Regulus 2.1

Developed by Ben Gillbanks at Binary Moon. Check the Regulus page for updates

Header settings

To use your own header image enter the complete url into the Header Image URL box below - eg "". To fill the header area completely you should make the image 730 pixels wide by 140 pixels high. Any smaller and the image will tile. To use one of the supplied images simply leave this box blank and select the image from the drop down.

"; } else { echo ""; echo ""; } else { echo "/images/bg_$value.jpg\" width=\"60%\" />"; } regulus_cth(); regulus_th( "Header Text" ); regulus_input( "regulus_heading", "checkbox", "Hide blog title and description? (Useful if you use the custom header image)", "1", get_option( 'regulus_heading' ) ); regulus_cth(); ?>
Blog Options

Change the way your blog looks and acts with the many blog settings below

'; regulus_input( "regulus_colourScheme", "option", "Orange Spice", "orange", $value ); regulus_input( "regulus_colourScheme", "option", "Green Peace", "green", $value ); regulus_input( "regulus_colourScheme", "option", "Calm Blue", "blue", $value ); regulus_input( "regulus_colourScheme", "option", "Passionate Pink", "pink", $value ); regulus_input( "regulus_colourScheme", "option", "Whitewash", "white", $value ); regulus_input( "regulus_colourScheme", "option", "Blend it in", "blend", $value ); echo ''; echo '
'; regulus_cth(); if ( $superUser == true ) { regulus_th( "Post Options" ); regulus_input( "regulus_excerpt", "checkbox", "Show Excerpts on the homepage (removes images and some other tags)?", "1", get_option( 'regulus_excerpt' ) ); // regulus_input( "regulus_author", "checkbox", "Show Post Author on the homepage?", "1", get_option( 'regulus_author' ) ); regulus_cth(); } $display_regulus_sidebar = false; regulus_th( "Sidebar Options" ); // if plugin installed if ( !function_exists('is_dynamic_sidebar') ) { $display_regulus_sidebar = true; } else { //plugin installed - is it used? if ( is_dynamic_sidebar() == false ) { $display_regulus_sidebar = true; } } // display regulus sidebar settings if ( $display_regulus_sidebar == true ) { regulus_input( "regulus_calendar", "checkbox", "Show Calendar?", "1", get_option( 'regulus_calendar' ) ); regulus_input( "regulus_meta", "checkbox", "Show meta content (login, site admin etc)?", "1", get_option( 'regulus_meta' ) ); regulus_input( "regulus_posts", "checkbox", "Show Recent Posts", "1", get_option( 'regulus_posts' ) ); regulus_input( "regulus_months", "checkbox", "Show all archive months", "1", get_option( 'regulus_months' ) ); regulus_input( "regulus_linkcat", "checkbox", "Use Link categories in blog roll?", "1", get_option( 'regulus_linkcat' ) ); } //if ( $superUser == true ) regulus_input( "regulus_admin", "checkbox", "Display Admin options (only for admin user when logged in)", "1", get_option( 'regulus_admin' ) ); regulus_input( "regulus_admin", "checkbox", "Display Admin options (only for admin user when logged in)", "1", get_option( 'regulus_admin' ) ); regulus_input( "regulus_sidealign", "checkbox", "Align sidebar to the left?", "1", get_option( 'regulus_sidealign' ) ); regulus_cth(); ?>
Personal Information

The name and email address are used to highlight the comments you post. The about information will appear at the top of the right hand column (optional)


If for some reason you want to uninstall Regulus then press the reset button to clean things up in the database.

', esc_attr( $var ), esc_attr( $var ), esc_attr( $type ), esc_attr( $value ), $onchange ); break; case 'submit': printf( '

', esc_attr( $var ), esc_attr( $type ), esc_attr( $value ) ); break; case 'option': printf( '', esc_attr( $value ), selected( $value, $selected, false ), esc_html( $description ) ); break; case 'radio': printf( '
', esc_attr( $var ), esc_attr( $var ), esc_attr( $type ), esc_attr( $value ), checked( $value, $selected, false ), esc_html( $description ) ); break; case 'checkbox': printf( '
', esc_attr( $var ), esc_attr( $var ), esc_attr( $type ), esc_attr( $value ), checked( $value, $selected, false ) , $description ); break; case 'textarea': printf( '', esc_attr( $var ), esc_attr( $var ), esc_textarea( $value ) ); break; } } function regulus_th( $title ) { // ------------------ // add a table header // ------------------ echo ''; printf( '%s :', esc_html( $title ) ); echo ''; } function regulus_cth() { echo ''; echo ''; } ?>