=== P2 === A group blog theme for short update messages, inspired by Twitter. == Description == P2 is shorter, better, faster, stronger. http://p2theme.com/ P2 is a theme for WordPress that transforms a mild-mannered blog into a super-blog with features like inline comments on the homepage, a posting form right on the homepage, inline editing of posts and comments, real-time updates so new posts and comments come in without reloading, and much more. P2 is available on WordPress.com: http://wordpress.com/signup/?ref=p2 ...or you can download it for WordPress.org: http://wordpress.org/themes/p2 You can also check out a demo of the theme in action: http://p2demo.wordpress.com/ If you need P2 support or want to pitch in, drop a line on the forums: http://wordpress.org/tags/p2 == Further reading == Matt Mullenweg: How P2 changed Automattic: http://ma.tt/2009/05/how-p2-changed-automattic/ Official announcement post on WordPress.com: http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2009/03/11/p2-the-new-prologue/ == Changelog == = 1.5.8 - January 2016 * Switch the order of esc_like/escape calls. = 1.5.7 - October 2015 * Add HTML5 form input styles * Add "p2_date_time_with_microformat" filter to allow date/time localization * Add theme showcase link in footer * Remove deprecated widget notices, now using PHP5 style constructors * Prevent textarea from automatically focusing on customizer preview * Prevent "Add Media" button from hiding in certain situations * Fix issue that required a refresh when publishing posts/replies * Fix issue that prevented the post title from displaying in certain situations * Fix clearing for gallery items = 1.5.6 - December 2014 * Allow commenting on attachment posts * Fix doctype to avoid layout bugs in older browsers * Update all language translations and add new language files * Fix theme author URIs in stylesheet = 1.5.5 - July 2014 = * Allow user scaling on mobile version, props ryansommers * Move viewport meta element to header, to load for all user agents, props ryansommers * Fix audio player styles, props targz-1 * Fix menu display bug when custom header image is enabled and header text is hidden + a menu is visible * Fix PHP warnings for strict mode * Fix a bug where Author users could not add media via front end editor, props mfkelly * Translation updates (pulled automatically from https://translate.wordpress.com/projects/wpcom/themes/p2) = 1.5.4 - June 2014 = * Reduce text strings to avoid too many similar strings for easier translation * Add display inline-block to Sharedaddy lists to avoid issue with lists in the content * Fix tooltip issue with Recent Comments widget, reported by Mazen Gamal Mesbah @mazengamal = 1.5.3 = * Add earlier filter to mentions URLs in case term doesn't exist * Add !important to #wrapper width property to fix iPhone stylesheet issue if no sidebar option is ticked * Stylesheet tags: update Width terms to Layout * Add ID argument when applying the_title filters, to match core * Remove reliance on is_super_admin() for mention functionality * Image optimization (PNG crushing!) * Update screenshot size to new standard, 880x660 = 1.5.2 - November 2013 = * Fix posting bug with Chrome 31.x * Fix broken "selected" class values for post form * Better not found message on author results * Swap out get_term_link for get_tag_link to avoid fatal errors when an error object is returned * Trigger a custom JavaScript event when new post is created or edited * Fix keyboard keys and keyboard shortcut menu clash * Minor JS fixes to add missing semicolons and better check for updating title with newupdates count * Only implement "p2_hide_threads" theme option when on non-singular views * When hide comments on homepage option is on, don't try to link to in-page comments in Recent Comments widget * Turkish translation added, via erayaydin * Serbian translation added, from Andrijana Nikolic = 1.5.1 - July 2013 = * Fix broken "Allow any registered member to post" feature * Fix display of empty comments, props nacin * Remove deprecated functions for custom background support = 1.5 - June 2013 = * Added autofocus during the dropdown code so hitting enter selects the first entry. * Made minor adjustments to print stylesheet to fix formatting issues, and to increase the main font size slightly. * Updated license. * Logged in non-members need to be able to access the logged_in_out action as well. * Now calls P2's upgrade routine before dispatching AJAX requests. * Made sure that AJAX call has a random query string so that it isn't cached, when P2 upgrades itself via an AJAX call. May help an upgrade race condition. * Split AJAX calls into two groups. Public requests are handled by a new "feed" URL: /feed/p2.ajax/. Private requests are still handled by admin-ajax.php. * Added forward compat with 3.6. * Made error message translatable. * Avoids a warning when the comment is null. * Added Swedish (sv_SE) language files, props tdh (Thord Daniel Hedengren) = 1.4.4 - May 2013 = * Split AJAX calls into two groups: Public requests v. permissioned requests. * Public requests are handled by a new feed endpoint. * Permissioned requests are still handled by admin-ajax.php, but are delayed until `admin_init` instead of `init`. = 1.4.3 - April 2013 = * Fixed JS errors caused by the x-post autocomplete menu. * Enqueues scripts and styles via callback. * New screenshot at 600x450 for HiDPI support. * Restructured JS code in p2.js. * Uses a filter to modify the output of wp_title(). * Removed unnecessary top margin for the blog title from the iPhone. * Cleanup of some formatting (whitespace) and strings (for i18n). * Allow comments to be temporarily highlighted. * Improvements to the front-end post form. * Removes infinite loop created by p2_fix_empty_titles(). * Allows the comment form to appear below a newly published post. * Adds compat with new media. * Restored slideUp() animation in the comment form. * Enabled comments to be posted via iDevice. * Sends no-cache headers and 200 response when no results are returned * Uses is_object_in_taxonomy to check whether to display tags or not. * Allows tabbing from content box to tabs input on post form. * Allows autogrow textareas on any view (not just front page). * First pass at a custom print stylesheet. * More robust list creator logic. * Moved header link color into stylesheet. * Made spinner size and color match Instapost. * Styled tables in comments like they are styled in post content. * Allows tags to be edited from the front-end. * Fixed margin bug for the post post-format in Chrome nightlies. * Add Swedish language files, props tdh (Thord Daniel Hedengren) = 1.4.2 - July 2012 = * Fix a whitespace bug in the post form in Chrome Beta and Canary. = 1.4.1 - July 2012 = * Replace image usage with css where possible. * Add 2x versions of all icons for retina displays. * Replace the spinner gif with spin.js. * Remove all rss icons and links from the theme. * Fix double margin bug with the avatar in post form. * Fix jumpiness when comments are edited. = 1.4.0 - April 2012 = * Todo list creation: use lowercase "o" and "x". * Add support for custom menus. * Allow mentions to work with default permalink setting. * Multiple updates to iPhone stylesheet. * Ensure that mentions get recorded in post/comment meta. * Remove call to get_users_of_blogs(). * Multiple textdomain fixes. * RTL style fixes. * Fix textarea resizing for front-end editing. * Use dollar sign to reference the jQuery object. * Better i18n for strings in p2_get_discussion_links(). * Add styling for abbr element. * CSS Cleanup. * Better support for Latex images. * Replace call to deprecated function get_userdatabylogin(). = 1.3.4 - Dec 2011 = * Add support for post formats: link, quote, status (keeping back compat with categories) * Fix bug where front-end editor didn't ignore sourcecode shortcode content * Action links: add title and class attributes for easier styling * Highlight current user's mentions a bit more than the rest * Auto-complete UI improvements * Add new Santa Hat background for the holidays * New feature: task lists with states (checked, unchecked) * Huge improvements to list creator: allow nesting, allow ordered lists * Style fixes for iPhone * Pinking shears! Trim whitespace from all line endings, all files * Updated FR translation from ms-studio * Updated pt_PT translation from vanillalounge = 1.3.3 - Oct 4 2011 = * Hide the actions bar when using inline editing tool for post or page * Before adding links to mention names, make sure the name only appears in the list once; this fixes the case where names mentioned more than once in a post were getting additional anchors added * When you have the tag list open, hitting Return shouldn't submit the post, it should do nothing * Set svn:eol-style on JS and TXT files * Escape get_comment_link() properly * Escape translatable attribute values with esc_attr_e() * Allow toggling comment threads on tag archives, props westi * Improve mentions.php for backcompat with older versions of WP (< 3.1). * Updates to Italian translation by daxeel@gmail.com * Added Kurdish translation by brwa.osman = 1.3.2 - Jul 21 2011 = * Resubmit to WP.org because Theme Check didn't allow 'comment-reply' being enqueued as a dependency = 1.3.1 - Jul 12 2011 = * Change sticky post color to blue, and place new posts after sticky posts * Reset the height of the new post textearea after a successful post * Do not confuse logged out with offline: better logged out/offline error handling * Add author template so P2 can catch 404 request to non-existent authors on current blog * Use user_nicename for @-name mention hint, since that is what mentions uses = 1.3.1-alpha - Jun 21 2011 = * Refactor P2 into components * Improve mentions and autocomplete * Fix malformed dates in Chrome * Fix the_author underlining bug * JS locale improvements * Fix Recent Comments widget to clear cache on comment delete * Validate custom background input for proper format; add missing # if not in color value * Take use_ssl user option into account when deciding to display media buttons * Take domain mapping into account when generating the Ajax URL * Change 'Cancel reply' hotkey to shift+esc and add an 'are you sure' dialog * Add 'p2_found_mentions' filter to allow plugins to alter which mentions are attached to a post/comment = 1.2.3 - Mar 1 2011 = * Add two new action hooks: p2_post_form and p2_action_links * Add p2_excerpted_title to provide titles with only whole words * Run make_clickable later to avoid shortcode conflicts * Authors widget style fixes * Allow image upload from front-end regardless of domain and HTTPS setting * Change include to include_once to avoid conflicts with plugins and clean up require and include calls * Fix page navigation float clearing and pingback spacing * Add sticky post styles * RTL CSS updates * i18n for user completion JS * DE translation by Joachim Haydecker * SK translation by angeloverona * Updated JA translation from OKAMOTO Wataru = 1.2.2 - Jan 6 2011 = * Re-enable is_user_member_of_blog: now works for all cases with back compat * Add 3.1 support for get_users() with fallback to get_users_of_blog() for back compat * Hide name mentions taxonomy from Custom Menu form * Hide screen-reader-text in search form (sidebar and main content) * Fix empty array warnings * Misc HTML and CSS validation fixes * Change discussion author links to use get_comment_author_link * Add NL translation by Remkus de Vries = 1.2.1 - Dec 24 2010 = * Remove is_user_member_of_blog until it's backwards compatible and not dependent on multisite = 1.2 - Dec 23 2010 = * Fix inline editing on pages * Fix comment toggle on pages * Add title attribute to show @name mention usernames * Order tags by popularity and display count for tag dropdown; update look to match username dropdown * Add username suggest autocomplete dropdown based on current users of the site = 1.1.9 - Nov 30 2010 = * Remove json.php and use built-in WP JSON functionality * Add comment paging * Fix date format bug where an extra 0 was added to the month value * Fix issues with Custom Menus when adding pages and categories to a menu * Fix bug where moderated comments did not appear * Moved changelog.txt to readme.txt * Misc fixes for 3.1 compatibility * Portuguese translation update by José Fontainhas (vanillalounge) 1.1.8 - 12 Nov 2010 = * Show Toggle Comment Threads link on search results view * Enable auto-parse function for unordered lists in posts and comments * Fix issue with editing page title from front end * Remove permalink from pages * Don't show title for posts in status, quote, or link categories * Updated Spanish translation by larusalka = 1.1.7 - 30 Sep 2010 = * Make quote content links clickable * Smarter loading for JS libraries * Update front-end edit form to support editing tags, post title, and quote fields * Fix display bugs * Fix issue where posts appear repeatedly on the front page * Update author name to use display_name instead of nickname on author page * Uighur translation by Moorshidi (http://microjp.wordpress.com/) * Chinese translation by joojen (http://code.google.com/p/joojen/) * Slovenian translation by dz0ny = 1.1.6 - 30 Aug 2010 = * Improve textarea auto-resizing in quick post form * Fix IE8 comment visibility toggle * Add styles for network signup form * Fix for IE prompting user when leaving a page after comment * Fix minor PHP undefined and redeclared errors and deprecated function calls * Use built-in WordPress comment_form() * Don't show comments for password-protected posts * Add automatic feed links support * Enable custom background * Replace includes with get_template_part * Fix missing after_widget in recent comments widget * Add 404.php template * Fix post nav for older/newer with correct placement * Improve search.php message and add inline search form * Norwegian translation by Peter Holme (http://code.google.com/p/no-wp/) = 1.1.5 - 8 June 2010 = * Supported by >= 3.0 * Fixed case where Post Title was used as title for new post * Fixed media URLs * Fixed reply link in comment form being appended to wrong post * Better support for custom header images * Fixed Edit Page link * Belorussian translation by Marcis G. (http://pc.de/) * Czech translation by Martin Jurica (http://www.jurica.info/) = 1.1.4 - 8 Jan 2010 = * Nicolas Friedli French translations * Two sidebars for custom css * Updated CSS = 1.1.3 - 5 Dec 2009 = * Fix for subdirectory installs and media uploads * RTL updates * Template tag updates = 1.1.2 - 2 Dec 2009 = * Fix for subdirectory installs (with root directory "homes") and media uploads * Fix for PHP4 issues with str_ireplace = 1.1 - 26 Nov 2009 = * Supported by >=2.9 beta * @name support * Proper child theme support * Completely restructured XHR code * New files to manage functions, including template-tags.php * iPhone style support * Refactored JavaScript * Speed improvements * Large modifications to backend JS and theme management * Options for simple style changes, including a custom header = 1.0.5 - 12 May 2009 = * Proper 304 response for ajax updates * ajax updates for each template page * Fixed posts may create blank titles still * added hover affect for postbox * added postbox to every page * es translations thanks to Luxiano http://www.luxiano.com.ar = 1.0.4 - 7 May 2009 = * Danish translations (props Adamsen) * Italian translations (props webmaster@giuda.it) * Update for short tags problem * Update for navigation issues on single.php * Fixed keyboard shortcuts menu layout * Added ability for any title that is not auto-generated, to appear as a large title - this is an option which you can turn on and off * Made trackbacks only visible from archive pages * Fix Older/Newer link text * Move logout link * Comment permalink fix * Fixed title count for frontpage showing up on single posts * Fixed bug if posting to an empty blog = 1.0.3 - 15 April 2009 = * Fixed JSON class loading twice * Japanese Translations (props OKAMOTO Wataru) = 1.0.2 - 13 April 2009 = * Lots of bug fixes * Released to themes directory = 1.0.1 - 11 Mar 2009 = * Prevent scheduled posts from appearing