max_num_pages < 2 ) { return; } ?> post_parent ) : get_adjacent_post( false, '', true ); $next = get_adjacent_post( false, '', false ); if ( ! $next && ! $previous ) { return; } ?> comment_type || 'trackback' == $comment->comment_type ) : ?>
  • id="comment-"> ', '' ); ?>
  • id="li-comment-">
    %1$s %2$s', get_comment_author_link(), ( $comment->user_id === $post->post_author ) ? '' : '' ); ?>

    comment_approved ) : ?>

    __( 'Reply', 'lingonberry' ), 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'] ) ) ); ?>
    %2$s'; if ( get_the_time( 'U' ) !== get_the_modified_time( 'U' ) ) $time_string .= ''; $time_string = sprintf( $time_string, esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ), esc_html( get_the_date() ), esc_attr( get_the_modified_date( 'c' ) ), esc_html( get_the_modified_date() ) ); echo ''; } endif; /** * Returns true if a blog has more than 1 category */ function lingonberry_categorized_blog() { if ( false === ( $all_the_cool_cats = get_transient( 'all_the_cool_cats' ) ) ) { // Create an array of all the categories that are attached to posts $all_the_cool_cats = get_categories( array( 'hide_empty' => 1, ) ); // Count the number of categories that are attached to the posts $all_the_cool_cats = is_countable( $all_the_cool_cats ) ? count( $all_the_cool_cats ) : 0; set_transient( 'all_the_cool_cats', $all_the_cool_cats ); } if ( '1' != $all_the_cool_cats ) { // This blog has more than 1 category so lingonberry_categorized_blog should return true return true; } else { // This blog has only 1 category so lingonberry_categorized_blog should return false return false; } } /** * Flush out the transients used in lingonberry_categorized_blog */ function lingonberry_category_transient_flusher() { // Like, beat it. Dig? delete_transient( 'all_the_cool_cats' ); } add_action( 'edit_category', 'lingonberry_category_transient_flusher' ); add_action( 'save_post', 'lingonberry_category_transient_flusher' ); /** * Creates post format specific "bubbles" that show up next to the post */ if ( ! function_exists( 'lingonberry_post_bubbles' ) ) : function lingonberry_post_bubbles() { ?>
    ' . __( 'Categories: %1$s', 'lingonberry' ) . '', $categories_list ); } /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */ the_tags( sprintf( '' ); ?>