/** * Redefine Sass map values for child theme output. * - See: style-child-theme.scss */ /** * Global */ // Vertical Rhythm Multiplier $baseline-unit: 8px; $typescale-root: 18px; // Set 16px/1em default on html $typescale-base: 1rem; // Set 1em default on body == $typescale-root; $typescale-ratio: 1.25; // Run ratio math on 1em == $typescale-base * $typescale-root; $config-global: ( /* Fonts */ "font": ( /* Font Family */ "family": ( "primary": ( "fallback": "\"Poppins\"\, -apple-system\, BlinkMacSystemFont\, \"Segoe UI\"\, \"Roboto\"\, \"Oxygen\"\, \"Ubuntu\"\, \"Cantarell\"\, \"Fira Sans\"\, \"Droid Sans\"\, \"Helvetica Neue\"\, sans-serif", "css-var": '--font-headings', ), "secondary": ( "fallback": "\"Poppins\"\, -apple-system\, BlinkMacSystemFont\, \"Segoe UI\"\, \"Roboto\"\, \"Oxygen\"\, \"Ubuntu\"\, \"Cantarell\"\, \"Fira Sans\"\, \"Droid Sans\"\, \"Helvetica Neue\"\, sans-serif", "css-var": '--font-base', ), "code": "monospace, monospace", "ui": ( "fallback": "-apple-system\, BlinkMacSystemFont\, \"Segoe UI\"\, \"Roboto\"\, \"Oxygen\"\, \"Ubuntu\"\, \"Cantarell\"\, \"Fira Sans\"\, \"Droid Sans\"\, \"Helvetica Neue\"\, sans-serif", "css-var": '--font-base', ), ), /* Font Size */ "size": ( "root": $typescale-root, "ratio": $typescale-ratio, "xs": ($typescale-base / $typescale-ratio / $typescale-ratio), "sm": ($typescale-base / $typescale-ratio), "base": $typescale-base, "md": ($typescale-base * $typescale-ratio), "lg": ($typescale-base * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio), "xl": ($typescale-base * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio), "xxl": ($typescale-base * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio), "xxxl": ($typescale-base * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio), "xxxxl": ($typescale-base * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio * $typescale-ratio), ), /* Letter Spacing */ "letter-spacing": ( "base": normal, "xs": normal, "sm": normal, "md": normal, "lg": normal, "xl": normal, "xxl": normal, "xxxl": normal, ), /* Line Height */ "line-height": ( "base": strip-unit($typescale-base), "body": 1.778, "heading": 1.125, ), ), /* Colors */ "color": ( "primary": ( "default": #CAAB57, "hover": darken( #CAAB57, 10% ) ), "secondary": ( "default": #EE4266, "hover": darken( #EE4266, 10% ) ), "foreground": ( "default": #f2f2f2, "light": lighten( #f2f2f2, 5% ), // must be accessible against background "dark": #8F8F8F, // must be accessible against background ), "background": ( "default": #060f29, "light": #0d1f55, // must be accessible against foreground-default "dark": #030713, // must be accessible against foreground-default ), "border": ( "default": #353a46, "light": #4b5263, "dark": #1f2229, ), "alert": ( "success": #66bb6a, "info": #2196f3, "warning": #CAAB57, "error": #f44336, ), "text-selection": lighten( #CAAB57, 30% ), "black": black, "white": white, ), /* Spacing */ "spacing": ( "unit": (2 * $baseline-unit), // 16px "measure": unset, // Use ch units here. ie: 60ch = 60 character max-width "horizontal": (2 * $baseline-unit), // 16px "vertical": (4 * $baseline-unit), // 32px matches default spacing in the editor. ), /* Breakpoints */ "breakpoint": ( "sm": 560px, "md": 640px, "lg": 782px, "xl": 1024px, "xxl": 1280px, ), /* Elevation */ "elevation": ( "none": 0px 0px 0px 0px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), "2dp": 0px 0px 4px 2px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.2 ), "4dp": 0px 0px 8px 2px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.2 ), "6dp": 2px 2px 4px 2px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.2 ), "8dp": 2px 2px 8px 0px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.2 ), "10dp": 4px 4px 8px 0px rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.2 ), ), /* Border radius */ "border-radius": ( "sm": (0.25 * $typescale-root), "md": (0.5 * $typescale-root), "lg": $typescale-root, "pill": (10 * $typescale-root), ), ); /** * Elements */ $config-elements: ( "form": ( // Colors "color": ( "text": map-deep-get($config-global, "color", "black"), "border": map-deep-get($config-global, "color", "border", "default"), "border-focus": map-deep-get($config-global, "color", "primary", "hover"), ), // Fonts "font": ( "family": ( "fallback": map-deep-get($config-global, "font", "family", "secondary", "fallback"), "css-var": map-deep-get($config-global, "font", "family", "secondary", "css-var"), ), "line-height": map-deep-get($config-global, "font", "line-height", "md"), "size": map-deep-get($config-global, "font", "size", "base"), "weight": bold, ), // Borders "border": ( "width": 0, "radius": 3px, ), "padding": #{map-deep-get($config-global, "spacing", "unit")}, ), ); /** * Button */ $config-button: ( // Colors "color": ( "text": map-deep-get($config-global, "color", "background", "default"), "text-hover": map-deep-get($config-global, "color", "background", "default"), "background": map-deep-get($config-global, "color", "primary", "default"), "background-hover": map-deep-get($config-global, "color", "primary", "hover"), ), // Fonts "font": ( "family": ( "fallback": map-deep-get($config-global, "font", "family", "ui", "fallback"), "css-var": map-deep-get($config-global, "font", "family", "ui", "css-var"), ), "size": map-deep-get($config-global, "font", "size", "base"), "weight": 600, "line-height": 1.15, ), // Borders "border-radius": 3px, "border-width": 2px, // Padding "padding": ( "vertical": map-deep-get($config-global, "spacing", "unit"), "horizontal": map-deep-get($config-global, "spacing", "unit"), ), ); 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