
'; } } } /** * Get a Carrington Framework option, load the default otherwise * * @param string $name Name of the option to retrieve * @return mixed Value of the option * **/ function cfct_get_option($name) { $defaults = array( cfct_option_name('login_link_enabled') => 'yes', cfct_option_name('copyright') => sprintf(__('Copyright © %s  ·  %s', 'carrington'), date('Y'), get_bloginfo('name')), cfct_option_name('credit') => 'yes', cfct_option_name('lightbox') => 'yes', cfct_option_name('header_image') => 0, ); $name = cfct_option_name($name); $defaults = apply_filters('cfct_option_defaults', $defaults); $value = get_option($name); // We want to check for defaults registered using the prefixed and unprefixed versions of the option name. if ($value === false) { $prefix = cfct_get_option_prefix(); $basname = substr($name, strlen($prefix) + 1, -1); if (isset($defaults[$name])) { $value = $defaults[$name]; } else if (isset($basename) && isset($defaults[$basename])) { $value = $defaults[$basename]; } } return $value; } /** * Load theme plugins * **/ function cfct_load_plugins() { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.'plugins'); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (file_exists(CFCT_PATH.'plugins/'.$file)) { include_once(CFCT_PATH.'plugins/'.$file); } // child theme support if (file_exists(STYLESHEETPATH.'/plugins/'.$file)) { include_once(STYLESHEETPATH.'/plugins/'.$file); } } } } /** * Return the default file to use for a given directory * * @param string $dir Directory to get the default file for * @return string Filename pertaining to the default file * **/ function cfct_default_file($dir) { $fancy = $dir.'-default.php'; file_exists(CFCT_PATH.$dir.'/'.$fancy) ? $default = $fancy : $default = 'default.php'; return $default; } /** * Return the context of the current page * * @return string The context of the current page * **/ function cfct_context() { $context = 'home'; if (is_home()) { $context = 'home'; } else if (is_page()) { $context = 'page'; } else if (is_single()) { $context = 'single'; } else if (is_category()) { $context = 'category'; } else if (is_tag()) { $context = 'tag'; } else if (is_tax()) { $context = 'taxonomy'; } else if (is_author()) { $context = 'author'; } else if (is_archive()) { // possible future abstraction for: // is_month() // is_year() // is_day() $context = 'archive'; } else if (is_search()) { $context = 'search'; } else if (is_404()) { $context = '404'; } return apply_filters('cfct_context', $context); } /** * Get the filename for a given directory, type and keys * * @param string $dir Folder name of file * @param string $type File name of file * @param array $keys Keys that could be used for additional filename params * @return mixed Path to the file, false if file does not exist * */ function cfct_filename($dir, $type = 'default', $keys = array()) { $file = null; switch ($type) { case 'author': if (count($keys)) { $file = 'author-'.$keys[0]; } else { $file = 'author'; } break; case 'category': if (count($keys)) { $file = 'cat-'.$keys[0]; } else { $file = 'category'; } break; case 'tag': if (count($keys)) { $file = 'tag-'.$keys[0]; } else { $file = 'tag'; } break; case 'meta': if (count($keys)) { foreach ($keys as $k => $v) { if (!empty($v)) { $file = 'meta-'.$k.'-'.$v; } else { $file = 'meta-'.$k; } break; } } break; case 'user': if (count($keys)) { $file = 'user-'.$keys[0]; } break; case 'role': if (count($keys)) { $file = 'role-'.$keys[0]; } break; case 'parent': if (count($keys)) { $file = 'parent-'.$keys[0]; } break; case 'taxonomy': switch (count($keys)) { case 1: $file = 'tax-'.$keys[0]; break; case 2: $file = 'tax-'.$keys[0].'-'.$keys[1]; break; default: break; } break; default: // handles page, etc. $file = $type; } // fallback for category, author, tag, etc. // child theme path $path = STYLESHEETPATH.'/'.$dir.'/'.$file.'.php'; // check for child theme first if (!file_exists($path)) { // use parent theme if no child theme file found $path = CFCT_PATH.$dir.'/'.$file.'.php'; } if (!file_exists($path)) { switch ($type) { case 'author': case 'category': case 'tag': case 'taxonomy': // child theme path $path = STYLESHEETPATH.'/'.$dir.'/archive.php'; if (!file_exists($path)) { // use parent theme if no child theme file found $path = CFCT_PATH.$dir.'/archive.php'; } } } $default = CFCT_PATH.$dir.'/'.cfct_default_file($dir); if (file_exists($path)) { $path = $path; } else if (file_exists($default)) { $path = $default; } else { $path = false; } return apply_filters('cfct_filename', $path); } /** * Include a specific file based on context, directory and keys * * @param string $dir * @param array $keys Keys used to help build the filename * **/ function cfct_template($dir, $keys = array()) { $context = cfct_context(); $file = cfct_filename($dir, $context, $keys); if ($file) { include($file); } else { cfct_die('Error loading '.$dir.' '.__LINE__); } } /** * Include a specific file based on directory and filename * * @param string $dir Directory the file will be in * @param string $file Filename * @param array $data pass in data to be extracted for use by the template * **/ function cfct_template_file($dir, $file, $data = array()) { $_cfct_filepath = null; $path = ''; if (!empty($file)) { $file = basename($file, '.php'); /* Check for file in the child theme first var name is deliberately funny. Avoids inadvertantly overwriting path variable with extract() below. */ $_cfct_filepath = STYLESHEETPATH.'/'.$dir.'/'.$file.'.php'; if (!file_exists($_cfct_filepath)) { $_cfct_filepath = CFCT_PATH.$dir.'/'.$file.'.php'; } } if (file_exists($_cfct_filepath)) { /* Extract $data as late as possible, so we don't accidentally overwrite local function vars */ extract($data); include($_cfct_filepath); } else { cfct_die('Error loading '.$file.' '.__LINE__); } } /** * Include a specific file based on directory and filename and return the output * * @param string $dir Directory the file will be in * @param string $file Filename * @param array $data pass in data to be extracted for use by the template * **/ function cfct_template_content($dir, $file, $data = array()) { ob_start(); cfct_template_file($dir, $file, $data); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use in displaying a template * * @param string $dir Directory to use/search in * @return string Path to the file * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template($dir) { $filename = null; $exec_order = array( 'author', 'role', 'category', 'taxonomy', 'tag', 'type', 'single', 'default' ); $exec_order = apply_filters('cfct_general_match_order', $exec_order); $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); foreach ($exec_order as $func_name) { if (!function_exists($func_name)) { $func_name = 'cfct_choose_general_template_'.$func_name; } if (function_exists($func_name)) { $filename = $func_name($dir, $files); if ($filename != false) { break; } } } return apply_filters('cfct_choose_general_template', $filename, $dir); } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use for displaying a page based on an author's name * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template_author($dir, $files) { $files = cfct_author_templates($dir, $files); if (count($files)) { $username = get_query_var('author_name'); if (empty($username)) { $user = new WP_User(get_query_var('author')); $username = $user->user_login; } $filename = 'author-'.$username.'.php'; if (in_array($filename, $files)) { $keys = array($username); return cfct_filename($dir, 'author', $keys); } } return false; } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use for displaying a page based on a category's slug * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template_category($dir, $files) { $files = cfct_cat_templates($dir, $files); if (count($files)) { global $cat; $slug = cfct_cat_id_to_slug($cat); if (in_array('cat-'.$slug.'.php', $files)) { $keys = array($slug); return cfct_filename($dir, 'category', $keys); } } return false; } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use for displaying a page based on a custom taxonomy and a slug within that taxonomy * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template_taxonomy($dir, $files) { $files = cfct_tax_templates($dir, $files); if (count($files)) { $tax = get_query_var('taxonomy'); $term = get_term_by('slug', get_query_var('term'), get_query_var('taxonomy')); if (!empty($term) && in_array('tax-'.$tax.'-'.$term->slug.'.php', $files)) { $keys = array($tax, $term->slug); return cfct_filename($dir, 'taxonomy', $keys); } } return false; } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use for displaying a page based on a tag slug * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template_tag($dir, $files) { $files = cfct_tag_templates($dir, $files); if (count($files)) { $tag = get_query_var('tag'); if (in_array('tag-'.$tag.'.php', $files)) { $keys = array($tag); return cfct_filename($dir, 'tag', $keys); } } return false; } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use for displaying a page based on custom post type * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template_type($dir, $files) { $files = cfct_type_templates($dir, $files); if (count($files)) { $type = get_query_var('post_type'); $file = 'type-'.$type.'.php'; if (in_array($file, $files)) { return $file; } } return false; } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use for displaying a page based on a user's role * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template_role($dir, $files) { $files = cfct_role_templates($dir, $files); if (count($files)) { $username = get_query_var('author_name'); $user = new WP_User(cfct_username_to_id($username)); if (!empty($user->user_login)) { if (is_countable( $user->roles ) && count($user->roles)) { foreach ($user->roles as $role) { $role_file = 'role-'.$role.'.php'; if (in_array($role_file, $files)) { return $role_file; } } } } } return false; } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use for displaying a page based on whether or not it is a single page and its general context * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template_single($dir, $files) { $filename = null; if (cfct_context() == 'single') { $files = cfct_single_templates($dir, $files); if (count($files)) { // check to see if we're in the loop. global $post; $orig_post = $post; while (have_posts()) { the_post(); $filename = cfct_choose_single_template($files, 'single-*'); if (!$filename) { if (file_exists(CFCT_PATH.$dir.'/single.php')) { $filename = 'single.php'; } } } rewind_posts(); $post = $orig_post; return $filename; } } return false; } /** * Gets the proper filename (path) to use for displaying a default page based on context * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_general_template_default($dir, $files) { $context = cfct_context(); $keys = array(); if ($context == 'taxonomy') { $keys = array(get_query_var('taxonomy')); } return cfct_filename($dir, $context, $keys); } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context * * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @param string $dir The directory to search for matching files in * @return mixed path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template($files = array(), $filter = '*', $dir = '') { // must be called within the_loop - cfct_choose_general_template_single() approximates a loop for this reason. $exec_order = array( 'author', 'meta', 'format', 'category', 'taxonomy', 'type', 'role', 'tag', 'parent', // for pages 'default', ); $exec_order = apply_filters('cfct_single_match_order', $exec_order); $filename = false; foreach ($exec_order as $func_name) { if (!function_exists($func_name)) { $func_name = 'cfct_choose_single_template_'.$func_name; } if (function_exists($func_name)) { $filename = $func_name($dir, $files, $filter); if ($filename !== false) { break; } } } return apply_filters('cfct_choose_single_template', $filename); } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based on custom post type * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @return mixed path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_type($dir, $files, $filter) { $type_files = cfct_type_templates($dir, $files, $filter); if (count($type_files)) { global $post; $file = cfct_filename_filter('type-'.$post->post_type.'.php', $filter); if (in_array($file, $type_files)) { return $file; } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based on author login * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_author($dir, $files, $filter) { $author_files = cfct_author_templates($dir, $files, $filter); if (count($author_files)) { $author = get_the_author_meta('login'); $file = cfct_filename_filter('author-'.$author.'.php', $filter); if (in_array($file, $author_files)) { return $file; } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based on meta information * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_meta($dir, $files, $filter) { global $post; $filename = null; // Unsure where this is being set. Bug? Adding init to pass rector. $meta_files = cfct_meta_templates('', $files, $filter); if (is_countable($meta_files) && count($meta_files)) { $meta = get_post_custom($post->ID); if (is_countable($meta) && count($meta)) { // check key, value matches first foreach ($meta as $k => $v) { $val = $v[0]; $file = cfct_filename_filter('meta-'.$k.'-'.$val.'.php', $filter); if (in_array($file, $meta_files)) { return $file; } } // check key matches only if (!$filename) { foreach ($meta as $k => $v) { $file = cfct_filename_filter('meta-'.$k.'.php', $filter); if (in_array($file, $meta_files)) { return $file; } } } } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based on post format * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_format($dir, $files, $filter) { global $post; $format_files = cfct_format_templates($dir, $files, $filter); if (count($format_files)) { $post_format = get_post_format($post->ID); foreach ($format_files as $file) { if (cfct_format_filename_to_format($file) == $post_format) { return cfct_filename_filter($file, $filter); } } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based on category slug * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_category($dir, $files, $filter) { $cat_files = cfct_cat_templates($dir, $files, $filter); if (count($cat_files)) { foreach ($cat_files as $file) { $cat_id = cfct_cat_filename_to_id($file); if (in_category($cat_id)) { return $file; } } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based on user role * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_role($dir, $files, $filter) { $role_files = cfct_role_templates($dir, $files, $filter); if (count($role_files)) { $user = new WP_User(get_the_author_meta('ID')); if (is_countable($user->roles) && count($user->roles)) { foreach ($role_files as $file) { $file = cfct_filename_filter($file, $filter); foreach ($user->roles as $role) { if (cfct_role_filename_to_name($file) == $role) { return $file; } } } } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based on taxonomy name and slug within that taxonomy * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter used in filtering the filename * @return mixed path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_taxonomy($dir, $files, $filter) { global $post; $tax_files = cfct_tax_templates($dir, $files, $filter); if (count($tax_files)) { foreach ($tax_files as $file) { $file = cfct_filename_filter($file, $filter); $tax = cfct_tax_filename_to_tax_name($file); $file_slug = cfct_tax_filename_to_slug($file); $terms = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, $tax); if (is_array($terms) && count($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $term) { if ($term->taxonomy == $tax && $term->slug == $file_slug) { return $file; } } } } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based * on post_tag * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_tag($dir, $files, $filter) { global $post; $tag_files = cfct_tag_templates($dir, $files, $filter); if (count($tag_files)) { $tags = get_the_tags($post->ID); if (is_array($tags) && count($tags)) { foreach ($tag_files as $file) { $file = cfct_filename_filter($file, $filter); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($tag->slug == cfct_tag_filename_to_name($file)) { return $file; } } } } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the single context based on a post's parent * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @param string $filter Used in filtering the filename * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_single_template_parent($dir, $files, $filter) { global $post; $parent_files = cfct_parent_templates($dir, $files, $filter); if (count($parent_files) && $post->post_parent > 0) { $parent = cfct_post_id_to_slug($post->post_parent); $file = cfct_filename_filter('parent-'.$parent.'.php', $filter); if (in_array($file, $parent_files)) { return $file; } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the content context * * @param string $content Used in filtering and default if no template file can be found * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_content_template($type = 'content') { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$type); $filename = cfct_choose_single_template($files); if (!$filename && cfct_context() == 'page' && file_exists(CFCT_PATH.$type.'/page.php')) { $filename = 'page.php'; } if (!$filename) { $filename = cfct_default_file($type); } return apply_filters('cfct_choose_content_template', $filename, $type); } /** * Handle content template selection for feed requests. Leverages single context with a feed- prefix. * * @param string $dir Directory to use for selecting the template file * @param array $files A list of files to loop through * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_content_template_feed($type = 'content') { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$type); $files = cfct_filter_files($files, 'feed-'); if (count($files)) { $filename = cfct_choose_single_template($files, 'feed-*'); return $filename; } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the comment context * * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_comment_template() { $filename = null; $exec_order = array( 'ping', 'author', 'user', 'meta', 'role', 'default', ); $exec_order = apply_filters('cfct_comment_match_order', $exec_order); $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.'comment'); foreach ($exec_order as $func_name) { if (!function_exists($func_name)) { $func_name = 'cfct_choose_comment_template_'.$func_name; } if (function_exists($func_name)) { $filename = $func_name($files); if ($filename != false) { break; } } } return apply_filters('cfct_choose_comment_template', $filename); } /** * Chooses which template to display for the comment context based on whether or not the comment is a ping or trackback * * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_comment_template_ping($files) { global $comment; if (in_array('ping.php', $files)) { switch ($comment->comment_type) { case 'pingback': case 'trackback': return 'ping'; break; } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the comment context based on meta data * * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_comment_template_meta($files) { $filename = null; // Unsure where this is being set. Bug? Adding init to pass rector. global $comment; $meta_files = cfct_meta_templates('', $files); if (count($meta_files)) { $meta = get_metadata('comment', $comment->comment_ID); if (is_countable($meta) && count($meta)) { // check key, value matches first foreach ($meta as $k => $v) { $val = $v[0]; $file = 'meta-'.$k.'-'.$val.'.php'; if (in_array($file, $meta_files)) { return $file; } } // check key matches only if (!$filename) { foreach ($meta as $k => $v) { $file = 'meta-'.$k.'.php'; if (in_array($file, $meta_files)) { return $file; } } } } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the comment context based on the post author * * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_comment_template_author($files) { global $post, $comment; if (!empty($comment->user_id) && $comment->user_id == $post->post_author && in_array('author.php', $files)) { return 'author'; } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the comment context based on the comment author * * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_comment_template_user($files) { global $comment; $files = cfct_comment_templates('user', $files); if (count($files) && !empty($comment->user_id)) { $user = new WP_User($comment->user_id); if (!empty($user->user_login)) { $user_file = 'user-'.$user->user_login.'.php'; if (in_array($user_file, $files)) { return $user_file; } } } return false; } /** * Chooses which template to display for the comment context based on comment author's role * * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_comment_template_role($files) { global $comment; $files = cfct_comment_templates('role', $files); if (count($files) && !empty($comment->user_id)) { $user = new WP_User($comment->user_id); if (!empty($user->user_login)) { if (is_countable($user->roles) && count($user->roles)) { foreach ($user->roles as $role) { $role_file = 'role-'.$role.'.php'; if (in_array($role_file, $files)) { return $role_file; } } } } } return false; } /** * Chooses the default template to be used in the comment context * * @param array $files A list of files to search through to find the correct template * @return mixed Path to the file, false if no file exists * **/ function cfct_choose_comment_template_default($files) { return cfct_default_file('comment'); } /** * Adds to a filename based on a filter string * * @param string $filename Filename to filter * @param string $filter What to add * @return string The filtered filename * **/ function cfct_filename_filter($filename, $filter) { // check for filter already appended if (substr($filename, 0, strlen($filter) - 1) == str_replace('*', '', $filter)) { return $filename; } return str_replace('*', $filename, $filter); } /** * Get a list of php files within a given path as well as files in corresponding child themes * * @param sting $path Path to the directory to search * @return array Files within the path directory * **/ function cfct_files($path) { $files = apply_filters('cfct_files_'.$path, false); if ($files) { return $files; } $files = wp_cache_get('cfct_files_'.$path, 'cfct'); if ($files) { return $files; } $files = array(); $paths = array($path); if (STYLESHEETPATH.'/' != CFCT_PATH) { // load child theme files $paths[] = STYLESHEETPATH.'/'.str_replace(CFCT_PATH, '', $path); } foreach ($paths as $path) { if (is_dir($path) && $handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $path = trailingslashit($path); if (is_file($path.$file) && strtolower(substr($file, -4, 4)) == ".php") { $files[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } } $files = array_unique($files); wp_cache_set('cfct_files_'.$path, $files, 'cfct', 3600); return $files; } /** * Filters a list of files based on a prefix * * @param array $files A list of files to be filtered * @param string $prefix A string to search for and filter with in the filenames * @return array A list of files that contain the prefix * **/ function cfct_filter_files($files = array(), $prefix = '') { $matches = array(); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, $prefix) === 0) { $matches[] = $file; } } } return $matches; } /** * Get a list of files that match the meta template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the meta template structure * **/ function cfct_meta_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'meta-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_meta_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the category template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the category template structure * **/ function cfct_cat_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'cat-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_cat_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the tag template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the tag template structure * **/ function cfct_tag_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'tag-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_tag_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the custom taxonomy template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the custom taxonomy template structure * **/ function cfct_tax_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'tax-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_tax_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the post format structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the post format template structure * **/ function cfct_format_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'format-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_format_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the author template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array list of files that match the author template structure * **/ function cfct_author_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'author-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_author_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the custom post type template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the custom post type template structure * **/ function cfct_type_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'type-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_type_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the user role template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the user role template structure * **/ function cfct_role_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'role-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_role_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the post parent template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the post parent template structure * **/ function cfct_parent_templates($dir, $files = null, $filter = '*') { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $prefix = str_replace('*', '', $filter).'parent-'; $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, $prefix); return apply_filters('cfct_parent_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the single template structure * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the single template structure * **/ function cfct_single_templates($dir, $files = null) { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, 'single'); return apply_filters('cfct_single_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files from list that should be used in feed consideration * * @param string $dir Directory to search through for files if none are given * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the single template structure * **/ function cfct_feed_templates($dir, $files = null) { if (is_null($files)) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.$dir); } $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, 'feed'); return apply_filters('cfct_feed_templates', $matches); } /** * Get a list of files that match the comment template structure for a given type * * @param string $type The type of template to search for * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the comment template structure for a given type * **/ function cfct_comment_templates($type, $files = false) { if (!$files) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH.'comment'); } $matches = array(); switch ($type) { case 'user': $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, 'user-'); break; case 'role': $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, 'role-'); break; } return apply_filters('cfct_comment_templates', $matches); } /** * Get the id of a category from the category slug of a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return int Category id matching the category slug of the filename * **/ function cfct_cat_filename_to_id($file) { $cat = cfct_cat_filename_to_slug($file); $cat = get_category_by_slug($cat); return $cat->cat_ID; } /** * Get the name of a category from the category slug of a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return string Category name matching the category slug of the filename * **/ function cfct_cat_filename_to_name($file) { $cat = cfct_cat_filename_to_slug($file); $cat = get_category_by_slug($cat); return $cat->name; } /** * Get the slug of a category from a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return string Category slug * **/ function cfct_cat_filename_to_slug($file) { $prefixes = apply_filters('cfct_cat_filename_prefixes', array('feed-cat-', 'single-cat-', 'cat-')); $suffixes = apply_filters('cfct_cat_filename_suffixes', array('.php')); return str_replace(array_merge($prefixes, $suffixes), '', $file); } /** * Get the slug of a category from its id * * @param int $id Category id * @return string Category slug * **/ function cfct_cat_id_to_slug($id) { $cat = &get_category($id); return $cat->slug; } /** * Get the id of a user from their username * * @param string $username A user's username * @return int The id of the user * **/ function cfct_username_to_id($username) { $user = get_user_by('ID', $username); return (isset($user->ID) ? $user->ID : 0); } /** * Get the slug of a tag from a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return string Tag slug * **/ function cfct_tag_filename_to_name($file) { $prefixes = apply_filters('cfct_tag_filename_prefixes', array('feed-tag-', 'single-tag-', 'tag-')); $suffixes = apply_filters('cfct_tag_filename_suffixes', array('.php')); return str_replace(array_merge($prefixes, $suffixes), '', $file); } /** * Get the author from a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return string Author * **/ function cfct_author_filename_to_name($file) { $prefixes = apply_filters('cfct_author_filename_prefixes', array('feed-author-', 'single-author-', 'author-')); $suffixes = apply_filters('cfct_author_filename_suffixes', array('.php')); return str_replace(array_merge($prefixes, $suffixes), '', $file); } /** * Get the role from a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return string Role * **/ function cfct_role_filename_to_name($file) { $prefixes = apply_filters('cfct_role_filename_prefixes', array('feed-role-', 'single-role-', 'role-')); $suffixes = apply_filters('cfct_role_filename_suffixes', array('.php')); return str_replace(array_merge($prefixes, $suffixes), '', $file); } /** * Get the post format from a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return string Post format * **/ function cfct_format_filename_to_format($file) { $prefixes = apply_filters('cfct_format_filename_prefixes', array('feed-format-', 'single-format-', 'format-')); $suffixes = apply_filters('cfct_format_filename_suffixes', array('.php')); return str_replace(array_merge($prefixes, $suffixes), '', $file); } /** * Get the taxonomy name from a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return string Taxonomy name * **/ function cfct_tax_filename_to_tax_name($file) { $prefixes = apply_filters('cfct_tax_filename_prefixes', array('feed-tax-', 'single-tax-', 'tax-')); $suffixes = apply_filters('cfct_tax_filename_suffixes', array('.php')); $tax = str_replace(array_merge($prefixes, $suffixes), '', $file); $tax = explode('-', $tax); return $tax[0]; } /** * Get the slug of a taxonomy from a filename * * @param string $file Filename * @return string Taxonomy slug * **/ function cfct_tax_filename_to_slug($file) { $prefixes = apply_filters('cfct_tax_filename_prefixes', array('feed-tax-', 'single-tax-', 'tax-')); $suffixes = apply_filters('cfct_tax_filename_suffixes', array('.php')); $slug = str_replace(array_merge($prefixes, $suffixes), '', $file); $slug = explode('-', $slug); unset($slug[0]); if (count($slug)) { return implode('-', $slug); } return ''; } /** * Get the post name from its id * * @param int $id A post id * @return string Post name * **/ function cfct_post_id_to_slug($id) { $post = get_post($id); return $post->post_name; } /** * Custom formatting for strings * * @param string $str A string to be formatted * @return string Formatted string * **/ function cfct_basic_content_formatting($str) { $str = wptexturize($str); $str = convert_smilies($str); $str = convert_chars($str); $str = wpautop($str); return $str; } /** * Get an array with the path to the director of the file as well as the filename * * @param string $path A path to a file * @return array Contains the directory the file is in as well as the filename * **/ function cfct_leading_dir($path) { $val = array( 'dir' => '', 'file' => '' ); if (strpos($path, '/') !== false) { $parts = explode('/', $path); $val['file'] = $parts[count($parts) - 1]; $val['dir'] = implode('/', array_slice($parts, 0, count($parts) - 1)); } else { $val['file'] = $path; } return $val; } /** * Prevent code from breaking in WP versions < 3.1 * * **/ if (!function_exists('get_post_format')) { function get_post_format($post_id) { return false; } } /** * Generate markup for login/logout links * * @param string $redirect URL to redirect after the login or logout * @param string $before Markup to display before * @param string $after Markup to display after * @return string Generated login/logout Markup */ function cfct_get_loginout($redirect = '', $before = '', $after = '') { if (cfct_get_option('login_link_enabled') != 'no') { return $before . wp_loginout($redirect, false) . $after; } } /** * Recursively merges two arrays down overwriting values if keys match. * * @param array $array_1 Array to merge into * @param array $array_2 Array in which values are merged from * * @return array Merged array */ function cfct_array_merge_recursive($array_1, $array_2) { foreach ($array_2 as $key => $value) { if (isset($array_1[$key]) && is_array($array_1[$key]) && is_array($value)) { $array_1[$key] = cfct_array_merge_recursive($array_1[$key], $value); } else { $array_1[$key] = $value; } } return $array_1; } /** * Returns the options prefix */ function cfct_get_option_prefix() { return apply_filters('cfct_option_prefix', 'cfct'); } /** * Prefix options names */ function cfct_option_name($name) { $prefix = cfct_get_option_prefix(); // If its already prefixed, we don't need to do it again. if (strpos($name, $prefix.'_') !== 0) { return $prefix.'_'.$name; } else { return $name; } } ?>