=== Wilson === Contributors: Anders Norén Tags: black, blue, dark, white, red, two-columns, left-sidebar, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, custom-menu, featured-images, editor-style, flexible-header, infinite-scroll, microformats, post-formats, sticky-post, rtl-language-support, site-logo, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog, clean, minimal, modern Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 3.9 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: license.txt == Description == Wilson is a clean, simple and bold theme for personal sites and blogs. Make it your own with a custom header image or a Gravatar. Plus, use Post Formats to highlight your content, add a custom menu or take advantage of three widget areas. == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the Add New button. 2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Theme Options = = Where can I add widgets? = Wilson includes three optional widget areas: a sidebar alongside your content, and two sidebars in the footer. Configure these areas by going to Appearance > Widgets in your Dashboard. = Does Wilson use featured images? = Yes, featured images are displayed above the post title and featured images on "sticky" posts have "Featured" on the upper right of the image. = Does Wilson support Post Formats? = Wilson supports Aside, Image, Video, Quote, Link post formats. Each is denoted with unique styles. Image and Video post content appears before the post title on blog index and archive views. Link formatted post titles will link directly to the first link found in the post content. = Social Link Menu = Wilson supports a Social Links Menu, giving you an easy way for your site visitors to discover your social profiles. See: http://en.support.wordpress.com/menus/social-links-menu/ Wilson features these icons: WordPress Facebook Twitter Dribbble Google Plus Pinterest GitHub Tumblr YouTube Flickr Vimeo Instagram Codepen LinkedIn WordPress RSS links (that end in /feed/) Email links = Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels) = 1. The main column width is 788. 2. The Primary Sidebar is 32 percent of total width. 371 at widest. 3. The Footer column widths will adjust depending on the number of active sidebars: a. 1 active = 788 b. 2 active = 304 each == Changelog == = 1.15-wpcom - January 15, 2015 - Initial release