== Changelog == = 1.2 May 22 2013 = * Use a filter to modify the output of wp_title() * Enqueue scripts and styles via callback * Use get_posts() in content-gallery.php instead of get_children() to get image attachments * Simplify image post format callback * Add forward compat for custom header and custom background * Remove redundant permalink titles * Fix a bug where the entry header was not displayed in link posts * Forward compatibility with 3.6 content grabber functions * Remove SWF file and update with 3.6 functionality (with fallbacks) for audio post format support = 1.1 Nov 5 2012 = * Move functions for grabbing bits of content directly into the theme includes. * Clean up unused functions. * Replace esc_attr( printf() ) with sprintf to prevent potential XSS and potential broken code. * Updates to audio player JS and jQuery dependencies. * Make sure attribute escaping occurs after printing. * PNG image compression. * Remove esc_html() from get_the_author() since it's not being used in an attribute. * Updated screenshot for HiDPI support. * Add Jetpack compatibility file.