== Changelog == = 1.3.5 - Oct 26 2015 = * Add responsive menu = 1.3.4 - Sep 25 2015 = * Move infinite scroll code from plugin to theme to fix self-hosted errors = 1.3.3 - Jun 16 2015 = * Minor bug fixes * Hook widgets function into widgets_init rather than init * Escaping fixes = 1.3 - Jul 22 2013 = * Updated markup and template logic. * Moved away from using deprecated functions and improve compliance with .org theme review guidelines. * Removed auto height from embeds, objects, and iframes; it was causing videos to shrink in height. * Updated license. = 1.2 - Apr 2 2013 = * Moved content width adjustment in a callback and extended use cases. * Updated screenshot. * Removed theme support for wp.com print styles. * Updated package declaration in searchform.php. = 1.1 - Dec 28 2012 = * Fixed scaled image bug in Theme Unit Test. * Extended overflow rules to all widget areas. * Fixed deprecated function and undefined variable/constant notices. * Removed duplicate post date. Also fixed color of edit link on image post format. * Made the post edit link less conspicuous -- treat it like tags and categories and include it in the post instead of as a circle to the left of the post. * Ensured the permalink is viewable to users whether logged in or logged out. Also ensured there is always a permalink available in the date by linking the date and styling it to look like regular entry meta information. * Removed loading of $locale.php. * Made sure attribute escaping occurs after printing. * Added styling for HTML5 email inputs. = 1.0 = * Initial release.