst"
#: template-parts/content-author.php:34
msgid "View all posts by %s"
msgstr "Skoða allar færslur eftir %s"
#: single.php:17
msgid "Next Post %title"
msgstr "Næsta færsla %title"
#: single.php:17
msgid "Previous Post %title"
msgstr "Fyrri færsla %title"
#: template-parts/content-author.php:28
msgid "Published by %s"
msgstr "Birt af %s"
#: search.php:16
msgid "Search Results for: %s"
msgstr "Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: %s"
#. translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma
#: inc/template-tags.php:70
#: inc/template-tags.php:76
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "
#: inc/template-tags.php:72
msgid "Posted in %1$s"
msgstr "Birt í %1$s"
#: inc/template-tags.php:57
#: inc/template-tags.php:79
#: template-parts/content-page.php:18
#: template-parts/content-page.php:34
msgid "Edit %1$s"
msgstr "Breyta %1$s"
#: inc/template-tags.php:52
msgid "1 Comment"
msgstr "1 athugasemd"
#: inc/template-tags.php:52
msgid "% Comments"
msgstr "% athugasemdir"
#: inc/template-tags.php:52
msgid "Leave a comment"
msgstr "Skildu eftir athugasemd"
#: inc/template-tags.php:40
msgid "by %1$s"
msgstr "eftir %1$s"
#: inc/template-tags.php:33
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "Efst á baugi"
#: inc/template-tags.php:28
msgid "Posted on %1$s"
msgstr "Birt þann %1$s"
#: header.php:46
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Valmynd"
#: header.php:22
msgid "Skip to content"
msgstr "Fara að efni"
#: functions.php:319
msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
msgstr "Athugasemd þín bíður samþykkis."
#: functions.php:314
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Leiðrétta"
#: functions.php:145
msgid "Footer 3"
msgstr "Fótur 3"
#: functions.php:254
msgid "Continue reading %1$s →"
msgstr "Halda áfram að lesa %1$s →"
#. Translators: If there are characters in your language that are not
#. * supported by Libre Baskerville, translate this to 'off'. Do not
#. translate
#. * into your own language.
#: functions.php:166
msgctxt "Libre Baskerville font: on or off"
msgid "on"
msgstr "virkt"
#: functions.php:125
msgid "Footer 1"
msgstr "Fótur 1"
#: functions.php:135
msgid "Footer 2"
msgstr "Fótur 2"
#: functions.php:39
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Síðuhaus"
#: functions.php:115
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "Hliðarslá"
#: footer.php:56
msgid "Theme: %1$s by %2$s."
msgstr "Þema: %1$s eftir %2$s."
#: footer.php:54
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: footer.php:54
msgid "Proudly powered by %s"
msgstr "Keyrt með stolti á %s"
#: comments.php:78
msgid "Comments are closed."
msgstr "Lokað er fyrir athugasemdir."
#: comments.php:65
msgid "Older Comments"
msgstr "Eldri athugasemdir"
#: comments.php:66
msgid "Newer Comments"
msgstr "Nýrri athugasemdir"
#. translators: %s: post title
#: comments.php:31
msgctxt "comments title"
msgid "One thought on “%s”"
msgstr "Ein athugasemd við “%s”"
#. translators: 1: number of comments, 2: post title
#: comments.php:35
msgctxt "comments title"
msgid "%1$s thought on “%2$s”"
msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”"
msgstr[0] "%1$s athugasemd við “%2$s”"
msgstr[1] "%1$s athugasemdir við “%2$s”"
#: comments.php:62
msgid "Comment navigation"
msgstr "Leiðarkerfi athugasemda"
#: 404.php:34
msgid "Most Used Categories"
msgstr "Vinsælustu flokkarnir"
#. translators: %1$s: smiley
#: 404.php:53
msgid "Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$s"
msgstr "Prófaðu að skoða sarpinn. %1$s"
#: 404.php:15
msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found."
msgstr "Úbbs! Þessi síða fannst ekki."
#: 404.php:19
msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?"
msgstr "Ekkert finnst á þessari slóð. Reyndu einhvern af hlekkjunum fyrir neðan eða notaðu leitarstikuna."