action = 'anno_xml_download_action'; $this->i18n = 'anno'; } public static function i() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new Anno_XML_Download; } return self::$instance; } public function setup_filterable_props() { $this->debug = apply_filters(__CLASS__.'_debug', false); } /** * Let WP know how to handle "pretty" requests for PDFs * * @return void */ public function setup_permalinks() { // Returns an array of post types named article $article_post_types = get_post_types(array('name' => 'article'), 'object'); // Ensure we have what we're looking for if (!is_array($article_post_types) || empty($article_post_types)) { return; } // Get the first (and hopefully only) one $article_post_type = array_shift($article_post_types); global $wp; $wp->add_query_var('xml'); // Allows us to use get_query_var('xml') later on // Tells WP that a request like /articles/my-article-name/xml/ is valid add_rewrite_rule($article_post_type->rewrite['slug'].'/([^/]+)/xml/?$', 'index.php?articles=$matches[1]&xml=true', 'top'); // Enable preview URLs $wp->add_query_var('preview'); add_rewrite_rule($article_post_type->rewrite['slug'].'/([^/]+)/xml/preview/?$', 'index.php?articles=$matches[1]&xml=true&preview=true', 'top'); } public function add_actions() { add_action('init', array($this, 'setup_filterable_props')); // Run late to make sure all custom post types are registered add_action('init', array($this, 'setup_permalinks'), 20); // Run at 'wp' so we can use the cool get_query_var functions add_action('wp', array($this, 'request_handler')); } /** * Request handler for XML. */ public function request_handler() { if (get_query_var('xml')) { // Sanitize our article ID $id = get_the_ID(); // If we don't have an Article, get out if (empty($id)) { wp_die(__('No article found.', $this->i18n)); } // Default Article $article = null; // If we're published, grab the published article if (!is_preview()) { $article = get_post($id); } else if (is_preview() && current_user_can('edit_post', $id)) { $article = get_post($id); /* Drafts and sometimes pending statuses append a preview_id on the end of the preview URL. While we're building the XML download link we do a check for that, and set this query arg if the preview_id is present. */ if (isset($_GET['autosave'])) { $article = wp_get_post_autosave($id); } } // Ensure we have an article if (empty($article)) { wp_die(__('Required article first.', $this->i18n)); } // Get our XML ready and stored $this->generate_xml($article); // Send our headers if (!$_GET['screen']) { $this->set_headers($article); } // Send the file echo $this->xml; exit; } } /** * Sets the download headers for what will be delivered * * @param obj $article * @return void */ private function set_headers($article) { // Get the post title, so we can set it as the filename $filename = sanitize_title(get_the_title($article->ID)); header('Cache-Control: private'); header('Content-Type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Length:' . mb_strlen($this->xml, '8bit')); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'.xml"'); } /** * Builds the entire XML document * * @param obj $article - WP Post type object * @return void */ private function generate_xml($article) { $this->xml = $this->xml_front($article)."\n".$this->xml_body($article)."\n".$this->xml_back($article); } /** * Generate the Front portion of an article XML * * @param postObject $article Article to generate the XML for. * @return string XML generated */ private function xml_front($article) { // Journal Title $journal_title = cfct_get_option('journal_name'); if (!empty($journal_title)) { $journal_title_xml = ' '.esc_html($journal_title).' '; } else { $journal_title_xml = ''; } // Journal ID $journal_id = cfct_get_option('journal_id'); if (!empty($journal_id)) { $journal_id_type = cfct_get_option('journal_id_type'); if (!empty($journal_id_type)) { $journal_id_type_xml = ' journal-id-type="'.esc_attr($journal_id_type).'"'; } else { $journal_id_type_xml = ''; } $journal_id_xml = ''.esc_html($journal_id).''; } else { $journal_id_xml = ''; } // Publisher ISSN $pub_issn = cfct_get_option('publisher_issn'); if (!empty($pub_issn)) { $pub_issn_xml = ''.esc_html($pub_issn).''; } else { $pub_issn_xml = ''; } // Abstract $abstract = $article->post_excerpt; if (!empty($abstract)) { $abstract_xml = ' '._x('Abstract', 'xml abstract title', 'anno').'


'; } else { $abstract_xml = ''; } // Funding Statement $funding = get_post_meta($article->ID, '_anno_funding', true); if (!empty($funding)) { $funding_xml = ' '.esc_html($funding).' '; } else { $funding_xml = ''; } // DOI $doi = get_post_meta($article->ID, '_anno_doi', true); if (!empty($doi)) { $doi_xml = ''.esc_html($doi).''; } else { $doi_xml = ''; } // Article category. Theoretically, there can only be one! $cats = wp_get_object_terms($article->ID, 'article_category'); if (!empty($cats) && is_array($cats)) { $category = get_category($cats[0]); if (!empty($category)) { $category_xml = ' '.esc_html($category->name).' '; } else { $category_xml = ''; } } else { $category_xml = ''; } // Article Tags $tags = wp_get_object_terms($article->ID, 'article_tag'); if (!empty($tags) && is_array($tags)) { $tag_xml = ''; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = get_term($tag, 'article_tag'); $tag_xml .= ''.esc_html($tag->name).''; } $tag_xml .= ' '; } else { $tag_xml = ''; } // Article title/subtitle $subtitle = get_post_meta($article->ID, '_anno_subtitle', true); $title_xml = ''; if (!empty($article->post_title) || !empty($subtitle)) { $title_xml = ''; if (!empty($article->post_title)) { $title_xml .= ' '.esc_html($article->post_title).''; } else { $title_xml .= ' '; } if (!empty($subtitle)) { $title_xml .= ' '.esc_html($subtitle).''; } } $title_xml .= ' '; // Publisher info $pub_name = cfct_get_option('publisher_name'); $pub_loc = cfct_get_option('publisher_location'); if (!empty($pub_name) || !empty($pub_loc)) { $publisher_xml = ''; if (!empty($pub_name)) { $publisher_xml .= ' '.esc_html($pub_name).''; } if (!empty($pub_loc)) { $publisher_xml .= ' '.esc_html($pub_loc).''; } $publisher_xml .= ' '; } else { $publisher_xml = ''; } $pub_date_xml = $this->xml_pubdate($article->post_date); // Authors $authors = get_post_meta($article->ID, '_anno_author_snapshot', true); $author_xml = ''; if (!empty($authors) && is_array($authors)) { foreach ($authors as $author) { $author_xml .= ' '; if ( (isset($author['surname']) && !empty($author['surname'])) || (isset($author['given_names']) && !empty($author['given_names'])) || (isset($author['prefix']) && !empty($author['prefix'])) || (isset($author['suffix']) && !empty($author['suffix'])) ) { $author_xml .= ' '; if (isset($author['surname']) && !empty($author['surname'])) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($author['surname']).''; } if (isset($author['given_names']) && !empty($author['given_names'])) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($author['given_names']).''; } if (isset($author['prefix']) && !empty($author['prefix'])) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($author['prefix']).''; } if (isset($author['suffix']) && !empty($author['suffix'])) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($author['suffix']).''; } $author_xml .= ' '; } // @TODO TDB whether or not to include email // if (isset($author['email']) && !empty($author['email'])) { // $author_xml .= ' // '.esc_html($author['email']).''; // } if (isset($author['degrees']) && !empty($author['degrees'])) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($author['degrees']).''; } if (isset($author['affiliation']) && !empty($author['affitliation'])) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($author['affiliation']).''; } if (isset($author['bio']) && !empty($author['bio'])) { $author_xml .= '


'; } if (isset($author['link']) && !empty($author['link'])) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($author['link']).''; } $author_xml .= '
'; } } $author_xml .= '
'; return '
'.$journal_id_xml.' '.$journal_title_xml.' '.$pub_issn_xml.' '.$publisher_xml.' '.$doi_xml.' '.$category_xml.' '.$title_xml.' '.$author_xml.' '.$pub_date_xml. // // // 12 // 12 // 2010 // // // 12 // 12 // 2010 // // ' '.$abstract_xml.' '.$tag_xml.' '.$funding_xml.' '; } private function xml_body($article) { $body = $article->post_content_filtered; return ' '.$body.' '; } private function xml_acknoledgements($article) { $ack = get_post_meta($article->ID, '_anno_acknowledgements', true); $xml = ''; if (!empty($ack)) { $xml = ' '._x('Acknowledgments', 'xml acknowledgments title', 'anno').'


'; } return $xml; } private function xml_appendices($article) { $appendices = get_post_meta($article->ID, '_anno_appendices', true); $xml = ''; if (!empty($appendices) && is_array($appendices)) { $xml = ' '; foreach ($appendices as $appendix_key => $appendix) { if (!empty($appendix)) { $xml .=' '.sprintf(_x('Appendix %s', 'xml appendix title', 'anno'), anno_index_alpha($appendix_key)).'' .$appendix.' '; } } $xml .=' '; } return $xml; } private function xml_references($article) { $references = get_post_meta($article->ID, '_anno_references', true); $xml = ''; if (!empty($references) && is_array($references)) { $xml = ' '._x('References', 'xml reference title', 'anno').''; foreach ($references as $ref_key => $reference) { $ref_key_display = $ref_key + 1; if (isset($reference['doi']) && !empty($reference['doi'])) { $doi = ' '.esc_html($reference['doi']).''; } else { $doi = ''; } if (isset($reference['pmid']) && !empty($reference['pmid'])) { $pmid = ' '.esc_html($reference['pmid']).''; } else { $pmid = ''; } if (isset($reference['text']) && !empty($reference['text'])) { $text = esc_html($reference['text']); } else { $text = ''; } if (isset($reference['link']) && !empty($reference['link'])) { $link = ' xlink:href="'.esc_url($reference['link']).'"'; } else { $link = ''; } $xml .=' '.$text.' '.$doi.$pmid.' '; } $xml .=' '; } return $xml; } private function xml_back($article) { return ' '.$this->xml_acknoledgements($article).' '.$this->xml_appendices($article).' '.$this->xml_references($article).' '.$this->xml_responses($article).'
'; } private function xml_responses($article) { $comments = get_comments(array('post_id' => $article->ID)); $comment_xml = ''; if (!empty($comments) && is_array($comments)) { foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment_xml .= ' ' .$this->xml_comment_author($comment) .$this->xml_pubdate($comment->comment_date).'

' .esc_html($comment->comment_content). '

'; } } return $comment_xml; } private function xml_comment_author($comment) { $author_xml = ' '; if (!empty($comment->user_id)) { $user = get_userdata($comment->user_id); $author_xml .= ' '; if (!empty($user->last_name)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($user->last_name).''; } else { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($user->display_name).''; } if (!empty($user->first_name)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($user->first_name).''; } $prefix = get_user_attribute($user->ID, '_anno_prefix', true); if (!empty($prefix)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($prefix).''; } $suffix = get_user_attribute($user->ID, '_anno_suffix', true); if (!empty($suffix)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($suffix).''; } $author_xml .= ' '; // @TODO TDB whether or not to include email // if (!empty($user->user_email)) { // $author_xml .= ' // '.esc_html($user->user_email).''; // } $degrees = get_user_attribute($user->ID, '_anno_degrees', true); if (!empty($degrees)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($degrees).''; } $affiliation = get_user_attribute($user->ID, '_anno_affiliation', true); if (!empty($affilitation)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($user->last_name).''; } $bio = $user->user_description; if (!empty($bio)) { $author_xml .= ' '.wpautop(esc_html($bio)).''; } $link = $user->user_url; if (!empty($link)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($link).''; } } else { if (!empty($comment->commment_author)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($comment->comment_author).''; $link = $comment->comment_author_url; if (!empty($link)) { $author_xml .= ' '.esc_html($link).''; } $author_xml .= ' '; } } $author_xml .= ' '; return $author_xml; } private function xml_pubdate($pub_date) { if (!empty($pub_date)) { $pub_date = strtotime($pub_date); $pub_date_xml = ' '.date('j', $pub_date).' '.date('n', $pub_date).' '.date('Y', $pub_date).' '; } else { $pub_date_xml = ''; } return $pub_date_xml; } /** * Generates the XML download URL for a post * * @param int $id * @return string */ public function get_download_url($id = null) { // Default to the global $post if (is_null($id)) { global $post; if (empty($post)) { $this->log('There is no global $post in scope.'); return false; } $id = $post->ID; } // Build our download link $permalink = get_permalink($id); /* Handle pretty and ugly permalinks. Need at least this stripos function, b/c initial drafts don't get a pretty permalink till published, so even if the setting is pretty permalinks the draft's permalink is going to be ugly. */ if (stripos($permalink, 'post_type=article') || get_option('permalink_structure') == '') { // Ugly permalinks $link = add_query_arg(array('xml' => 'true'), $permalink); if (is_preview()) { $link = add_query_arg(array('preview' => 'true'), $link); if (isset($_GET['preview_id'])) { $link = add_query_arg(array('autosave' => 'true'), $link); } } } else { // Pretty permalinks $link = trailingslashit($permalink).'xml/'; if (is_preview()) { $link = trailingslashit($link).'preview/'; if (isset($_GET['preview_id'])) { $link = add_query_arg(array('autosave' => 'true'), $link); } } } return $link; } /** * Conditionally logs messages to the error log * * @param string $msg * @return void */ private function log($msg) { if ($this->debug) { error_log($msg); } } } Anno_XML_Download::i()->add_actions(); /** * Get the XML download link for a post * * @param int $id * @return string */ function anno_xml_download_url($id = null) { return Anno_XML_Download::i()->get_download_url($id); }