=== Rowling === Contributors: automattic Tags: gray, black, blue, white, light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, custom-colors, custom-menu, custom-fonts, featured-images, flexible-header, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready Requires at least: 4.1 Tested up to: 4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == Rowling is a clean, simple and elegant magazine theme for WordPress. It features a responsive design, great typography, three menu locations including a social menu support, custom color support, custom logo support, and a gallery post format support. * Responsive layout. * Jetpack.me compatibility for Infinite Scroll, Site Logo, and Social Menu. * The GPL v2.0 or later license. :) Use it to make something cool. == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button. 2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Use the gallery post format = 1. Go to Admin > Posts > Add New. 2. Select the "Gallery" post format in the Post Attributes box. 3. Click "Add Media" and upload the images you wish to display in the gallery. 4. Close the Media window and publish/update the post. 5. The images you uploaded should now be displayed in the post gallery. = Use the social menu in the header = 1. Go to Admin > Appearance > Menus. 2. Create a new menu. 3. Click the "Links" dropdown in the left sidebar, and add the URL and title of the social link you wish to include. 4. Click "Add to Menu" to add it to the menu. Repeat for each link you wish to include. 5. Scroll down to "Menu Settings", and next to "Theme locations", select "Social Menu". Click save. 6. The menu should now be displayed on the site. == Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels) == 1. The main column width is 924. 2. The sidebar width is 276. 3. Featured Images are 924 wide with unlimited height. == Credits == * Lato font license : SIL Open Font License, 1.1 http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL * Merriweather font license : SIL Open Font License, 1.1 http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL * FontAwesome font license : SIL Open Font License, 1.1 http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL * FontAwesome code license : MIT License http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * DoubleTapToGo.js license : MIT License http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Flexslider.js license : GNU GPL v2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * Licenses for images used in screenshot.png : Creative Commons Zero http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ == Changelog == = Version 1.09-wpcom (2016-04-25) = * Remove stray PHP closing tag in `functions.php`. * Adjust viewport settings to allow pinch-zoom on iOS devices. = Version 1.07-wpcom (2015-11-03) = * Convert search form to HTML5 * More HTML5 improvements * Validate HTML * Validate CSS * CSS format clean up * jQuery $ shorthand fix * General code cleanup (js, css) * Increase sidebar link clickable area = Version 1.06-wpcom (2015-10-30) = * Fix archive titles to use the_archive_title tag * Add comment form #respond wrapper to comment_form $args * Clean up border logic on frontpage * Loads pages more smoothly * Clean up JS * Remove translation file * Use more specific escaping functions * Add Rowling to infinite scroll support page = Version 1.05-wpcom (2015-10-28) = * Center images in Flexslider * Add more contrast to gallery arrows * Fix captions in gallery (add padding) * Fix borders in thumbnail gallery * Fix CSS quote mark encoding * Center featured images * Use HTML5 where applicable * Fix Sticky post indicators * Fix Comment Next/Prev display * Improve Pingback display * Add RTL support * Add support for next and previous links * Make screenshot 1200x900 * Remove House of Cards from screenshot * Test against shortcodes (https://goo.gl/XKEsxe) * Add keyboard accessibility support (may need help with this) * General code cleanup for comments * Fix left/right nav icons to use FontAwesome * Fix color options to include new classes * Improve page archive count * Various ?printf? replacements * Remove add custom header styles * Fix ?Add Comment? arrow font * Fix editor styles to backend action * Fix apostrophes in _e functions * Clean up archive title markup * change ??? to … * Translation fixes for post meta * Fix clearing on Page content template * Break out single content into separate template files (Single posts and pages) * Fix responsive RTL * change gallery interaction so that if you have to insert the [gallery] shortcode into the content, it doesn?t get duplicated. = Version 1.04 (2015-08-11) = * Added clearing divs after the post content on single posts/pages * Changed the titles on single posts/pages to H1 elements for SEO benefits * Fixed so that Jetpack Tiled Galleries plays nice with the related posts field * Fixed so that img#wpstats is hidden * Changed post title on 404 from h2 to h1 for SEO reasons * Fixed so that widgets use __construct() in prep for WP 4.3 = Version 1.03 (2015-04-07) = * Added some missing PHP functions to the footer = Version 1.02 (2015-02-28) = * Renamed lovecraft.pot to rowling.pot. This is why you don't do two themes at once, kids. = Version 1.01 (2015-02-23) = * Replaced doubletaptogo.min.js with doubletaptogo.js (non-minified version) * Replaced flexslider.min.js with flexslider.js (non-minified version) * Replaced fontawesome.min.css with fontawesome.css (non-minified version) * Renamed xx_XX.pot to rowling.pot * Added theme text-domain to style.css * Removed wp_is_mobile() from functions.php * Added theme function prefix to html_js_class() in functions.php * Changed home_url() to home_url('/') in header.php = Version 1.00 (2015-02-03) =