div, .menu-toggle, .menu-toggle:focus, .entry-image .entry-image-caption, #infinite-handle span button, .comment .comment-reply-title a', 'background-color' ), // Border color, no contrast array( '.card:hover .entry-header, .card .entry-title a:hover, .card:hover .entry-title a:hover', 'border-color' ), // Text color, no contrast array( 'button:active, button:focus, button:hover, input[type="button"]:active, input[type="button"]:focus, input[type="button"]:hover, input[type="reset"]:active, input[type="reset"]:focus, input[type="reset"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:active, input[type="submit"]:focus, input[type="submit"]:hover, pre, .page-links a:hover, .posts-navigation a:active, .posts-navigation a:hover, .site-feature .entry-header .entry-categories:after, .site-feature .entry-header .entry-meta, .site-feature .entry-header .entry-meta a, .site-feature .entry-header .entry-meta a:active, .site-feature .entry-header .entry-meta a:hover, .site-feature .entry-header .entry-summary, .site-feature .entry-header .entry-title a, .site-feature .entry-header a, .card:hover, .card:hover a, .card:hover a:active, .card:hover a:hover, .card:hover .entry-meta, .card:hover .entry-meta > span:after, .card:hover .sd-rating h3.sd-title, #infinite-handle span button:active, #infinite-handle span button:focus, #infinite-handle span button:hover, .widget_tag_cloud a[style]:active, .widget_tag_cloud a[style]:hover', 'color' ), ), __( 'Background color' ) ); /** * Text and Border Colors * - Default: black * - Used for buttons, general rules and borders */ add_color_rule( 'txt', '#000000', array( // Background Color, bg contrast, less contrast to match #CCC array( 'button:active, button:focus, button:hover, input[type="button"]:active, input[type="button"]:focus, input[type="button"]:hover, input[type="reset"]:active, input[type="reset"]:focus, input[type="reset"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:active, input[type="submit"]:focus, input[type="submit"]:hover, hr, pre, .site-feature .entry-image-link, .card .entry-image, #infinite-handle span button:active, #infinite-handle span button:focus, #infinite-handle span button:hover, .page-links a:hover, .posts-navigation a:active, .posts-navigation a:hover, .widget_tag_cloud a[style]:active, .widget_tag_cloud a[style]:hover', 'background-color', 'bg' ), // Background Color, bg contrast, more contrast to match #555 array( '.site-feature .entry-header', 'background-color', 'bg', 8 ), // Border Color, bg contrast array( 'button, input[type="button"], input[type="email"], input[type="password"], input[type="reset"], input[type="search"], input[type="submit"], input[type="text"], input[type="url"], textarea, .site-heading, .site-branding, .site-footer, .site-main .comment-navigation .nav-links, .main-navigation .children, .main-navigation .sub-menu, .main-navigation .menu-item-has-children:hover, .main-navigation .page_item_has_children:hover, .main-navigation div > ul ul, .main-navigation ul ul > li:hover, .archive .page-header .page-title, .comment-respond p input, .comment-respond p textarea, .page-links a, .posts-navigation a, .search .page-header .page-title, .widget_tag_cloud a[style], .wpcom-reblog-snapshot .reblog-post, .entry-image .entry-image-caption, .main-navigation div > ul:last-child, .main-navigation div > ul:first-child, .page .page, .pingback .comment-body, .search .page-header, .search-no-results .page-content, .single #page .site-main, .single .site-main .post-navigation, .single-jetpack-portfolio .hentry, .archive .page-header, .author-meta, .card .entry-header, .card .entry-image-section, .comments-area, .entry-author, .error404 .not-found, #infinite-handle span button, #infinite-handle span button:active, #infinite-handle span button:focus, #infinite-handle span button:hover, #secondary', 'border-color', 'bg' ), // Border Color, bg contrast, less contrast to match #CCC array( '.single .site-main > .post-navigation, .site-main .comment-navigation .nav-links, .pingback .comment-body', 'border-color', 'bg', 2 ), // Border Color, bg contrast, more contrast to match #999 array( '.main-navigation .sub-menu:before, .main-navigation .children:before, .main-navigation li:after, .main-navigation li:after, .dropdown-toggle, .comment .children .comment-body, .comment .comment-body, .comment-content td, .comment-content th, .comment-content tr, .single div#respond, .comment-respond, .no-comments, .entry-content tbody td, .entry-content tbody th, .entry-content tbody tr, .widget_calendar tbody td, .widget_calendar tbody th, .widget_calendar tbody tr', 'border-color', 'bg', 12 ), // Text Color, bg contrast array( 'a, a:visited, input[type="email"]:focus, input[type="password"]:focus, input[type="search"]:focus, input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="url"]:focus, mark, textarea:focus, .entry-content a:active, .entry-content a:hover, .entry-title a, .site-title a, .site-description, .main-navigation ul > li a, .dropdown-toggle:after, .comment-content a:active, .comment-content a:hover, .widget_calendar table a:active, .widget_calendar table a:hover', 'color', 'bg' ), // Text Color, bg contrast, less contrast to match #CCC array( '.comment-navigation .nav-next:after, .comment-navigation .nav-previous:after, .entry-meta > span:after, .post-navigation .nav-next:after, .post-navigation .nav-previous:after', 'color', 'bg', 2 ), // Text Color, bg contrast, with lowered opacity array( 'body, button, input, select, textarea, .entry-meta a, footer.entry-meta a:hover, footer.entry-meta a:active, div.sharedaddy h3.sd-title, div#jp-relatedposts h3.jp-relatedposts-headline em', 'color', 'bg', 2 ), // Text Color, bg contrast, more contrast to match #999 array( '.archive .taxonomy-description, .comment-metadata a, .entry-image .entry-image-caption, .entry-meta, .gallery-caption, .pingback .comment-body, .search .taxonomy-description, .widget_calendar tbody, .wp-caption .wp-caption-text', 'color', 'bg', 12 ), ), __( 'Text and Border Colors' ) ); /** * Link color * - Default: red * - Used for link hover states, primary menu hover states, and buttons */ add_color_rule( 'link', '#f35029', array( // Background Color, bg contrast array( '.card:hover', 'background-color', 'bg' ), // Border Color, bg contrast array( '.dropdown-toggle:hover, .dropdown-toggle.toggled-on, .comment-content blockquote, .comment-content q, .entry-content blockquote, .entry-content q, .card .entry-title a:hover', 'border-color', 'bg' ), // Text Color, bg contrast array( 'a:active, a:focus, a:hover, button, footer.entry-meta a, input[type="button"], input[type="email"], input[type="password"], input[type="reset"], input[type="search"], input[type="submit"], input[type="text"], input[type="url"], textarea, .site-title a:hover, .main-navigation .children li:hover:before, .main-navigation .sub-menu li:hover:before, .main-navigation ul > li:hover > a, .main-navigation ul ul > li:hover > a, .menu-toggle, .menu-toggle:focus, .dropdown-toggle.toggled-on:after, .dropdown-toggle:hover::after, .dropdown-toggle:active, .dropdown-toggle:focus, .entry-content a, .entry-meta a:active, .entry-meta a:hover, .entry-title a:active, .entry-title a:hover, .bypostauthor .fn:before, .comment .comment-author a, .comment-content a, .comment .comment-reply-link, .comment .comment-reply-title a, #infinite-handle span button, .posts-navigation a, .widget_calendar table a, .widget_tag_cloud a[style], .wpcom-reblog-snapshot .reblog-post:before', 'color', 'bg' ), ), __( 'Links, Headings, and Buttons' ) ); /** * Featured Color Schemes */ add_color_palette( array( '#F9F4F0', '#ed0202', '#1e120f', '', '', ), __( 'Tan, Red, & Mahogany' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#2a044a', '#f0c060', '#f35029', '', '', ), __( 'Mardi Gras' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#f9f7f0', '#666666', '#198975', '', '', ), __( 'Off White & Ever Green' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#000000', '#ededed', '#c60000', '', '', ), __( 'Black, Gray, & Red' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#228a24', '#ffffff', '#000000', '', '', ), __( 'Green, White & Black' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#ffffff', '#b38184', '#455c86', '', '', ), __( 'White, Mauve & Navy' ) );