* * Copyright 2008-2011 Crowd Favorite, Ltd. All rights reserved. * Released under the GPL license * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * * This file contains function wrappers for a few custom additions to the standard WordPress * template tag milieu. */ if (__FILE__ == $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) { die(); } /** * Little utility functions. */ class Anno_Template_Utils { public function post_id_for_sure($post_id) { if (!$post_id) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } return $post_id; } public function strip_newlines($text) { return preg_replace("/[\n\r]/", '', $text); } /** * Truncate to a certain number of words */ public function truncate_words($text, $length, $more_delimiter = '…') { $text = strip_tags($text); $words = explode(' ', $text, $length + 1); if (count($words) > $length) { array_pop($words); $text = implode(' ', $words); $text = $text . $more_delimiter; } return $text; } /** * Turn an array or two into HTML attribute string */ public function to_attr($arr1 = array(), $arr2 = array()) { $attrs = array(); $arr = array_merge($arr1, $arr2); foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if (!$value) { continue; } $attrs[] = esc_attr($key).'="'.esc_attr($value).'"'; } return implode(' ', $attrs); } public function to_tag($tag, $text, $attr1 = array(), $attr2 = array()) { $tag = esc_attr($tag); $html_attrs = $this->to_attr($attr1, $attr2); $html_attrs = ($html_attrs ? ' '.$html_attrs : ''); // If text deliberately unset, self-closing if ($text === null) { return '<'.$tag.$html_attrs.'/>'; } // If no text (unintentional) don't output text if (!$text) { return ''; } // Output standard wrapping tag return '<'.$tag.$html_attrs.'>'.$text.''; } /** * Get content string from a specified meta key and run it through wptexturize(). */ public function texturized_meta($post_id, $key) { $post_id = $this->post_id_for_sure($post_id); $text = trim(get_post_meta($post_id, $key, true)); return wptexturize($text); } } class Anno_Template { /** * An opt-out for transient caches used in this class. * Useful for turning them off when testing. */ protected $enable_caches = true; protected $utils; // An instance of the Anno_Utils class -- or whatever comes back from Anno_Keeper public function __construct() { try { $utils = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('utils'); } catch (Exception $e) { $utils = Anno_Keeper::keep('utils', new Anno_Template_Utils()); } $this->utils = $utils; /* If we're in debug mode, turn of the transient caches. */ if (CFCT_DEBUG === true) { $this->enable_caches = false; } } /** * Attach WordPress hooks. This should be a single point of attachment for all hooks in this * class. It should be called once per instance. */ public function attach_hooks() { add_action('save_post', array($this, 'invalidate_citation_cache'), 10, 2); add_action('deleted_post', array($this, 'invalidate_citation_cache')); add_action('wp', array($this, 'add_assets')); } public function add_assets() { wp_enqueue_script('twitter', 'http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js', array(), null, true); } public function render_open_html() { ?> > ID; } /* Get the additional contributors, if the workflow is turned on. */ $authors = anno_get_authors($post_id); return $authors; } /** * Get the subtitle data stored as post meta */ public function get_subtitle($post_id = false) { $post_id = $this->utils->post_id_for_sure($post_id); return get_post_meta($post_id, '_anno_subtitle', true); } /** * Get the HTML list for authors. * @param int $post_id (optional) */ public function get_contributors_list($post_id = null) { $out = ''; $post_id = $this->utils->post_id_for_sure($post_id); $authors = get_post_meta($post_id, '_anno_author_snapshot', true); $author_is_id = false; if (empty($authors) || !is_array($authors)) { $authors = $this->get_author_ids($post_id); $author_is_id = true; } foreach ($authors as $author) { $author_data = array( 'first_name' => '', 'last_name' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'degrees' => '', 'affiliation' => '', 'bio' => '', // Stored in snapshot but not used here // 'email' => '', ); if ($author_is_id) { $author_id = $author; $author_wp_data = get_userdata($author_id); $author_data['first_name'] = $author_wp_data->user_firstname; $author_data['last_name'] = $author_wp_data->user_lastname; $author_data['link'] = $author_wp_data->user_url; $author_data['display_name'] = $author_wp_data->display_name; $author_data['link'] = $author_wp_data->user_url; $author_data['bio'] = $author_wp_data->user_description; // @TODO probably worth while to store all this data in a single meta entry $author_data['prefix'] = get_user_attribute($author_id, '_anno_prefix', true); $author_data['suffix'] = get_user_attribute($author_id, '_anno_suffix', true); $author_data['degrees'] = get_user_attribute($author_id, '_anno_degrees', true); $author_data['affiliation'] = get_user_attribute($author_id, '_anno_affiliation', true); // Lookup user meta here } else { $author_id = $author['id']; if ($author_id == (string) intval($author_id)) { $author_wp_data = get_userdata($author_id); } else { $author_wp_data = false; } $author_data['first_name'] = $author['given_names']; $author_data['last_name'] = $author['surname']; $author_data['prefix'] = $author['prefix']; $author_data['suffix'] = $author['suffix']; $author_data['degrees'] = $author['degrees']; $author_data['affiliation'] = $author['affiliation']; $author_data['bio'] = $author['bio']; $author_data['link'] = $author['link']; // $author_data['email'] = $author['email']; // We may have an imported user here, in which case, they don't necessarily have a WP user ID and author_wp_data == false $author_data['display_name'] = empty($author_wp_data) ? '' : $author_wp_data->display_name; } // We use a user's website if there isn't a user with associated id (imported user snapshots) // We also check to see if this is a string ID or int val id, knol_id vs wp_id if ($author_id == (string) intval($author_id)) { $posts_url = get_author_posts_url($author_id); $posts_url = $posts_url == home_url('/author/') ? $author_data['link'] : $posts_url; } else { $posts_url = ''; } $prefix_markup = empty($author_data['prefix']) ? '' : ''.esc_html($author_data['prefix']).' '; $suffix_markup = empty($author_data['suffix']) ? '' : ' '.esc_html($author_data['suffix']).''; $degree_markup = empty($author_data['degrees']) ? '' : ' '.esc_html($author_data['degrees']).''; if ($author_data['first_name'] && $author_data['last_name']) { $fn = empty($posts_url) ? '' : ''; $fn .= $prefix_markup.''.esc_html($author_data['first_name']).' '.esc_html($author_data['last_name']).''.$suffix_markup.$degree_markup; $fn .= empty($posts_url) ? '' : ''; } else { $fn = $posts_url ? '' : ''; $fn .= $prefix_markup.esc_html($author_data['display_name']).$suffix_markup.$degree_markup; $fn .= $posts_url ? '' : ''; } // Website $trimmed_url = substr($author_data['link'], 0, 20); $trimmed_url = $trimmed_url != $author_data['link'] ? esc_html($trimmed_url) . '…' : esc_html($author_data['link']); $website = $author_data['link'] ? ''.__('Website:', 'anno').' '.$trimmed_url.'' : ''; // Note $note = $author_data['bio'] ? '' . esc_html($author_data['bio']) . '' : ''; // Affiliation $affiliation = $author_data['affiliation'] ? ''.__('Affiliation:', 'anno').' '. esc_html($author_data['affiliation']).'' : ''; $card = '
  • '.$fn; if ($website || $note || $affiliation) { $card .= ' '.$affiliation.' '.$website.' '.$note.' '; } $card .= '
  • '; $out .= $card; } return $out; } /** * Text-only citation -- safe for textareas. * Output is cached for 1 hour unless cache is invalidated by updating the post. * @param int $post_id (optional) id of post to cite. */ public function get_citation($post_id = null) { $post_id = $this->utils->post_id_for_sure($post_id); $cache_key = 'anno_citation_html_'.$post_id; /* Do we already have this cached? Let's return that. */ $cache = get_transient($cache_key); if ($cache !== false && $this->enable_caches !== false) { return $cache; } /* Otherwise, let's build a cache and return it */ $site = strip_tags(get_bloginfo('name')); $permalink = get_permalink(); $last_modified = get_the_modified_date('Y M j'); $title = get_the_title($post_id); $subtitle = $this->get_subtitle($post_id); if ($title && $subtitle) { $title = sprintf(_x('%1$s: %2$s', 'Title and subtitle as a textarea-safe string', 'anno'), $title, $subtitle); } $contributors = get_post_meta($post_id, '_anno_author_snapshot', true); $contributor_is_id = false; if (empty($contributors) || !is_array($contributors)) { $contributors = $this->get_author_ids($post_id); $contributor_is_id = true; } $names = array(); foreach ($contributors as $contributor) { if ($contributor_is_id) { $contributor_wp_data = get_user_by('id', $contributor); $first = $contributor_wp_data->user_firstname; $last = $contributor_wp_data->user_lastname; $display_name = $contributor_wp_data->display_name; } else { $contributor_id = $contributor['id']; // Test for integer ID, thus we know its not a knol ID and we can attempt to look up a WP user for fallback if ($contributor_id == (string) intval($contributor_id)) { $contributor_wp_data = get_user_by('id', $contributor_id); } else { $contributor_wp_data = false; } $first = $contributor['given_names']; $last = $contributor['surname']; $display_name = empty($author_wp_data) ? '' : $contributor_wp_data->display_name; } if ($first && $last) { $name = sprintf(_x('%1$s %2$s', 'First and last name as a textarea-safe string', 'anno'), $first, $last); } else { $name = $display_name; } if (!empty($name)) { $names[] = $name; } } $authors = implode(', ', $names); $post_revs = wp_get_post_revisions($post_id); $version = is_countable( $post_revs ) ? count( $post_revs ) : 0; if ($version === 0) { $version = 1; } $citation = sprintf( _x('%1$s. %2$s [Internet]. Version %3$s. %4$s. %5$s. Available from: %6$s.', 'Citation format', 'anno'), $authors, $title, $version, $site, $last_modified, $permalink ); set_transient($cache_key, $citation, 60*60); // Cache for 1 hour. return $citation; } /** * Delete citation caches. Run on post update hook. */ public function invalidate_citation_cache($post_id) { delete_transient('anno_citation_html_'.$post_id); } public function get_funding_statement($post_id = null) { return $this->utils->texturized_meta($post_id, '_anno_funding'); } public function get_acknowledgements($post_id = null) { return $this->utils->texturized_meta($post_id, '_anno_acknowledgements'); } public function get_appendices($post_id = null) { $out = ''; $post_id = $this->utils->post_id_for_sure($post_id); $appendices = get_post_meta($post_id, '_anno_appendices_html', true); if (is_array($appendices) && count($appendices)) { $title_text = _x('Appendix %s', 'Appendix title displayed in post, auto-incremented for each appendix.', 'anno'); $out .= '
    '; for ($i=0, $count = count($appendices); $i < $count; $i++) { $title = '

    '.sprintf($title_text, $i + 1).'

    '; $content = $appendices[$i]; $out .= '
    '; } $out .= '
    '; } return $out; } public function get_references($post_id = null) { $out = ''; $post_id = $this->utils->post_id_for_sure($post_id); $references = get_post_meta($post_id, '_anno_references', true); if (is_array($references) && !empty($references)) { $out .= '

    '._x('References', 'Reference title displayed in post.', 'anno').'

    '; } return $out; } public function get_twitter_button($text = null, $attr = array()) { if (!$text) { $text = _x('Tweet', 'Text for Twitter button', 'anno'); } $title = $this->utils->truncate_words(get_the_title(), 5); $url = urlencode(get_permalink()); $default_attr = array( 'href' => 'http://twitter.com/share?url='.$url.'&text='.$title, 'class' => 'twitter-share-button', 'data-count' => 'none' ); return $this->utils->to_tag('a', $text, $default_attr, $attr); } public function get_facebook_button($attr = array()) { $url = urlencode(get_permalink()); $default_attr = array( 'src' => 'http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href='.$url.'&send=false&layout=button_count&width=90&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme=light&font=arial&height=21', 'class' => 'facebook-like-button', 'scrolling' => 'no', 'frameborder' => 0, 'allowTransparency' => true, 'style' => 'width:90px;height:21px' ); return $this->utils->to_tag('iframe', '', $default_attr, $attr); } public function get_email_link($text = null, $attr = array()) { if (!$text) { $text = _x('Email', 'Text for "email this" link', 'anno'); } $title = esc_attr($this->utils->truncate_words(get_the_title(), 5)); $url = urlencode(get_permalink()); $excerpt = strip_tags($this->get_excerpt()); $excerpt = $this->utils->strip_newlines($excerpt); $excerpt = $this->utils->truncate_words($excerpt, 10); $excerpt = esc_attr($excerpt); $default_attr = array( 'href' => 'mailto:?subject='.$title.'&body='.$excerpt.'%0A%0A '.$url, 'class' => 'email imr' ); return $this->utils->to_tag('a', $text, $default_attr, $attr); } } /** * Just an override-able collection of properties and functions used for defining a custom header. * Also abstracts some of the weird redundancy in the WordPress custom header implementation. */ class Anno_Header_Image { protected $utils; public $dimensions = array(); public $default_image_path; public $header_image = ''; /** * @param array $output_dimensions * @param string $image_size */ public function __construct($image_size, $output_dimensions = array(), $default_image_path = '') { try { $utils = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('utils'); } catch (Exception $e) { $utils = Anno_Keeper::keep('utils', new Anno_Template_Utils()); } $this->utils = $utils; if (count($output_dimensions)) { $this->dimensions = array( $output_dimensions[0], $output_dimensions[1] ); } else { global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; $image_info = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$image_size]; $this->dimensions = array( $image_info['width'], $image_info['height'] ); } $this->default_image_path = $default_image_path; } /** * Wraps all of the constants necessary, plus a function call. Basically trying to * make the current WP header image implementation simpler to work with. */ public function add_custom_image_header() { /* All four of these constants are required for WordPress to activate the custom header functionality.*/ // This constant is optional. If you get rid of it, be sure to set the one below. define('NO_HEADER_TEXT', true); // define('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', ''); // Make sure the header textcolor is defined, or WP Core complains if (!defined('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR')) { define('HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', ''); } // These constants are required define('HEADER_IMAGE', $this->default_image_path); // %s is the template dir uri define('HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', $this->dimensions[0]); // use width and height appropriate for your theme define('HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', $this->dimensions[1]); /* The callbacks are non-optional but may be empty. They both execute at wp_head and are useful for adding ad-hoc styles */ add_custom_image_header(array($this, 'head_callback'), array($this, 'admin_head_callback')); } public function head_callback() { } public function admin_head_callback() { echo ''; } /** * A header image URL getter that memoizes the result for this instance. */ public function get_image_url() { if (!$this->header_image) { $this->header_image = get_header_image(); } return $this->header_image; } /** * Custom header image set? */ public function has_image() { return (bool) $this->get_image_url(); } /** * Get back an image tag for the header image if one exists */ public function image_tag($attr = array()) { if ($this->has_image()) { $default_attr = array( 'src' => $this->get_image_url(), 'width' => HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH, 'height' => HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'alt' => esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name')) ); $attr = $this->utils->to_attr($default_attr, $attr); return ''; } } } /** * Instantiate Anno_Template. Let theme authors override. */ function anno_template_init() { $template = new Anno_Template(); $template->attach_hooks(); Anno_Keeper::keep('template', $template); /* Set up Header Image Header image registered later, at 'init'. This gives child themes a chance to override the class used. */ Anno_Keeper::keep('header_image', new Anno_Header_Image('header', array(500, 52))); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'anno_template_init', 9); function anno_has_header_image() { $header_image = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('header_image'); return $header_image->has_image(); } function anno_header_image() { $header_image = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('header_image'); echo $header_image->image_tag(); } /** * Opening HTML tags with HTML5 Boilerplate-style conditional comments */ function anno_open_html() { $post_id = anno_get_post_id(); $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); $template->render_open_html($post_id); } /** * Check if an article has a subtitle */ function anno_has_subtitle($post_id = false) { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); return (bool) $template->get_subtitle($post_id); } /** * Output subtitle data stored as post meta */ function anno_the_subtitle() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_subtitle(); } /** * Article Category is a custom taxonomy for articles */ function anno_the_terms($taxonomy = 'article_category', $before = '', $sep = '', $after = '') { $post_id = get_the_ID(); echo get_the_term_list($post_id, $taxonomy, $before, $sep, $after); } /** * Render an HTML list of all the authors, including meta info like bio and URL. * @return string */ function anno_the_authors() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_contributors_list(); } /** * Get citation for article. Textarea safe * @return string text-only (no-tags) citation for an article */ function anno_the_citation() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_citation(); } function anno_has_acknowledgements() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); return (bool) $template->get_acknowledgements(); } function anno_the_acknowledgements() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_acknowledgements(); } function anno_has_funding_statement() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); return (bool) $template->get_funding_statement(); } function anno_the_funding_statement() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_funding_statement(); } function anno_the_appendices() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_appendices(); } function anno_the_references() { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_references(); } function anno_twitter_button($text = null, $attr = array()) { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_twitter_button($text, $attr); } function anno_facebook_button($attr = array()) { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_facebook_button($attr); } function anno_email_link($text = null, $attr = array()) { $template = Anno_Keeper::retrieve('template'); echo $template->get_email_link($attr); } ?>