li:hover > a', 'background', '+.33' ), // Border color, no contrast, -1 brightness array( '.social-menu a', 'border-color' ), // Border bottom color, bg contrast array( '.entry-author:before, .post-author:before', 'border-bottom-color' ) ), __( 'Header Background color' ) ); /** * Highlight & Link color * - Default: blue * - Used for links, the primary menu, headings, and buttons */ add_color_rule( 'link', '#0093c2', array( // Background color, no contrast array( '.header-bottom-menu ul, .navigation .section-inner, .header-bottom-menu, .nav-toggle, .sticky-tag, .single-post .post .sticky-tag, .post-content .page-links a:hover, .post-tags a:hover, .tagcloud .widget-content a:hover, .widget_tag_cloud .widget-content a:hover, .post-content fieldset legend, .post-content input[type="submit"], .post-content input[type="reset"], .post-content input[type="button"], .post-content input[type="submit"]:hover, .post-content input[type="reset"]:hover, .post-content input[type="button"]:hover, .comment-respond input[type="submit"], #infinite-handle span button, .to-the-top', 'background' ), // Background color, bg contrast array( '.bypostauthor .comment-author-icon', 'background', 'bg' ), // Border right color, no contrast array( ' .sticky-tag:after, .single-post .post .sticky-tag:after, .post-tags a:hover:before, .tagcloud .widget-content a:hover:before, .widget_tag_cloud .widget-content a:hover:before', 'border-right-color' ), // Border bottom color, no contrast array( '.post-content a:hover, .pingbacks-title, .widget_flickr #flickr_badge_uber_wrapper a:last-of-type', 'border-bottom-color' ), // Border left color, no contrast array( ' .sticky-tag:after', 'border-left-color' ), // Border color, bg contrast array( '.comments-title-link a:hover, .page-edit-link .post-edit-link:hover', 'border-color', 'bg' ), // Border top color, bg contrast array( '.nav-links > div a:hover, .comments-nav a:hover, .archive-nav a:hover', 'border-top-color', 'bg' ), // Border bottom color, bg contrast array( '.widget-title, .widget-content a:hover, .page-title h4', 'border-bottom-color', 'bg' ), // Text color, bg contrast array( 'body a, body a:hover, body a:active, .post-content a, .post-content a:hover, .post-content p.intro, .post-content blockquote:after, .post-categories, .single-post .post-meta a, .single-post .post-image-caption .fa, .search-container .search-button:hover, .comments-title .fa, .comment-reply-title .fa, .comments-title-link a, .comment-meta .vcard a, .no-comments .fa, .comment-header h4 a, .pingbacklist a:hover, .comments-nav a:hover, .page-edit-link, .related-post .category, .nav-links > div a:hover span, .credits .copyright a:hover, .wrapper .search-button:hover, .archive-nav a:hover, #wp-calendar thead th, #wp-calendar tfoot a:hover, .widget-content a:hover, .widget-content a:hover::before, .widget-content li a:hover, .widget-content li a:hover::before, .widget_flickr #flickr_badge_uber_wrapper a:last-of-type', 'color', 'bg' ), // Text color, fg1 contrast array( '.site-title a:hover', 'color', 'fg1' ) ), __( 'Highlight & Link color' ) ); /** * Extra color 1 * - Default: grey * - Used for header description and general widget text color */ add_color_rule( 'extra', '#999999', array( // Background color, fg1 contrast, +2 brightness array( '.post-tags a, .tagcloud .widget-content a, .widget_tag_cloud .widget-content a, #infinite-handle span button:hover', 'background', '+2', 'fg1' ), // Border top color, fg1 contrast array( '.header-top-menu a:after, .header-top-menu li.page_item_has_children a:after', 'border-top-color', 'fg1' ), // Border right color, fg1 contrast, +2 brightness array( '.post-tags a:before, .tagcloud .widget-content a:before, .widget_tag_cloud .widget-content a:before', 'border-right-color', '+2', 'fg1' // Right ), // Text color, fg1 contrast array( '.entry-author .author-bio, .site-description, .post-author .description, .header-top-menu ul a, .header-top-menu > li > a, .social-menu a, .credits .attribution, .credits .attribution a', 'color', 'fg1' ), // Text color, bg contrast array( '.widget-content, .rowling-widget-list .excerpt', 'color', 'bg' ) ), __( 'Header Text color' ) ); /** * Extra color 2 * - Default: white * - Used for general call outs, and button text with colored backgrounds */ add_color_rule( 'extra', '#ffffff', array( // Background color, link contrast array( '.nav-toggle .bar, .bar', 'background', 'link', ), // Border top color, link contrast array( '.header-bottom-menu >, .header-bottom-menu > li.page_item_has_children:after', 'border-top-color', 'link' ), // Border top color, fg1 contrast. +3 brightness array( '.header-top-menu a:after, .header-top-menu li.page_item_has_children:hover a:after', 'border-top-color', 'fg1', 3 ), // Border color, fg1 contrast, +3 brightness array( '.post-author .title a, .social-menu a:hover, .social-menu', 'border-color', 'fg1', 3 ), // Text color, link contrast array( '.header-bottom-menu ul a, .header-bottom-menu > li > a, .header-bottom-menu > li:hover > a, .header-bottom-menu ul li:hover > a, .header-bottom-menu > li.current_menu_item > a, .header-bottom-menu > li.current_page_item > a, .navigation .section-inner, .sticky-tag, .single-post .post .sticky-tag, .post-content .page-links a:hover, .post-content fieldset legend, .post-content fieldset legend, .post-content input[type="submit"], .post-content input[type="reset"], .post-content input[type="button"], .post-content input[type="submit"]:hover, .post-content input[type="reset"]:hover, .post-content input[type="button"]:hover, .post-tags a:hover, .tagcloud .widget-content a:hover, .widget_tag_cloud .widget-content a:hover, .comment-respond input[type="submit"], .to-the-top .fa', 'color', 'link' ), // Text color, fg1 contrast, +6 brightness array( '.site-title a', 'color', 'fg1', 6 ), // Text color, fg1 contrast, +3 brightness array( '.header-top-menu li.current-menu-item > a, .header-top-menu li.current_page_item > a, .header-top-menu li:hover > a, .header-top-menu ul li:hover > a, .social-menu a:hover, .social-menu', 'color', 'fg1', 3 ) ), __( 'Button Text color' ) ); /** * Extra color 3 * - Default: gray * - Used for general body copy and text */ add_color_rule( 'extra', '#111111', array( // Text color, bg contrast array( 'body, .post-title a, .post-title a:hover, .single-post .post-image-caption, .page-links > span:nth-of-type(2), .post-navigation .navigation-post-title, .post-content caption, .post-content th, .post-content div#jp-relatedposts .jp-relatedposts-post .jp-relatedposts-post-title a, .pingbacks-title, .pingbacklist a, .comment-respond form label', 'color', 'bg', ) ), __( 'Button Text color' ) ); /** * Featured color options */ add_color_palette( array( '#ffffff', '', '#ce2721', '#bbd7d1', '', ), __( 'Pastel Teal & Bright Red' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#ffffff', '', '#8a042a', '#cabaa5', '', ), __( 'Tan & Bordeaux Red' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#ffffff', '', '#1f1e1d', '#ed8f58', '', ), __( 'Orange & Dusk Grey' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#ffffff', '', '#96b8b6', '#1f1e1d', '', ), __( 'Mint Green & Charcoal Grey' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#ffffff', '', '#65b2e6', '#0f5889', '', ), __( 'Blues' ) ); add_color_palette( array( '#ffffff', '', '#a7c52f', '#6c427e', '', ), __( 'Eggplant' ) );