themename = "Vigilance"; $this->themeurl = ""; $this->shortname = "V"; $directory = get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); /* OPTION TYPES: - checkbox: name, id, desc, std, type - radio: name, id, desc, std, type, options - text: name, id, desc, std, type - colorpicker: name, id, desc, std, type - select: name, id, desc, std, type, options - textarea: name, id, desc, std, type, options */ $this->options = array( array( "name" => __('Navigation', 'vigilance'), "type" => "subhead", 'hidden' => true), array( "name" => __('Exclude specific pages', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_pages_to_exclude", "desc" => __('The page ID of pages you do not want displayed in your navigation menu. Use a comma-delimited list, eg. 1,2,3.

Note: this theme now offers a fully customizable menu. To enable go to AppearanceMenus.', 'vigilance'), "std" => '', "type" => "text"), array( "name" => __('Color Scheme', 'vigilance'), "type" => "subhead"), array( "name" => __( 'Base Color Scheme', 'vigilance' ), "id" => $this->shortname."_base_color_scheme", "desc" => __( 'Choose your base color scheme', 'vigilance' ), "std" => "Light", "type" => "radio", "options" => array( "Light" => __( 'Light', 'vigilance' ), "Dark" => __( 'Dark', 'vigilance' ) ) ), array( "name" => __('Customize colors', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_background_css", "desc" => __('If enabled your theme will use the colors you choose below.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "Disabled", "type" => "select", "options" => array( "Disabled" => __('Disabled', 'vigilance'), "Enabled" => __('Enabled', 'vigilance'))), array( "name" => __('Background color', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_background_color", "desc" => __('Use hex values and be sure to include the leading #.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "#a39c8a", "type" => "colorpicker"), array( "name" => __('Border color', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_border_color", "desc" => __('Use hex values and be sure to include the leading #.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "#9a927f", "type" => "colorpicker"), array( "name" => __('Link color', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_link_color", "desc" => __('Use hex values and be sure to include the leading #.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "#772124", "type" => "colorpicker"), array( "name" => __('Link hover color', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_hover_color", "desc" => __('Use hex values and be sure to include the leading #.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "#58181b", "type" => "colorpicker"), array( "name" => __('Disable hover background images', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_image_hover", "desc" => __('Check this box if you use custom link colors and do not want the default red showing when a user hovers over the comments bubble or the sidebar menu items.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "false", "type" => "checkbox"), array( "name" => __('Alert Box', 'vigilance'), "type" => "subhead"), array( "name" => __('Alert Box on/off switch', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_alertbox_state", "desc" => __('Toggle the alert box on or off.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "Off", "type" => "select", "options" => array( "Off" => __('Off', 'vigilance'), "On" => __('On', 'vigilance'))), array( "name" => __('Alert Title', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_alertbox_title", "desc" => __('The heading for your alert.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "Your Alert Header", "type" => "text"), array( "name" => __('Alert Message', 'vigilance'), "id" => $this->shortname."_alertbox_content", "desc" => __('A special alert message that is shown on the front page of your site.', 'vigilance'), "std" => "Your alert message goes here.", "type" => "textarea", "options" => array( "rows" => "8", "cols" => "70")), ); parent::__construct(); } /* ALL OF THE FUNCTIONS BELOW ARE BASED ON THE OPTIONS ABOVE EVERY OPTION SHOULD HAVE A FUNCTION THESE FUNCTIONS CURRENTLY JUST RETURN THE OPTION, BUT COULD BE REWRITTEN TO RETURN DIFFERENT DATA */ /* NAVIGATION FUNCTIONS */ function excludedPages () { return get_option($this->shortname.'_pages_to_exclude'); } /* ALERTBOX FUNCTIONS */ function alertboxState() { return get_option($this->shortname.'_alertbox_state'); } function alertboxTitle() { return wp_kses_post(get_option($this->shortname.'_alertbox_title')); } function alertboxContent() { return wp_kses_post(wpautop(get_option($this->shortname.'_alertbox_content'))); } /* CSS FUNCTIONS */ function baseColorScheme() { return get_option( $this->shortname.'_base_color_scheme' ); } function backgroundCss() { return get_option( $this->shortname.'_background_css' ); } function backgroundColor() { return $this->check_hash( get_option( $this->shortname.'_background_color' ), '#a39c8a' ); } function borderColor() { return $this->check_hash( get_option( $this->shortname.'_border_color' ), '#9a927f' ); } function linkColor() { return $this->check_hash( get_option( $this->shortname.'_link_color' ), '#772124' ); } function hoverColor() { return $this->check_hash( get_option( $this->shortname.'_hover_color' ), '#58181b' ); } function imageHover() { return get_option( $this->shortname.'_image_hover' ); } /* For CSS color options filter output to make sure data is in the correct format Must be hexadecimal with 3 or 6 characters If not valid, fall back to default value */ function check_hash( $value, $default_value ) { // Validate data format if ( !preg_match( '/^#?([a-f0-9]{3}){1,2}$/i', $value ) ) { if ( empty( $default_value ) ) $default_value = '#000000'; return $default_value; } // If color value doesn't have a hash, add it if ( false === strpos( $value, '#' ) ) $value = '#' . $value; return $value; } } } /* SETTING EVERYTHING IN MOTION */ if (class_exists('Vigilance')) { global $vigilance; $vigilance = new Vigilance(); } ?>