a, .site-navigation ul ul :hover > a', 'background-color', '-2' ), array( '#entry-author-info a', 'color', '#c3eaf8' ), ), __( 'Links', 'splendio' ) ); add_color_rule( 'txt', '#FFFFFF', array( ) ); add_color_rule( 'extra', '#333333', array( array( '.site-navigation li:hover > a, .site-navigation ul ul :hover > a', 'color', 'link' ), ) ); add_color_rule( 'extra', '#ffffff', array( array( '.feature-slider a:hover, .feature-slider a.active', 'color', 'link' ), ) ); /* Extra CSS to force the default background color to stay put since we're only changing link colors in this theme. */ add_theme_support( 'custom_colors_extra_css', 'splendio_extra_css' ); function splendio_extra_css() { ?> body.custom-background.custom-colors { background-color: #e9e9dc; } .site-navigation li:hover > a, .site-navigation ul ul :hover > a { text-shadow: none; }