.a8c-template-editor { @media (min-width: 600px) { .block-editor-block-list__layout .block-editor-block-list__block[data-align="full"] .block-editor-block-list__layout .block-editor-block-list__block[data-align="full"] { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } } // Match margins for template parts rendered in the page and template part editor view. .block-editor-block-list__block-edit { [data-block] { margin: 12px 0 0 0; } } } .template-block { .fse-template-part { padding: #{map-deep-get($config-global, "spacing", "unit")}; @include media(mobile) { padding: #{map-deep-get($config-global, "spacing", "vertical")} 0; } figure.fse-site-logo { width: auto; } // Hide the (+) icons when rendering the Template Part block inside the Page editor. .block-list-appender { display: none; } // Remove the top margin if the Site Title block is the first in a column block .wp-block-column .block-editor-block-list__layout [data-type='a8c/site-title']:first-child .site-title { margin-top: 0; } } } .fse-template-part { .wp-block-cover, .wp-block-cover-image { .site-title, .site-description { background: transparent; color: inherit; } } .block-editor-block-list__layout .block-editor-block-list__block[data-align='full'] > .block-editor-block-list__block-edit figure.fse-site-logo { width: auto; } // Make sure each column in a Columns block is max width, so that nested FSE blocks can behave as expected. .wp-block-column { width: 100%; } // Remove large margins on column children when used in a template part. .wp-block-columns .wp-block-column { & > * { margin: 0 0 5px 0; } } @import '../components/header/site-main-navigation'; .main-navigation { text-align: center; .alignwide, .alignfull { width: 100%; } @import "../base/extends"; .button { @extend %button-style } .main-menu.footer-menu li { a { font-size: inherit; } &.menu-item-has-children > a::after { font-size: 0.6em; vertical-align: middle; } } .has-text-color > .main-menu.footer-menu > li > a { color: inherit; } .has-text-align-left > .main-menu.footer-menu { justify-content: flex-start; } .has-text-align-center > .main-menu.footer-menu { justify-content: center; } .has-text-align-right > .main-menu.footer-menu { justify-content: flex-end; } .has-background > .main-menu.footer-menu { padding: #{map-deep-get($config-global, "spacing", "unit")}; } } } // Remove top margin/padding from the header if the first block is .alignfull @include media(mobile) { .a8c-template-editor.fse-header .block-editor-block-list__layout > .block-editor-block-list__block { &.is-selected:first-child[data-align='full'] > .block-editor-block-list__block-edit > [data-block] { margin-top: 14px; } &:not(.is-selected):first-child[data-align='full'] > .block-editor-block-list__block-edit > [data-block] { margin-top: 0; } } } .template-block .fse-header .block-editor-block-list__layout > .block-editor-block-list__block:first-child[data-align='full'] { margin-top: -16px; @include media(mobile) { margin-top: -32px; } } .post-content__block { margin-bottom: 160px; margin-top: 36px; // Minimum z-index to appear above the Template block overlay. // @see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/f198997e2c8e377423beb230ce5283914076d396/packages/block-editor/src/components/block-list/style.scss#L495-L496 // @see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/f198997e2c8e377423beb230ce5283914076d396/assets/stylesheets/_z-index.scss#L8 z-index: 20; }