Vintage Camera is a snazzy microblogging theme for the camera enthusiast. Vintage Camera supports all WordPress post formats and includes six different theme styles--Brownie, Diana, Polaroid, Sabre, Savoy and K1000 (default). It also supports an optional responsive layout for small screens, custom flyout menus, three widget areas in the footer, custom header and background. As Vintage Camera is designed to be a microblog-style theme, page navigation does not show by default. However, if you'd like page navigation, simply create a custom menu under Appearance -> Menus and assign it to the Navigation area. This will create a navigation bar at the bottom of the site. Google Web fonts used are Sansita One, Alegreya and Trochut. Camera illustrations included with this theme were created by me and licensed under the GPL. For support, please post in the forums at ----- *** Post Format Guidelines *** Also found here: Please read! Vintage Camera is a sleek theme out of the box, but post formats make it shine. It works seamlessly with Crowd Favorite's Post Formats Admin UI (download here: If you don't have or want to use the plugin, you can also use the custom fields (keys and values) noted below. If you don't use the custom fields, whatever you place in the post content area will be displayed instead, however it won't have any special formatting. Here's how to make the most of your microblog with Vintage Camera: --- * Audio Key - _format_audio_embed Value - Embed code or OEmbed URL Insert an OEmbed link or Embed code into the custom field. You may use WordPress' native [audio] embed. When using the [audio] shortcode, this format works best: [audio|bgcolor=FFFFFF] Where is the path to your (MP3) audio file and FFFFFF is a hex color value that most closely matches the background color of your chosen theme style. For more information on how to use WordPress audio embeds, follow the guide here: --- * Video - Key - _format_video_embed Value - Embed code or OEmbed URL Insert an OEmbed link or Embed code into the custom field. For more information on embedding video in WordPress, look here: --- * Image - Set a Featured Image, and if provided, the post title will become the image caption. --- * Gallery - Simply insert your WordPress gallery into the content area. Your blog index page will display the first three images in the gallery followed by the post title, which links to the full gallery. --- * Chat - Paste a chat transcript into the content area. --- * Link - Key - _format_link_url Value - Link URL The post title will be displayed as the link text. Additional content will be displayed underneath. --- * Quote - Key - _format_quote_source_name Value - Name of the quote's source (optional) Key - _format_quote_source_url Value - Link to the source (optional) Simply put the text you want to quote in the content area of your post. Optionally, you can add the name of the source and a link in the custom fields above. The quote is displayed in a blockquote format, set apart from your other posts. No post title is displayed. --- * Aside - Similar to a Facebook update. Paste your aside into the content area and the text will appear centered in a fancier font. No post title is displayed. --- * Status - Similar to a Twitter post. Paste your status update into the content area; the text will appear with a timestamp. No post title is displayed. ----- Version history: v2.3 - Adds support for new WP 3.4 features. v2.2.2 - Cleaned up header CSS functions v2.2.1 - Minor bug fixes and CSS tweaks. Improvements to admin custom header display. New color scheme, Savoy. Changed default color scheme to K1000. Added PO file. v2.2 - Color and general fixes for IE8+ v2.1.3 - Bug fix for admin custom header style. v2.1.2 - Minor CSS tweaks. v2.1.1 - Fixed bug with custom header v2.1 - New responsive layout option and minor CSS tweaks. v2.0.5 - Minor fix to image extension for certain theme styles. v2.0.4 - Added multiple screenshots to show each of the different theme styles. v2.0.3 - Minor fixes as per review for WordPress themes repository. v2.0.2 - Removed extraneous code in page.php v2.0.1 - Bug fix to correctly apply default settings upon theme activation v2.0 - Rebuilt on Automattic's _s framework. v1.0.4 - Fixed minor CSS issue with attachment pages. Removed "breadcrumbs", subpage links list and back-to-previous-page links from page.php (this should be optional plugin functionality). Added translation support files. v1.0.3 - Fixed translation functions in contextual help menus. v1.0.2 - Added a PayPal donation button to the Theme Options with ability to hide it if desired. Added a contextual help menu to the Theme Options screen with a brief description of the theme options and a link to the support forums. v1.0.1 - Updated WordPress tags, updated readme.txt with URL to HTML about page, added new body font, Alegreya. v1.0 - Hello world!