msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: - Themes - P2-breathe\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-16T01:44:58+00:00\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-15 19:31:39+0000\n"
"Language: sv_SE\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n"
#: functions.php:110
msgid "Sidebar for Pages"
msgstr "Sidopanel för sidor"
#: functions.php:102
msgid "Sidebar for Posts"
msgstr "Sidopanel för inlägg"
#. Description of the theme
msgid "Communication is oxygen. P2 \"Breathe\" is the first o2-enabled theme."
msgstr "Kommunikation är syre. P2 ”Breathe” är det första o2-aktiverade temat."
#: searchform.php:11
msgctxt "submit button"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Sök"
#: searchform.php:10
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Search …"
msgstr "Sök …"
#: searchform.php:9
msgctxt "assistive text"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Sök"
#: search.php:17
msgid "Search Results for: %s"
msgstr "Sökresultat för: %s"
#: no-results.php:28
msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help."
msgstr "Det verkar som att vi inte kan hitta det du letar efter. Prova att göra en sökning."
#: no-results.php:23
msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords."
msgstr "Inget matchade dina söktermer. Försök igen med några andra nyckelord."
#: no-results.php:19
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Get started here."
msgstr "Redo att publicera ditt första inlägg? Kom igång här."
#: no-results.php:13
msgid "Nothing Found"
msgstr "Inget hittades"
#: index.php:31
msgctxt "Month name"
msgid "Updates from %s"
msgstr "Uppdateringar från %s"
#: index.php:27
msgid "Recent Updates"
msgstr "Senaste uppdateringar"
#: inc/template-tags.php:176
msgid "%1$s on %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s den %2$s"
#: inc/template-tags.php:71
msgid "Pingback:"
msgstr "Pingback:"
#: inc/template-tags.php:48
msgid "Newer posts →"
msgstr "Nyare inlägg →"
#: inc/template-tags.php:44
msgid "← Older posts"
msgstr "← Äldre inlägg"
#: inc/template-tags.php:39
msgctxt "Next post link"
msgid "→"
msgstr "→"
#: inc/template-tags.php:38
msgctxt "Previous post link"
msgid "←"
msgstr "←"
#: inc/template-tags.php:34
msgid "Post navigation"
msgstr "Inläggsnavigering"
#: inc/extras.php:70
#: index.php:27
msgid "Page %s"
msgstr "Sida %s"
#: inc/customizer.php:35
msgid "Link Color"
msgstr "Länkfärg"
#: inc/customizer.php:24
msgid "Alternate Color"
msgstr "Alternativ färg"
#: image.php:105
msgid "Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed."
msgstr "Både kommentarer och trackbacks är för närvarande stängda."
#: image.php:103
msgid "Trackbacks are closed, but you can ."
msgstr "Trackbacks är stängda, men du kan ."
#: image.php:101
msgid "Comments are closed, but you can leave a trackback: Trackback URL."
msgstr "Kommentarer är stängda men du kan lämna en trackback: Trackback-URL."
#: image.php:99
msgid " or leave a trackback: Trackback URL."
msgstr " eller lämna en trackback: Trackback-URL."
#: image.php:39
msgid "Next →"
msgstr "Nästa →"
#: image.php:38
msgid "← Previous"
msgstr "← Föregående"
#: image.php:34
#: image.php:107
#: inc/template-tags.php:71
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redigera"
#: image.php:23
msgid "Published at %4$s × %5$s in %8$s"
msgstr "Publicerat kl. %4$s × %5$s i %8$s"
#: header.php:46
msgid "Skip to content"
msgstr "Hoppa till innehåll"
#: functions.php:132
msgctxt "Serif: on or off"
msgid "on"
msgstr "on"
#: functions.php:129
msgctxt "Open Sans font: on or off"
msgid "on"
msgstr "på"
#: functions.php:71
msgid "Primary Menu"
msgstr "Primär meny"
#: footer.php:18
msgid "Theme: %1$s by %2$s."
msgstr "Tema: %1$s av %2$s."
#: footer.php:16
msgid "Proudly powered by %s"
msgstr "Drivs med %s"
#: content.php:49
msgid "Continue reading →"
msgstr "Fortsätt läsa →"
#: content-single.php:33
#: content.php:33
msgid "
msgstr "
#: content-single.php:13
#: content.php:13
msgid "Posts by %1$s ( @%2$s )"
msgstr "Inlägg av %1$s ( @%2$s )"
#: content-page.php:12
#: content-single.php:45
#: content.php:50
#: image.php:93
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "Sidor:"
#: comments.php:62
msgid "Comments are closed."
msgstr "Kommentarer är stängda."
#: comments.php:32
#: comments.php:52
msgid "Newer Comments →"
msgstr "Nyare kommentarer →"
#: comments.php:31
#: comments.php:51
msgid "← Older Comments"
msgstr "← Äldre kommentarer"
#: comments.php:30
#: comments.php:50
msgid "Comment navigation"
msgstr "Kommentarsnavigering"
#: archive.php:65
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Arkiv"
#: archive.php:62
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Länkar"
#: archive.php:59
msgid "Quotes"
msgstr "Citat"
#: archive.php:56
msgid "Videos"
msgstr "Videoklipp"
#: archive.php:53
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bilder"
#: archive.php:50
msgid "Asides"
msgstr "Notiser"
#: archive.php:47
msgid "Yearly Archives: %s"
msgstr "Årsarkiv: %s"
#: archive.php:44
msgid "Monthly Archives: %s"
msgstr "Månadsarkiv: %s"
#: archive.php:41
msgid "Daily Archives: %s"
msgstr "Dagsarkiv: %s"
#: archive.php:33
msgid "Author Archives: %s"
msgstr "Författararkiv: %s"
#: archive.php:26
msgid "Tag Archives: %s"
msgstr "Etikettarkiv: %s"
#: archive.php:23
msgid "Category Archives: %s"
msgstr "Kategoriarkiv: %s"
#. translators: %1$s: smiley
#: 404.php:36
msgid "Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$s"
msgstr "Prova att leta i månadsarkiven. %1$s"
#: 404.php:27
msgid "Most Used Categories"
msgstr "Mest använda kategorier"
#: 404.php:19
msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search?"
msgstr "Det verkar som om inget hittades på denna plats. Kanske prova någon av länkarna nedan eller söka?"
#: 404.php:15
msgid "Oops! That page can’t be found."
msgstr "Hoppsan! Den sidan kan inte hittas."