%2$s blog archives for the day %3$s.'), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name'), get_the_time(__('l, F jS, Y'))); ?>
%2$s blog archives for %3$s.'), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name'), get_the_time(__('F, Y'))); ?>
%2$s blog archives for the year %3$s.'), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name'), get_the_time('Y')); ?>
%2$s blog archives for ‘%3$s’. If you are unable to find anything in these search results, you can try one of these links.'), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name'), get_search_query() ); ?>
%2$s blog archives.'), get_bloginfo('url'), get_bloginfo('name')); ?>