msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: - Themes - Twenty Eleven\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-16T01:49:20+00:00\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-30 17:32:42+0000\n" "Language: \n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n" #: inc/wpcom-colors.php:80 msgid "Menu" msgstr "Μενού" #: tag.php:19 msgid "Tag Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα ἐτικέττας: %s" #: single.php:20 msgid "Next " msgstr "Ἑπόμενα " #: single.php:19 msgid " Previous" msgstr " Προηγούμενα" #: sidebar.php:27 msgid "Meta" msgstr "Μεταλειτουργίες" #: sidebar.php:20 msgid "Archives" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα" #: showcase.php:157 msgid "Recent Posts" msgstr "Πρόσφατα ἄρθρα" #: showcase.php:74 msgid "Featured Post" msgstr "Προτεινόμενο ἄρθρο" #: searchform.php:11 #: searchform.php:12 #: searchform.php:13 msgid "Search" msgstr "Ἀναζήτηση" #: search.php:48 msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords." msgstr "Λυπούμεθα, ἀλλὰ τίποτα δὲν ταίριαζε μ' αὐτὸ ποὺ ψάχνετε. Παρακαλοῦμε ξαναδοκιμάστε μὲ διαφορετικὲς λέξεις." #: search.php:18 msgid "Search Results for: %s" msgstr "Ἀναζήτηση ἀποτελεσμάτων γιά: %s" #: inc/widgets.php:185 msgid "Number of posts to show:" msgstr "Ἀριθμὸς άρθρων πρὸς ἐμφάνισιν:" #: inc/widgets.php:107 #: inc/widgets.php:116 msgid "% comments →" msgstr "% σχόλια →" #: inc/widgets.php:182 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Τίτλος:" #: inc/widgets.php:107 #: inc/widgets.php:116 msgid "0 comments →" msgstr "0 σχόλια →" #: inc/widgets.php:107 #: inc/widgets.php:116 msgid "1 comment →" msgstr "1 σχόλιο →" #: inc/theme-options.php:566 msgid "Layout" msgstr "Διάταξη " #: inc/theme-options.php:337 msgid "%s Theme Options" msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις θέματος %s" #: inc/theme-options.php:301 msgid "Default color: %s" msgstr "Προτεινόμενο χρῶμα: %s" #: inc/theme-options.php:191 msgid "One-column, no sidebar" msgstr "Μονόστηλο, χωρὶς πλαϊνὴ στήλη" #: inc/theme-options.php:298 msgid "Select a Color" msgstr "Ἐπιλέξτε χρῶμα" #: inc/theme-options.php:181 msgid "Content on left" msgstr "Περιεχόμενο στὰ ἀριστερά" #: inc/theme-options.php:186 msgid "Content on right" msgstr "Περιεχόμενο στὰ δεξιά" #: inc/theme-options.php:156 msgid "Dark" msgstr "Σκοῦρο" #: inc/theme-options.php:150 msgid "Light" msgstr "Ἀνοικτό" #: inc/theme-options.php:128 msgid "Overview" msgstr "Ἀνασκόπηση" #: inc/theme-options.php:120 msgid "Documentation on Theme Options" msgstr "Περὶ ρυθμίσεων θεμάτων" #: inc/theme-options.php:121 msgid "Support Forums" msgstr "Φόρουμ ὑποστήριξης " #: inc/theme-options.php:119 msgid "For more information:" msgstr "Γιὰ περισσότερες πληροφορίες:" #: inc/theme-options.php:115 msgid "Default Layout: You can choose if you want your site’s default layout to have a sidebar on the left, the right, or not at all." msgstr "Διάταξη: Μπορεῖτε νὰ ἐπιλέξετε μονόστηλη διάταξη ἢ διάταξη μὲ δεξιὰ/ἀριστερὴ πλαϊνὴ στήλη." #: inc/theme-options.php:117 msgid "Remember to click \"Save Changes\" to save any changes you have made to the theme options." msgstr "Θυμηθῆτε νὰ πατήσετε τὸ πλῆκτρο ἀποθήκευσης γιὰ νὰ μὴν χάσετε τὶς ἀλλαγὲς ποὺ τυχὸν κάνατε στὶς ἐπιλογὲς τοῦ θέματος." #: inc/theme-options.php:113 msgid "Color Scheme: You can choose a color palette of \"Light\" (light background with dark text) or \"Dark\" (dark background with light text) for your site." msgstr "Συνδυασμὸς χρωμάτων: Μπορεῖτε νὰ ἐπιλέξετε γιὰ τὸ ἱστολόγιό σας εἴτε \"Ἀνοικτὰ χρώματα\" (ἀνοικτὸ ὑπόβαθρο μὲ σκοῦρο κείμενο) εἴτε \"Σκοῦρα χρώματα\" (σκοῦρο ὑπόβαυθρο μὲ ἀνοικτὸ κείμενο)." #: inc/theme-options.php:111 msgid "Some themes provide customization options that are grouped together on a Theme Options screen. If you change themes, options may change or disappear, as they are theme-specific. Your current theme, Twenty Eleven, provides the following Theme Options:" msgstr "Ὁρισμένα θέματα προσφέρουν ἐπιλογὲς ἐμφάνισης ποὺ βλέπετε ὁμαδοποιημένες στὴν ὀθόνη τῶν ἐπιλογῶν θέματος. Ἂν ἀλλάξετε θέμα, οἱ ἐπιλογὲς αὐτὲς μπορεῖ νὰ ἀλλάξουν ἢ νὰ ἐξαφανισθοῦν, ἀφοῦ ἐξαρτῶνται ἀποκλειστικὰ ἀπὸ τὸ θέμα. Τὸ τρέχον θέμα σας, τὸ Twenty Eleven, προσφέρει τὶς ἐξῆς ἐπιλογὲς θέματος:" #: inc/theme-options.php:114 msgid "Link Color: You can choose the color used for text links on your site. You can enter the HTML color or hex code, or you can choose visually by clicking the \"Select a Color\" button to pick from a color wheel." msgstr "Χρῶμα συνδέσμων: Μπορεῖτε νὰ ἐπιλέξετε χρῶμα γιὰ τοὺς συνδέσμους τοῦ ἱστοχώρου σας εἴτε εἰσάγοντας χρῶμα HTML ἢ τὸν ἀντίστοιχο δεκαεξαδικὸ κωδικό εἴτε ἐπιλέγοντας χρῶμα μὲ τὸ χέρι ἀπὸ ἕνα κυκλικὸ δειγματολόγιο χρωμάτων μὲ τὴν βοήθεια τοῦ πλήκτρου \"Ἐπιλέξτε χρῶμα\"." #: inc/theme-options.php:95 #: inc/theme-options.php:96 msgid "Theme Options" msgstr "Ἐπιλογές θέματος ἐμφάνισης" #: inc/theme-options.php:62 #: inc/theme-options.php:559 msgid "Link Color" msgstr "Χρῶμα συνδέσμων" #: inc/theme-options.php:63 msgid "Default Layout" msgstr "Κατὰ παραδοχὴν (default) διάταξη" #: inc/theme-options.php:56 #: inc/theme-options.php:542 msgid "Color Scheme" msgstr "Συνδυασμὸς χρωμάτων" #: image.php:20 msgid "Next →" msgstr "Ἑπόμενο →" #: image.php:19 msgid "← Previous" msgstr "← Προηγούμενα" #: image.php:18 msgid "Image navigation" msgstr "Περιήγηση εἰκόνων" #: header.php:125 msgid "Skip to secondary content" msgstr "Πηγαίνετε στὸ δευτερεῦον περιεχόμενο" #: header.php:123 msgid "Skip to primary content" msgstr "Μεταβῆτε στὀ κύριο περιεχόμενο" #: header.php:121 msgid "Main menu" msgstr "Κύριο μενού" #: functions.php:662 msgid "Posted on by %7$s" msgstr "Ἀναρτήθηκε στὶς ἀπὸ τὸν/τὴν %7$s" #: header.php:43 msgid "Page %s" msgstr "Σελίδα %s" #: functions.php:643 msgid "Reply " msgstr "Ἀπαντῆστε " #: functions.php:634 msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation." msgstr "Τὸ σχόλιό σας περιμένει ἔλεγχο γιὰ ἐνδεχόμενες ἀκρότητες." #. translators: 1: comment author, 2: date and time #: functions.php:619 msgid "%1$s on %2$s said:" msgstr "Ὁ/ἡ %1$s εἶπε στὶς %2$s:" #. translators: 1: date, 2: time #: functions.php:625 msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "%1$s, %2$s " #: functions.php:602 msgid "Pingback:" msgstr "Αὐτόματη εἰδοποίηση σύνδεσης:" #: functions.php:504 msgid "Newer posts " msgstr "Νεώτερα ἄρθρα " #: functions.php:503 msgid " Older posts" msgstr " Παλαιότερα ἄρθρα" #: functions.php:478 msgid "Footer Area Three" msgstr "Τρίτη περιοχὴ ὑποσέλιδου" #: functions.php:502 #: single.php:18 msgid "Post navigation" msgstr "Περιήγηση ἄρθρων" #: functions.php:460 #: functions.php:470 #: functions.php:480 msgid "An optional widget area for your site footer" msgstr "Προαιρετικὴ περιοχὴ προσθηκῶν περιεχομένου στὸ ὑποσέλιδο τοῦ ἱστολογίου σας" #: functions.php:468 msgid "Footer Area Two" msgstr "Δεύτερη περιοχὴ ὑποσέλιδου" #: functions.php:458 msgid "Footer Area One" msgstr "Πρώτη περιοχὴ ὑποσέλιδου" #: functions.php:448 msgid "Showcase Sidebar" msgstr "Πλαϊνὴ στήλη - βιτρίνα" #: functions.php:439 msgid "Main Sidebar" msgstr "Κύρια πλαϊνὴ στήλη" #. translators: header image description #: functions.php:204 msgid "Lanterns" msgstr "Φαναράκια" #. translators: header image description #: functions.php:210 msgid "Willow" msgstr "Ἰτιά" #. translators: header image description #: functions.php:192 msgid "Pine Cone" msgstr "Κουκουνάρα" #. translators: header image description #: functions.php:174 msgid "Wheel" msgstr "Τροχός" #: functions.php:95 msgid "Primary Menu" msgstr "Πρωτεῦον μενού" #: footer.php:28 msgid "Proudly powered by %s" msgstr "Λειτουργεῖ μὲ τὴν βοήθεια τοῦ %s" #: footer.php:28 msgid "Semantic Personal Publishing Platform" msgstr "Πλατφόρμα σημασιολογικῶν προσωπικῶν ἐκδόσεων" #: content.php:16 msgid "Featured" msgstr "Ἰδιαιτέρου ἐνδιαφέροντος" #: content-status.php:19 msgid "Status" msgstr "Κατάσταση" #: content-single.php:40 msgid "This entry was posted in %1$s by %5$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "Καταχωρίσθηκε στὴν κατηγορία %1$s ἀπὸ τὸν/τὴν %5$s. Φυλάξτε τὸν μόνιμο σύνδεσμο στὰ ἀγαπημένα σας." #: content-single.php:42 msgid "This entry was posted by %5$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "Καταχώριση τοῦ/τῆς %5$s. Φυλάξτε τὸν μόνιμο σύνδεσμο στὰ ἀγαπημένα σας." #: content-single.php:70 msgid "View all posts by %s " msgstr "Δεῖτε ὅλα τὰ ἄρθρα τοῦ/τῆς %s " #: content-single.php:38 msgid "This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s by %5$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "Καταχωρίσθηκε στὴν κατηγορία %1$s καὶ σημειώθηκε ὡς %2$s ἀπὸ τὸν/τὴν %5$s. Φυλάξτε τὸν μόνιμο σύνδεσμο στὰ ἀγαπημένα σας." #: content-quote.php:15 msgid "Quote" msgstr "Ἀπόσπασμα" #: content-link.php:17 msgid "Link" msgstr "Σύνδεσμος" #: content-image.php:41 #: content-video.php:39 #: functions.php:668 msgid "View all posts by %s" msgstr "Δεῖτε ὅλες τὶς καταχωρίσεις τοῦ/τῆς %s" #: content-image.php:23 #: content-quote.php:24 #: content-status.php:24 #: content-video.php:21 #: content.php:30 msgctxt "comments number" msgid "%" msgstr "%" #: content-image.php:36 #: content-video.php:34 msgid " by %6$s" msgstr " ἀπὸ τὸν/τὴν %6$s" #: content-image.php:23 #: content-quote.php:24 #: content-status.php:24 #: content-video.php:21 #: content.php:30 msgctxt "comments number" msgid "1" msgstr "1" #: content-image.php:23 #: content-quote.php:24 #: content-status.php:24 #: content-video.php:21 #: content.php:30 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Ἀπάντηση" #: content-gallery.php:64 #: content-image.php:53 #: content-quote.php:48 #: content-video.php:51 #: content.php:55 msgid "Posted in %2$s" msgstr "Ἀναρτήθηκε στὸ %2$s" #: content-gallery.php:46 #: content-video.php:15 #: showcase.php:117 msgid "Permalink to %s" msgstr "Μόνιμος σύνδεσμος πρὸς %s" #: content-gallery.php:45 msgid "This gallery contains %2$s photo." msgid_plural "This gallery contains %2$s photos." msgstr[0] "Ἡ συλλογὴ περιέχει %2$s φωτογραφία." msgstr[1] "Ἡ συλλογὴ περιέχει %2$s φωτογραφίες." #: content-gallery.php:19 msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Συλλογὴ εἰκόνων" #: content-featured.php:33 msgid "This entry was posted in %1$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "Καταχωρίσθηκε στὴν κατηγορία %1$s. Φυλάξτε τὸν μόνιμο σύνδεσμο στὰ ἀγαπημένα σας." #: content-featured.php:31 msgid "This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s. Bookmark the permalink." msgstr "Καταχωρίσθηκε στὴν κατηγορία %1$s καὶ σημειώθηκε ὡς %2$s. Φυλάξτε τὸν μόνιμο σύνδεσμο στὰ ἀγαπημένα σας." #: content-aside.php:49 #: content-featured.php:45 #: content-gallery.php:88 #: content-image.php:70 #: content-intro.php:19 #: content-link.php:46 #: content-page.php:21 #: content-quote.php:72 #: content-single.php:55 #: content-status.php:59 #: content-video.php:68 #: content.php:82 #: functions.php:602 #: functions.php:630 #: image.php:41 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Ἐπεξεργασία" #: content-aside.php:47 #: content-gallery.php:85 #: content-image.php:66 #: content-link.php:44 #: content-quote.php:69 #: content-status.php:57 #: content-video.php:64 #: content.php:79 #: showcase.php:198 msgid "% Replies" msgstr "% ἀπαντήσεις" #: content-aside.php:47 #: content-gallery.php:85 #: content-image.php:66 #: content-link.php:44 #: content-quote.php:69 #: content-status.php:57 #: content-video.php:64 #: content.php:79 #: showcase.php:198 msgid "1 Reply" msgstr "1 ἀπάντηση" #: content-aside.php:47 #: content-gallery.php:85 #: content-image.php:66 #: content-link.php:44 #: content-quote.php:69 #: content-status.php:57 #: content-video.php:64 #: content.php:79 #: showcase.php:198 msgid "Leave a reply" msgstr "Ἀπαντῆστε" #: content-aside.php:42 #: content-gallery.php:76 #: content-image.php:61 #: content-link.php:39 #: content-quote.php:60 #: content-video.php:59 #: content.php:69 msgid "Tagged %2$s" msgstr "Σημειώθηκε ὡς %2$s" #. translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma #: content-aside.php:38 #: content-featured.php:29 #: content-featured.php:38 #: content-gallery.php:60 #: content-gallery.php:70 #: content-image.php:49 #: content-image.php:58 #: content-link.php:35 #: content-quote.php:44 #: content-quote.php:54 #: content-single.php:33 #: content-single.php:36 #: content-video.php:47 #: content-video.php:56 #: content.php:51 #: content.php:63 msgid ", " msgstr "," #: content-aside.php:30 #: content-featured.php:23 #: content-gallery.php:52 #: content-image.php:30 #: content-intro.php:18 #: content-link.php:27 #: content-page.php:18 #: content-quote.php:36 #: content-single.php:27 #: content-status.php:49 #: content-video.php:28 #: content.php:42 #: image.php:98 msgid "Pages:" msgstr "Σελίδες:" #: content-aside.php:29 #: content-gallery.php:34 #: content-image.php:29 #: content-link.php:26 #: content-quote.php:35 #: content-status.php:48 #: content-video.php:27 #: content.php:41 #: functions.php:367 msgid "Continue reading " msgstr "Συνέχεια " #: comments.php:74 msgid "Comments are closed." msgstr "Ἡ ὑποβολὴ σχολίων ἔχει κλείσει." #: comments.php:43 #: comments.php:64 msgid "Newer Comments →" msgstr "Νεότερα σχόλια →" #: comments.php:42 #: comments.php:63 msgid "← Older Comments" msgstr "← Παλαιότερα σχόλια" #: comments.php:41 #: comments.php:62 msgid "Comment navigation" msgstr "Πλοήγηση στὰ σχόλια" #: comments.php:17 msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments." msgstr "Αὐτὸ τὸ ἄρθρο προστατεύεται μὲ συνθηματικὸ κωδικό. Εἰσάγετέ τον γιὰ νὰ δεῖτε τυχὸν σχόλια." #: category.php:19 msgid "Category Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα κατηγορίας: %s" #: author.php:60 #: content-single.php:66 msgid "About %s" msgstr "Περὶ τοῦ/τῆς: %s" #: author.php:29 msgid "Author Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα συγγραφέως: %s " #: archive.php:61 #: author.php:90 #: category.php:63 #: index.php:41 #: tag.php:64 msgid "Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post." msgstr "Λυπούμεθα, ἀλλὰ δὲν ὑπῆρξαν ἀποτελέσματα γιὰ τὸ αἰτηθέν ἀρχεῖο. Ἴσως μιὰ ἀναζήτηση θὰ βοηθοῦσε νὰ βρεῖτε ἕνα σχετικὸ ἄρθρο." #: archive.php:57 #: author.php:86 #: category.php:59 #: index.php:37 #: search.php:44 #: tag.php:60 msgid "Nothing Found" msgstr "Οὑδὲν εὑρέθη!" #: archive.php:31 msgid "Blog Archives" msgstr "Ἀρχεῖα ἱστολογίου" #: archive.php:29 msgctxt "yearly archives date format" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" #: archive.php:29 msgid "Yearly Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἐτήσια Ἀρχεῖα: %s" #: archive.php:27 msgctxt "monthly archives date format" msgid "F Y" msgstr "F Y" #: archive.php:27 msgid "Monthly Archives: %s" msgstr "Μηνιαία Ἀρχεῖα: %s " #: archive.php:25 msgid "Daily Archives: %s" msgstr "Ἡμερήσια ἀρχεῖα: %s" #. translators: %1$s: smilie #: 404.php:36 msgid "Try looking in the monthly archives. %1$s" msgstr "Προσπαθῆστε νὰ ψάξετε στὰ μηνιαῖα ἀρχεῖα. %1$s" #: 404.php:28 msgid "Most Used Categories" msgstr "Οἱ πιὸ χρησιμοποιημένες κατηγορίες" #: 404.php:21 msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching, or one of the links below, can help." msgstr "Μᾶλλον δὲν μποροῦμε νὰ βροῦμε αὐτὸ ποὺ θέλετε. Ἴσως βοηθοῦσε μία ἀναζήτηση ἢ ἕνας ἀπὸ τοὺς παρακάτω συνδέσμους." #: 404.php:17 msgid "This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?" msgstr "Αὐτὸ εἶναι λίγο περίεργο, ἢ μήπως ὄχι;"