<?php /** * @package anno * This file is part of the Annotum theme for WordPress * Built on the Carrington theme framework <http://carringtontheme.com> * * Copyright 2008-2011 Crowd Favorite, Ltd. All rights reserved. <http://crowdfavorite.com> * Released under the GPL license * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php */ if (__FILE__ == $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) { die(); } $main = trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('template_directory')) . 'assets/main/'; $v = ANNO_VER; // Styles wp_enqueue_style('anno', $main.'css/main.css', array(), $v, 'screen, print'); // Right-to-left languages if (is_rtl()) { // Override stylesheet wp_enqueue_style('anno-rtl', $main.'css/rtl.css', array('anno'), $v, 'screen'); } // Scripts wp_enqueue_script('modernizr', $main.'js/libs/modernizr-1.7.min.js', array(), $v); wp_register_script('jquery-cf-placeholder', $main.'js/libs/jquery.placeholder.min.js', array('jquery'), $v); wp_register_script('jquery-cycle-lite', $main.'js/libs/jquery.cycle.lite.1.1.min.js', array('jquery'), $v); wp_enqueue_script('anno-main', $main.'js/main.js', array('jquery-cf-placeholder', 'jquery-cycle-lite', 'jquery-ui-tabs'), $v); wp_localize_script('anno-main', 'ANNO_DICTIONARY', array( 'previous' => __('Previous', 'anno'), 'next' => __('Next', 'anno'), 'xofy' => __('%1$s of %2$s') )); if ( is_singular() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); } /** * Enqueue and add CSS and JS assets. * Hook into 'wp' action when conditional checks like is_single() are available. */ function anno_css3_pie() { $assets_root = get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/assets/main/'; ?> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> .featured-posts .control-panel .previous, .featured-posts .control-panel .next, .widget-recent-posts .nav .ui-tabs-selected, .widget-recent-posts .panel { behavior: url(<?php echo $assets_root; ?>js/libs/css3pie/PIE.php); } </style> <![endif]--> <?php } add_action('wp_head', 'anno_css3_pie', 8); ?>