== Changelog == = 1.3 - June 30 2014 = * Updated theme description. = 1.3 - Jul 09 2013 = * Moved away from using deprecated functions. * Avoids a PHP notice and check if a gallery exists before using it. * Updated .pot file. = 1.2 - May 22 2013 = * Use a filter to modify the output of wp_title(). * Enqueue scripts and styles via callback. * Use get_posts() in content-gallery.php instead of get_children() to get image attachments. * Add forward compat with 3.6 and new post formats functionality. = 1.1 - Nov 05 2012 = * Add trailing slashes to URLs in comment header. * Move functions for grabbing bits of content into a new file, for separation and organization. * Clean out unused functions. * Escaping fixes; make sure attribute escaping occurs after printing. * Updates for the "audio" post format, remove outdated code from js/audio-player.js, use core version of swfobject and list as a dependency of js/audio-player.js, remove unneeded jQuery dependency. * PNG and JPG image compression. * Add Jetpack compatibility file. * Remove loading of $locale.php. * Add a check is_ssl() to define a protocol for Google fonts in order to ensure it's available for both protocols. * New HiDPi-ready screenshot.png file at 600x450.