'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h1', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '2.25em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h2', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '2em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h3', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.75em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h4', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.5em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h5,f h6', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.25em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h6, #respond #reply-title', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', '#portfolio-wrapper .jetpack-portfolio .project-title', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.8em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h1', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.75em' ), ), array( 'screen and (max-width: 800px)', ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h2', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.5em' ), ), array( 'screen and (max-width: 800px)', ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h3', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.25em' ), ), array( 'screen and (max-width: 800px)', ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h4', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1em' ), ), array( 'screen and (max-width: 800px)', ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h5, h6', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '0.75em' ), ), array( 'screen and (max-width: 800px)', ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h6', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '0.5em' ), ), array( 'screen and (max-width: 800px)', ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '.site-info, .wp-caption .wp-caption-text, .gallery-caption', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '.8em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '#jp-carousel-comment-form-button-submit, input#carousel-reblog-submit', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', 'body, button, input, select, textarea', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'none', 'pre', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace' ), array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '14px' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'none', 'code, kbd, tt, var', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace' ), array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '14px' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '.btn', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '#respond .required', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.5em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', 'button, input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"]', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', '.entry-title', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '3em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', '.blog .format-image.has-post-thumbnail .entry-title, .archive .format-image.has-post-thumbnail .entry-title, .search .format-image.has-post-thumbnail .entry-title, .blog .format-video .entry-title, .archive .format-video .entry-title, .search .format-video .entry-title, .blog .format-audio .entry-title, .archive .format-audio .entry-title, .search .format-audio .entry-title, .blog .format-status .entry-title, .archive .format-status .entry-title, .search .format-status .entry-title, .blog .format-aside .entry-title, .archive .format-aside .entry-title, .search .format-aside .entry-title, .blog .format-quote .entry-title, .archive .format-quote .entry-title, .search .format-quote .entry-title, .blog .format-link .entry-title, .archive .format-link .entry-title, .search .format-link .entry-title, .single .format-status .entry-title, .single .format-aside .entry-title, .single .format-link .entry-title, .blog .format-link .entry-title, .archive .format-link .entry-title, .search .format-link .entry-title, .single .format-link .entry-title', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '1.5em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '#comments .comment-top, #comments .comment-reply-link, #comments .comment-edit-link, #comments .cancel-comment a', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '0.8em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '.js .blog .format-status .entry-summary, .js .archive .format-status .entry-summary, .js .search .format-status .entry-summary, .js .single .format-status .entry-summary', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '30px' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'none', '.error:after, .notice:after, .success:after, .update:after', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'FontAwesome' ), array( 'property' => 'font-style', 'value' => 'normal' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'normal' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '.widget_recent_entries .post-date, #respond p.logged-in-as', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '0.9em' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '.main-navigation ul, .widget', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '16px' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'none', '.js .menu-social li a:before', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => 'FontAwesome' ), array( 'property' => 'font-style', 'value' => 'normal' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'normal' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '.comment-navigation .nav-next a, .comment-navigation .nav-previous a, .paging-navigation .nav-next a, .paging-navigation .nav-previous a, .post-navigation .nav-next a, .post-navigation .nav-previous a', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '#infinite-handle span', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'none', '.widget_recent_entries .post-date:before', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"fontawesome", arial' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => '200' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '#respond .form-submit input', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', '.site-description, .site-title', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Gentium Book Basic", serif' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', '.site-title', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '72px' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', '.site-description', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '27px' ), ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'headings', '.site-title', array( array( 'property' => 'font-size', 'value' => '54px' ), ), array( 'screen and (max-width: 1000px)', ) ); TypekitTheme::add_font_category_rule( $category_rules, 'body-text', '#jp-carousel-comment-form-button-submit, input#carousel-reblog-submit', array( array( 'property' => 'font-family', 'value' => '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' ), array( 'property' => 'font-weight', 'value' => 'bold' ), ) ); return $category_rules; } );