Change Log ---------- Version 1.1.3-wpcom * Bump version number * Add DocBlocks. * CSS coding standards for style.css. * Changed "bigThumb" image size to "shaan_featured_image". * Enqueue custom font stylesheet correctly. * Removed javascript for searchform and replaced with html5 placeholder attribute. * Removed all unused functions and style rules. * Removed "headThumb" image size. * Reworked featured images: * Larger images display in singular templates. * Smaller images display in multiple post templates. * Removed navigation.php and calls to page_navi plugin. * Removed "Related Posts" feature. * Removed "Top" link from footer area. * Removed large post thumbnail from all archives. Better to use only the smaller one. * Removed custom page templates. * Reworked custom header implementation. * Standardizard paged and paged-post navigation links. * Smush all images. * Create empty languages directory. Version 1.1.3 Released May 2011 by Pritam P Hans ( * Replaces Cufon Font Replacement with Google Web Fonts * Fixes error with ads